What Setting For My Valley Mill ?

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Batz Brewery...Hand crafted beers from the 'Batcav
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I believe you have one Doc?
I've recieved mine but yet to use it , what setting do you guys use?
Also I have a elecrtic motor that I intend to fit to it as well , anyone motorized their Valley Mill?
I use the finest setting for wheat malt and the second finest setting for everything else.
Note: This produces quite a bit of flour so if you system is prone to stuck sparges then proceed with caution.

I started out with the 9 o'clock setting (about two or three settings off the finest setting) and worked my way up.

As for motorising it, I was going to but didn't have a motor, and have just scored another battery drill.
If motorising it make sure you don't exceed the recommended 300rpm.
I've found the the slower the rpm the better the crush. Your motor will need a bit of torque to process the grain at the slower speeds too.

Thanks Doc,
Stuck sparges should not be a problem for me , I used to get a fair amount of flourly stuff the way I had my Porkett set.
As for the motor , it's 1/3 horse and has a little gearbox , runs under 300RPM , should work a treat
I'll post piccys when that is finished as well , only a couple of million things on the go
I suppose to question I should ask is...do you think it is an advantage to motorize it?
I do only 23Lt brews , still I do have the gear and for me it's not much of a problem to set up
If you have the room to store the mill with the motor etc attached (especially if you are going to use a pully style system) then do it.
I guess it will also give consistancy to the crush too.

Just picked up an issue of BYO magazine that has an article on motorising grain mills. Haven't read it yet though.

Storage is not really a problem , my who set up lives on the back patio up here , when I move I am going to have a nice big shed for it all.
That BYO mag. sounds like it has lots of info , it's not in the shops up here , do you have to order from the US ?
I've picked up issues when I'm in the US. I'm generally there once a year for work.
There are very few newsagents that have in in Oz though.

I got a subscription for xmas so am waiting for the first issue to arrive soon.

Batz said:
...I'll post piccys when that is finished as well , only a couple of million things on the go
Hey Batz,

Where did you get the Valley Mill from? I looked on a Canadian website for it and the sucker costs heaps to freight over here...Did you buy it in Oz?

When is some enterprising Aussie gonna start making good/reliable/cheap brew gear and take a whole market share? :huh:

Looking forward to seeing the piccies when you get it setup.

Got mine from Canada , cost me $58 freight , and about 6 weeks wait
You little beauty! My Barley Crusher just arrived! It walked through the door no less than 5 mins ago. Good solid looking mill-can't wait to fire it up. I'm very happy with it. Bigger than I thought too. Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

Sorry, I know this isn't so relevant to the thread, so I've added that my mill came with a factory setting of 0.039". :)
I would like to compare the Valley and Barley , sounds as if they are very similar
Yep , it's a blast when they finally arrive , got mine the day before xmas

My brother is living in Houston at this time and will visit Oz in July - is the Valley or Barley small enough to squeeze into his suitcase? He may have some room if it isn't too big and it would be a shitload cheaper if I can get one delivered by him!

Have fun with your grain crushers - you lucky b@stards! ;)

i put a posting with dimensions and pics of the barley crusher late last year on this site.quick search should find it.
I emailed Bob from BC products who was fantastic, I sent him probably no fewer that 20 emails trying to sort out questions on size, weight, postage, payment etc. etc., all were replied to quickly and he answered all questions no problems. Fantastic service.

Because I was getting a friend to bring it back also I wanted to be as unobtrusive as possible, so I asked him if he could colapse the hopper (as it come already riveted together and fully assembled) which he was happy to do. This drastically reduced the size of it which makes it easily fit into a suitcase. Mine came back in a laptop bag :).

I also requested that he not bother sending the base plate as that was big and bulky but it cost no extra to send it like this to my friend so he suggested sending the base with it and letting my friend decide if he wanted to bring that part back with him. All I can say is that Bob was fantastic throughout the whole deal. I was running on a fine time line to get the package to my mate before he came back and Bob made sure it was posted on time and it arrive asap.

Hope that shows how happy I am with my purchase.

Best of luck.


Note: This isn't to say the BC is better than the Valley, this is just a recount of my experience with BC Products.
BigD - Sorry, I forgot that - will check it out, thanks for reminding me :)

JD - Looks like Bob was on the job! Is there much work in re-assembling the hopper? If my brother can fit the lot in a laptop bag sized space, I reckon I might be on a goer there...Time isn't a problem here - my brother won't be back here until July.

Six small rivets (1/8"??) are all that is needed and are provided. Easy as pie, especially if you have a rivet gun, if not someone you know will have one they are common. Or you could use six small nuts and bolts. Note: the mill fitted in the laptop bag with the laptop in it as well :) It really doesn't take up much room disassembled, however fully assembled would be a right pain in the A$$.

Hope it works out for you.

Go you little Aussie dollar ($1AUS=$0.768 USD)

Well at work last night I made up a base for my valley mill , this is then bolted to the bucket lid , it will have to be varnished yet.
This is what I intend using until I bulid a stand and motorize this baby.
Brought it home this morning as proud as punch , the wife was'nt excited at all !!!
Post it here , you guys will like to look at it anyway :D
Well I am happy azz with the mill , works better than my porkett , you can proccess a heap of grain way quicker.
Did around 6Kg and will give one of Jayse's Skunk Farts a go , first AG tomorrow , no where near ready really but can't wait any longer , boiler works , mash tun works , have a 20Lt urn that heats up quick.
Big day ahead , wish me luck ! :blink: :blink:
Go Batz go. Good luck. May the force be with you .........
Post some pictures of your brew day.


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