What is this part called?

  • Thread starter Brewnicorn
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Hey brewers,

What's this pictured part called? It's the top of the pump bottle washer (pictured) that stops the bottle sliding down and creates the resistance for the water to shoot up. Looks like a little star and extends out over the edges of the bottle opening.

Point is they're small brittle and **** and break easily and I need another one having already replaced it.

Any help appreciated.

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I had the same problem when I bottled and made a replacement by cutting the shape out of some hard rubber. The 4 legs were a bit bigger for strength and didn't affect the performance. Worked a treat.
I go something from my LHBS that looks like a garden tap adapter(thread part, has external and internal thread) that sits on top and stops the bottle from sliding down.
Works a treat.
I'll post a photo in the morning.
Thanks Gents. I'd thought about even a stainless washer doing the same thing but if will await the pic, thanks Bevan.
Thanks Bevan. Much appreciated. Will be a bit more hard wearing I suspect.
I took a dremel to a stainless steel washer using the original as a rough guide