What Are Your Brewing Plans For 2007?

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I'm with the Belgian (French) crowd, so brewing lots of Belgians, Saisons, Biere de Gardes etc. I am also thinking of going wild and doing a lambic or some other sort of sour beer. :eek: British bitters and APAs/AIPAs are also beckoning. In fact, the more I think of it, the more beers I want to brew.

Get more space for brewing.
Possibly build a stand.
Get the fermentation fridge going.
Have fun with the brew club, brewing increasing unlikely quantities.
Use up my hoard of hops, grains and yeasts (in order to buy even more. :lol: )
Enjoy making and drinking beer as much in 2007 as I have in 2006. :super:
1] Commission the new Brewery.
2] Be able to brew with consistant results.
3] Find my perfect big ale.

That should keep me busy for 07 I reckon :beerbang:


I'll be putting down a peach plambic sometime early in the new year as well as a mulberry tripel.
I'll be putting down a peach plambic sometime early in the new year as well as a mulberry tripel.
Why must you taunt me?

This year I have made mostly smaller beers. Next year I want to make some big beers including another Biere de Garde, a Saison and a ridiculous IPA. I would like to make a straight lambic but it's a long project so I will see how the planning goes for that.
I'm turning Belgian and have decided to brew only Belgian beers forever until the next thing I decide to do forever.

:lol: Something similar but I'm going to be a sour old *******. :beerbang:

Maybe a Flanders Red, Brown and maaayyyybbbeee a Lambic. Time to infect the garage. :D

Warren -
Besides whats in my signature, the first priority is to research & formulate a Scottish Ale. I've been asked to do a talk on the style at a forthcoming club meeting, and our club will be having a fixed recipe 'brew off' of Scottish ales with a mini-comp to be held mid year.

Other priorities are a couple of nice APAs and Golden Ales, some pommy bitter, a rauchbier or three as I have a pile of rauchmalz, and some light & pale quaffers to use up a sack of Galaxy Malt.

Also a couple of sour red or brown ales, some with cherries, to use up the two smack packs of 3763 Roeselare in my frudge.
1. Play with a 25hl brewery every weekend for the next five months at the VLB in Berlin... :p

2. Work in a German brewery.

3. Return home in October and get back into brewing for myself.
Why must you taunt me?

You know I just can't resist.

If you want to play it smart, wait till I've made my lambic and learn from my mistakes. Other than the fruit, I mean.
My plans are to get right into practicing AG....before I go back to UNI mid feb I want to have brewed at least 6 for so more AG's. Whether by BIAB or not the equipment will evolve over that time.

1. Get a 3 ring burner
2. Build mash tun
3. Build HLT
4. Brew a belgian (AG)
5. Brew a smoked Porter (AG)
6. Brew a Euro Pale Lager or Macro Lager for father/father in law
7. Brew an American Double IPA (AG)
8. Make temp controlled fridge
9. Brew a Vienna Lager (AG)
10. Get a PH meter and refractometer
After living in a remote region of oz for soo long and having to pay double the price for a bag of grain my mission in 07 is simple.
Never run out of grain again,brew heaps and not worry about freight costs again except for postage for smaller stuff like hops/yeast etc which isnt much compared to freight to where i used to live.

First up is unpacking the brewery(70% done) and setting it up and sorting out my keg collection etc then go and find a good grain supplier in Perth and go for it.
Also plan on buying a s/s conical.
Other than that brew brew brew.

Big D
oooh and a

Russian Imperial Stout
and chocolate stout..

Oh the possibilities of AG
2 words sum it up for me as to what i wanna do in 2007 with my brewing ...


look out here i come
I think I should work on getting a few beers done. Not sure what they will be, apart from unfiltered and free of chemical additives.

The immediate short term goal would be to brew a beer and give some to Duff, TD & KoNG. It was pointed out to me recently that they haven't ever had anything that I had brewed on the 50 litre set up down stairs.
seems fair as I have been lucky enough to try quite a few of their beers.

Oh thats it, I will brew a big Pilsner!

I finnished work today at 4:30. had to exchange a gift for a more appropriate one at DJs. bloody hell Brisbane city mall is chaos at the moment!!

anyway, I should have brewed a double batch of craft brewed goodness, but alas, laziness got the better of me and I sat idol drinking my delicious dry Irish Stout with the occasional American Wheat for variation. Hosted a bunch of friends and enjoyed some fine ales.

I'm up to Townsville for 4 days tomorrow morning at 800 hours. could have had 40 L of beer fermenting away in my fermentation chest and ready for kegging by the time I get home.

oh well... **Such Is Life** (to the home brewer)
Brew something other than bitter!!. Always seem to brew when the last keg is empty, so i end up doing bitters, coz i like em, and they are drinkable in such a short amount of time. Definately a pils and a kolsch. Then, if im lucky, a wit. Then more bitter hahah
Good Day

american amber ale
weizen dunkel
dry irish stout
dark czech pilsner
bopil (been trying for 9 years with the best being "nice pilsner but needs more hops, malt and complexity")
I am happy, at present, with my helles, vienna/oktoberfest, robust porter, munich dunkel, schwarzbier but everything else needs to improve.
My 2006 in a brewing context has been a bit disappointing to be honest. There have been no real disasters or anything and there have been some really nice beers brewed, but I just feel like I never got into a rhythm, or really nailed a particular style - each beer felt like a new experiment! That's good some of the time, but a bit less uncertainty would be good!

So, for 2007, I want to start trying to refine my main recipes into something that I can brew whenever and know its going to be a pretty much the way I want it.

In terms of equipment, I wouldn't mind getting myself a party keg (if I ever find one for sale!!), and maybe even get a 45L corny too if possible to have a "staple" beer on tap all the time in the fridge for when people visit etc.
brew at least twice a week.
buy 10 more kegs
finish brew stand
find a beer I can replicate every time :blink: as a house beer ..
brew smoked porter and lots of stout for the winter
keep trying new hops
start taking notes I can read

hopefuly save the brewery from the flood s .. :unsure:

attend more QLD AHB events and possiabley a national or interstate event..

and fit in a bit of fishing..

Bring it on in 07..


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