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.. at the moment im doing a Chocolate Stout - added about 500g of cocoa to it - hopefully a lot of the oil comes out ont he top (not sure if it does) and doesnt go in at rackign..though, man, it tastes fine. Really have to rack it - racking tube got mould in it from improper clean and dont ahve anyw ayt o clean it! Stout has been in for three weeks now in primary! Ahh...

Put down a Pale Ale last ngiht, thing hasnt started off yet even with a big starter...probably a leak somewhere methinks.

Next up? Blueberry Wezien .... and my first Wit - and, I may have a source for curacao oranges here in Perth :D ... ive been searching for ages ... will let you all know if it pans out ;)
You still throwin down ye ole kits Stevo?

I've gone off them for the moment which is dangerous in case I am buggering my partials!!!!

This weekend a partial American Pale Ale.

3.6kg Ale Malt.
0.4kg Wheat Malt.
90g of Cascade
US56 dried yeast.

Yeah DC - its been sitting on the shelf for 3 weeks feeling very forgotten. I still love me 3kg ESB APA's. 5 mins to make, 5 days to brew, 5 days to drink :super:

Did plenty of the ole paint tins, especially the ESB Australian draught and your right the quickness of time is great and its a second to none taste, though I am rather sad to admit it some of the all grains from my XMAS swap have topped anything I did with kits, bloody nice! But kits arent as far behind as have been made out.
Just put down a triple today, my first attempt at one. Just undecided about ferment temp using T-58, I have it at 20C ATM and will probably bring it up to 25C or so after krausen. Got the idea for rising temp from the latest BYO mag.

Cheers, Andrew.
ok got my raspberry wheat just about ready to bottle after a week or so ccing will do that soon. also put down a grumpies stella pride and a honey ginger beer as well
In the morning I'll be doing an "Andrew's IPA" same as the one I presented for the AHB QLD xmas in july swap. Looking forward to the smell of the mash hops lingering around the tun.


.. at the moment im doing a Chocolate Stout - added about 500g of cocoa to it - hopefully a lot of the oil comes out ont he top (not sure if it does) and doesnt go in at rackign..though, man, it tastes fine. Really have to rack it - racking tube got mould in it from improper clean and dont ahve anyw ayt o clean it! Stout has been in for three weeks now in primary! Ahh...

Put down a Pale Ale last ngiht, thing hasnt started off yet even with a big starter...probably a leak somewhere methinks.

Next up? Blueberry Wezien .... and my first Wit - and, I may have a source for curacao oranges here in Perth :D ... ive been searching for ages ... will let you all know if it pans out ;)

regarding your cleaning. i bought a cleaning/sterilizing agent from a brew shop that is a mix of sodium hydroxide (a caustic solution) and rinsing agents. Best thing i ever done. After bottling/kegging brew put 100mls of it in fermenter, fill fermenter with water an throw all other apparatus in the keg. No scrubbing anything! leave it sit overnite and drainout. Clean as a whistle with no work required. I bought it from Homebrewers warehouse in Townsville QLD, but someone else might sell something similar
This sunday I will be doing my first all grain...aarrrrgggghhhhhh :blink:
Ive chosen AndrewQLDs Vienna lager from the recipe section. :beer:
Picking up my 50litre kettle, 3 ring burner n stuff tomorrow. :beerbang:
Best of luck Steve, looking forward to hearing about your first effort into the darkside.
Great stuff, Steve. Go for it. :super:

I've been doing a brew while I work today (?) and it's just going into the fermenter. An easy drinking all-Amarillo APA. The hops smelled wonderful (this update is brought to you by Ross :lol: ). Using dry yeast for the first time in a while, US56. Seems like a nice beer for the summer weather we have today. :blink:
Great stuff, Steve. Go for it. :super:

I've been doing a brew while I work today (?) and it's just going into the fermenter. An easy drinking all-Amarillo APA. The hops smelled wonderful (this update is brought to you by Ross :lol: ). Using dry yeast for the first time in a while, US56. Seems like a nice beer for the summer weather we have today. :blink:

Cheers Drew - will post pics of the spectacle!!!
Stuster - half yer luck mate. Theres nothing worse than people telling me that they are brewing whilst im sat here doing bugger all apart from wishing I was at home drinking beer ;) The US56 is sensational. My favourite yeast.

Go for it Steve. May the brew gods be with you.

I'm brewing an Imperial Pilsner with a few brew club members this weekend. OG 1.088 103 IBU's.

Go for it Steve. May the brew gods be with you.

I'm brewing an Imperial Pilsner with a few brew club members this weekend. OG 1.088 103 IBU's.


103 IBUS? Jeezus - you'll need lead tongues. :D
Theres nothing worse than people telling me that they are brewing whilst im sat here doing bugger all apart from wishing I was at home drinking beer

Not even pictures of beer? :lol:

Just so it makes you feel better, I'll be doing some work tomorrow afternoon to make up for it, so I'll be working while you are doing your brew then. :angry:
Theres nothing worse than people telling me that they are brewing whilst im sat here doing bugger all apart from wishing I was at home drinking beer

Not even pictures of beer? :lol:

Just so it makes you feel better, I'll be doing some work tomorrow afternoon to make up for it, so I'll be working while you are doing your brew then. :angry:

:lol: pictures of beer makes it even worse thank you very much. Have fun working tomorrow!
Go for it Steve. May the brew gods be with you.

I'm brewing an Imperial Pilsner with a few brew club members this weekend. OG 1.088 103 IBU's.


103 IBUS? Jeezus - you'll need lead tongues. :D

Nah, that is just a baby beer compared to the Hop Whompus @ 179 IBU's.

Go for it Steve. May the brew gods be with you.

I'm brewing an Imperial Pilsner with a few brew club members this weekend. OG 1.088 103 IBU's.


103 IBUS? Jeezus - you'll need lead tongues. :D

Nah, that is just a baby beer compared to the Hop Whompus @ 179 IBU's.



Well while we're all unzipping, getting them out and measuring, the Pliny tops the lot at 289 IBU's :beerbang:

Steve, good luck Sunday, you're now a real brewer :lol:

And I thought 70 was high!

Atm Im doing a beerscab Bitter
1 can coopers real ale
whatever dribs and drabs of hops and crystal malts left over
250g of dextrose
20lt 1.036 35IBU
coopers yeast.
They usually turn out all right

Trying to work out whether to put another batch on, the bohemian pilsner is down to 1020 so another day or two and it gets racked and lagered. I'm thinking of either an aussie ale style one or a mad-ass experiment into belgians like:

3.5kg JW trad ale
0.5kg JW Pilsner
0.1kg Melanoidin
0.1kg Crystal
0.125kg Carapils
1kg Candi

(couldn't get any special B/cara-aroma)

Some FWH with and some late saaz/tettnang/EKG to 20IBU

making to 19L should turn out about 1.075 OG, 8% alc or so, with some WLP530 (sounds like a crazy yeast - westmalle/westvlerten supposedly). Doing a double decoction too so i can get good efficiency.

Has anyone noticed that the style guidelines for belgians basically mean that you can do anything?
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