What Would You Brew For President Obama?

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An Aussie Sparkling Ale?

Melbourne Bitter clone? :icon_vomit:

A black beer of some sort? :rolleyes: :blink:
I wouldn't. I am not that kind of person.
An Aussie Sparkling Ale?

Melbourne Bitter clone? :icon_vomit:

A black beer of some sort? :rolleyes: :blink:

Going on the only report of him drinking beer that I've seen (when I was in the US last year, there was an "incident" between a black uni professor who got arrested for sitting on his own front porch, the President had the prof and the arresting officer over to the White House for a quite "let's all be friends" beer) it would have the be a Bud Lite clone..... The professor had a Red Stripe (Jamaican mega swill) , and the officer had a Sam Adam's Summer Ale IIRC.

So any high rice low alc lageresk alcopop will do. Easy on the hops. :lol:
I wouldn't. I am not that kind of person.

not even one of these?

he seems like more of a white wine spritzer sort of guy... i would probably just offer him one of the wifes west coast coolers
I'd do a Budweiser/Coors clone.

Or just piss in a bottle.

Same, same :p
Brew for him? Pretty sure it's his shout, actually.
A no carb beer, looks the goods but lacks substance.

Sort of reminds you of what it pretends to be, but lacks depth and substance.

Sort of reminds you of what it pretends to be, but lacks depth and substance.

Hey don't knock the only beer for the prego set! or as my lovely sister calls it "not-beer"! :lol:

edit: BTW this marketed to kids in Denmark, seeing beer is such big part of their culture and all, I can remember drinking it from when I was about 3 or 4 till we moved to Oz.....
At the risk of appearing to be taking this thread seriously...

In regards to the claims of a lack of substance - has anyone been paying attention to the news the last few months? It's like he's almost turned them into a real country now. Government trying to take responsibility for it's people's welfare :eek: !!! If they aren't careful they'll even have some sort of support network for the poor soon too. OH NOS - maybe even equitable pay for employees! Friggen communist!
I thought this would be a no brainer....

Anyone for an American Brown Ale???
I'll have a big, bitter glass of casual racism, please.

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