Just bought Cog - Sharing Spaces cd yesterday.Cut Copy - In Ghost Colours
The Presets - Apocalypso
hanging to buy the new Cog album, but need every penny this week for the AHB pub crawl.
Paul's Boutique - Beastie Boys. It must be one the top 10 albums ever.
I must hunt down my copy of the in sound this arvo. Definitely very cool.yeah - definitely up there. some great hip hop coming out back then. Fear of a Black Planet, Black Sunday, hypocrisy is the greatest luxury - all about the same time. I always liked the funky instrumentals on Pauls Boutique and then the later albums so bought "The In Sound From Way Out" last year. If you feel like something mellow its great stuff. Gets a spin a couple of times a month in the car.
Stryper 7 weeks across America
Score! :lol:I caught a Stryper Bible thrown at one of their shows 22 years ago :lol: .
andre rieu