What are you listening to

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LagerBomb said:
Buffalo - circa 1973ish


Classic Aussie rock - If you can get hold of "only want you for you" Better album and Skirt Lifter is a masterpeice of oz hard rock.
One of the most criminally under-rated heavy acts of the 70's, and not just in the context of Australian music. I was one year old when this was released mores-the -pity

No one's done Coloured Balls yet?

Shame the drummer is playing on a different track.
Tell me that song isn't in your head for the next 10 minutes..............................sorry

'Depends what mood I'm in when I'm brewing:

'Could be Mozart, could be Motorhead.
'Could be Pachelbel, could be Pennywise.
'Could be Bach, could be Black Sabbath.

Sometimes, all of the above in succession - it just depends...

I always brew with music in the background & I've often named beers after pieces.

Edit: Currently, Thin Lizzy (GREAT live!!!!).
Sketches is still one of my favourite albums and good to listen to whilst brewing with a few beers.

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It's "Danny-Boy" & I'm just a little-bit Irish...

Well, half-English, half-Irish & half-Australian....go figure...
Fat Bastard said:
One of the most criminally under-rated heavy acts of the 70's, and not just in the context of Australian music. I was one year old when this was released mores-the -pity

No one's done Coloured Balls yet?

Last post was going to be Lobby LLoyd, but posted a song for Billygoat. What about some classic guitar rock. Alvin Lee, saw him play in Tassie once. His biggest most famous wanna be song, never played the same way twice,10 mins of hard rock jamming
Never post drunk
manticle said:
Why not?

thread is called 'what are you listening to?" not "Do you approve of what I'm listening to?"

One in, all in.
Yeah, but it seems that if it isnt obsure, and some weird screaming ****, then it doesnt rate a mention. Seems to a few of us this thread is for a selected few, who think that naming obscure bands is somewhat cool. Get the **** with it fellas. Nothing that you put up here is groundbreaking.You aint smart because you can search utube. Get out and see a live band for **** sake - we did it 30 years ago. Go and live the dream - social interaction aint that bad.
Rock hard, play hard muthas
LagerBomb said:
Yeah, but it seems that if it isnt obsure, and some weird screaming ****, then it doesnt rate a mention. Seems to a few of us this thread is for a selected few, who think that naming obscure bands is somewhat cool. Get the **** with it fellas. Nothing that you put up here is groundbreaking.You aint smart because you can search utube. Get out and see a live band for **** sake - we did it 30 years ago. Go and live the dream - social interaction aint that bad.
Rock hard, play hard muthas
Why do you not think the things you are posting 40 years later are not obscure now, princess?

bum said:
Why do you not think the things you are posting 40 years later are not obscure now, princess?

Because the **** that you post now is just as obscure. New today does not make it better, just newer. The reason that that the music that you like today is here is because somebody like Billy Thorpe had the balls to stand up and say " Get a dog up ya" Much easier today as respect is a thing of the past.
Princess - couldnt give a **** for that - how about live through being an original punk rocker - late 70's, fight your way out of a pub, scrap till you bleed for your music - **** it you blokes make me sick. Who cares if its 40 years old - good music is good music - "Get a dog up ya"
LagerBomb said:
Because the **** that you post now is just as obscure.
Yes. Exactly my point. You're the only one going on about obscurity.

Approve BIG-time!

I was told I couldn't see these guys live 'cos I had an exam the next day & I cracked-it at my Mum!

I passed the exam, but missed-out on seeing these guys with Paul Dianno. Grrrrr!!!
Lagerbomb - people post all sorts of stuff in this thread, myself included. I think you're taking it too seriously and assuming way too much about many who post here regularly.
Just post what you enjoy and forget the rest. I do.
The "like" was for the "post what you enjoy and forget the rest" bit.

Well, not "forget", click it - you might find something you dig. I do (sometimes).