What Would You Like In A Brew Controller

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Hey guys, as my brewery is nearly completed I just need to build a controller system. I have the necessary electronic/programming skills to do so, but I was wondering if anyone had any ideas of what features would be useful to implement into the controller.

If I am impressed by my own brew controller than I may offer it as a kit to AHB'ers so your great ideas would come back to benefit you (hopefully!)

Cheers :)
Pre-start time setup (for electric)
mash in, mash out, boil length and also hop addition count down and alarm timer
Ability to be able to calibrate your Controller to the system for "Time till boil" (need to include system and height above sea level for calibrations )
Pre-set step times but with flexibility to change on the fly
Ability to turn valves and pumps on and off with % flow control or variable speed for both pumps and valves
Liquid level amounts
Output to graphs to show ramp up and down times for temp Vs Current (If electric) for comparison and ability to slow speeds down if raising temps to quickly
Wireless with easily controlled web interface

Thats just quickly off the top of my head and im sure theres at least a dozen more you could come up with

Wish i had the knowledge to be able to even righ thte first line of code for this
Good luck to you :p

Hey guys, as my brewery is nearly completed I just need to build a controller system. I have the necessary electronic/programming skills to do so, but I was wondering if anyone had any ideas of what features would be useful to implement into the controller.

If I am impressed by my own brew controller than I may offer it as a kit to AHB'ers so your great ideas would come back to benefit you (hopefully!)

Cheers :)

audible warning alarm and flashing light to remind me to be wearing my lucky underpants when i'm brewing.
Why don't you work up some stuff for this brewtroller [post="0"]here[/post].


Nice list Troopa :)
If you were going down the automation path then I guess the things that remain variable and can get you unstuck on the day are things like :

Strike temprature depending on ambient temprature
Reduced Flow rate from stuck sparges.

If you come up with some novel ideas (read cheaper than industrial flowmeters) on how to monitor and cater for these sorts of variables then that would be awesome.

Good luck with it bloke :)
Hi Sera,
What I would love is a kit with:
3 or 4 SSRs (for driving HLT element, March pump, Heat exhanger/RIMS element and maybe electric kettle be that resistive element or induction heating)
5 or 6 channels for the temp controlers (or just the 1 wire protocol for the DS18x20's)
6 or 7 channels for controling 12V DC motors or solenoids. (I thing that should be enough for most of the valves in the brewery)
A channel for controlling a stepper motor (for a hop dropper if I wanted to add one)
Maybe a couple of channels for flow meter data (like the ones someone found in a jaycar catalogue recently)
Serial interface (preferably to a python library, but I wouldn't mind programing that myself). I'd probably achieve that via a USB to serial converter though. I'd want the laptop on the other side of the garage away from the wet area (For some reason I'd rather drive it all from the laptop rather than building an embeded solution)

I'd probably want to integrate the data from this system with data from a wii balance board under the mash tun (I don't know how good the jaycar flow meters are but I can't think of a better way of measuring strike ratio than buying a prepackaged load sensor like the balance board and hooking up with bluetooth)

If I could buy it all as a kit, for a reasonable price I'd jump at it in a second. Building it on a breadboard compared to buying someone elses PCB doesn't have the same appeal it did a few years ago.
Strike temprature depending on ambient temprature

I use temperature of the grain for my automated system when calculating strike temp seems to work well

void calcstrike()	// used for calculating the strike temperature of the brewing liquor pre mash



 int tempofgrain = currenttemp2>>4;  // Temperature of grain, this is grabbed via the tempature sensor inside the Mashun


 striketemp = (targetmashtemp + 0.4 * (targetmashtemp - tempofgrain) / graintowaterratio) + fudgefactor;   

thanks so much guys, i will review all that has been suggested and see how things go.. once again much appreciated.. hopefully i will be silent (and labourious!) for a bit now.. :)

keep em' comin if you got em ;)
While WortObject.CurrentEfficency(<80, , ,)

Manual intervention / over-ride / fine tuning
PID loops inc auto-tune (http://www.vandelogt.nl/htm/regelen_pid_uk.htm)
ability to ramp/soak
multiple temp sensor types eg different thermocouples, RTD, therminstor, DS1820 (some of the 1's i've seen only allow 1 type)
multiple input types eg temp, flow, weight
multiple input types eg N/O, N/C, current loop
multiple output types eg multiple input types eg SSR, N/C, N/C, current loop
Ability to store multiple "recipes" &/or processes eg single infusion or step mash
web interfact to control
Simple to use / program ie a non programmer should be able to use the GUI to greate / edit processes

Checkout the following for ideas or to save yourself re-inventing the wheel:
BCS-460 controller http://www.embeddedcontrolconcepts.com/ it can be managed via your iphone using http://software.druidhillroad.com/Site/Brew_Buddy.html
Brewtroller http://www.brewtroller.com/
thx croz taking it all on board.. most of the more 'radical' ideas i had/have already implemented include some of the more esoteric ones on the current suggestions so i must be on the right track.
forgot to add various output control methods eg PWM or duty cycle
yep, already on the list, plus sensible pwm width adjustment (with a really long pwm width you essentially end up at at a duty-cycle style system
Look up BCS-460 control system. Great versitle and accurate brewery control system.
I have thought about this before too.

Am even happy to offer you the source code to the brewbot.

For full automation at least, the trouble is that the hardware that people want to use is so different. And everyone has a favourite configuration. HERMS, RIMS, gravity fed parts, one pump, two pumps, solenoids, pneumatics, electric actuators, 240v 10A elements, 240v 15A elements, 110v yanks, gas fired solenoid and ignitors, digital temp probes, resistive temp probes, all manner of water level sensors, mash stirrers, and flow sensors.

Some will want big touch screens and flashy graphics. Data logging. Integration with their PC brewing software. Remote control. Clean in place.

And there is no way you get the firmware right for all combinations, so you would need to provide an idiot proof way of providing it and the user updating.

There is a very wide gap between a custom solution and generic solution.

And the tinkers who can, probably already have enough know-how to do it.

You would end up providing tech support to people that range from know-it-all types, to enough-clue-to-be-dangerous, to can't-even-wire-up-a-mashmaster-fridge-controller.

I would hate to think about some idiot electrocuting himself because of something I made.

And lets face it, most homebrewers are pretty tight-arse, so they would want all that pretty cheap. If you are qualified enough to put half of this together you probably already earn top dollar or should be - this is not going to make you rich.

I know for me I'd prefer to keep tinkering with my own solution, helping my mates with theirs, just as a a fun hobby.

But enough "stop energy", that is what I brainstormed for me, if you think it is worth a go, more power to you.
water level sensors to automatically stop filling the HLT when it's full, I keep wandering off and getting distracted and coming back to an overflowing HLT :/
Thanks zizzle for the comments.

I agree that full automation can be tricky with due to the variations in hardware that people utilize. Because of this, I am planning to offer a wide range of options but on a select style of hardware. For instance, with temperature sensing, we generally have thermocouples, NTC's, and digital interfaces. I will cater for all three of these, but though a specific thermocouple driver, but you can use any thermocouple you want within the specs (type-k as a requirement, for instance). For NTC's, as long as the ambient temp resistance is a particular value you can use any actual model you want. For the digital stuff, I plan to use SPI/TWI, and as such once the actual data retrieval is done, I will offer both a cheap and versatile digital temp sensor, but also the option that if someone wants to use a special one, they can contact me and i'd be happy to create a new retrieval sequence. For most new sensors, once the SPI/TWI interface is setup, its just a matter of when the data comes through (at what clock cycle) and this only takes a few minutes to read in the datasheet and implement.

I have already implemented touch screen functionality and flashy graphics are on the way, with computer-interfaced plus a "computerless" system which relies on a nice big 4-line text lcd which I have already factored into cost (but will be available optionally to give more flexibility to the user)

I agree there is no way to get the firmware right for all combinations which is why I'm currently planning to make a system which relies on a slightly higher level implementation of code, such that basic firmware only handles direct hardware access and the rest is trivial for the average user to implement. Also I will be providing a "wizard" style GUI for "simple mode users" and also access to the full host of options for advanced users. User updating of the system has been a big consideration for me, and have already designed the project plan to include the cheapest, most flexible way of updating software, which users can do over the internet by themselves, or for a very minimal fee can send back a small external device to update the system (the MCU unit will actually fetch its code from a cheap SD card which is easy to remove and mail back,and also provides recepie storage for the user, which is transferrable to other units should a user go to a mate's place with the same setup).
I plan to provide excellent documentation, even instructional videos on how to hook simple things up, and for those that want to step outside the hardware options sold on my site, must fend for themselves (though im happy to help in my spare time).

The bottom line about your comment about electrocution is that this device will be somewhere between a full product and a kit. Regardless of where you go in the realm of brewing controls, you find that there is an element of high/mains voltage, and this is the users responsibility to ensure is wired up correctly.

I don't expect this to make me rich, and I understand brewers are fairly efficient/tight with thier money. However I also have learned very quickly that spending what seems a large amount of money on an item that will do exactly everything I need is often cheaper than trying to rig up a second grade solution. Just as others have tried to find replacement March pumps, the march has always won, and im sure that the vast majority of march pump owners have said that dispite the price tag it has been a danm good investment. I wish to market my device (if it actually makes it to market) in the same category. Very high quality and service, with a respectable price tag.

The motto for my system is "the affordable rolls royce of brew controllers". Even if the base unit comes out at about $200, the features available, the labour time saved and the flexibility of the system, plus the quality of the workmanship, I believe, would influence serious home brewers into purchasing one. I have also considered making a "light" version of the unit which is essentially as cheap as possible but nowhere near as many features, if people want to get their feet wet on the lower-end of the financial scale.

Also I am highly supportive of you tinkering with your own solution - it is the same reason i am tinkering with mine, and for those that want to make their own systems, I am totally welcoming of that. :)

Bottom line is, I will be making one for myself which will double as a market prototype, then I will ask the market if they are interested and such.

Once again thanks for the comments, I didn't find them negative - I found them realistic, which is of utmost importance in considering the success of a marketable product.

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