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First off the rank today.

Guten Morgen
Type: All Grain
Batch Size (fermenter): 22.00 l
Boil Size: 31.09 l Asst Brewer:
Boil Time: 60 min Equipment: Pot and Cooler (10 Gal/37.8 L) - All Grain
End of Boil Volume 26.82 l Brewhouse Efficiency: 72.00 %
Final Bottling Volume: 19.16 l Est Mash Efficiency 84.4 %
Fermentation: Ale, Two Stage
Amt Name Type # %/IBU
2.20 kg Wheat Malt (Barrett Burston) (3.0 EBC) Grain 2 50.0 %
2.20 kg Pale Malt (Barrett Burston) (3.9 EBC) Grain 1 50.0 %
11.00 g Hallertauer, New Zealand [8.50 %] - Boil 60.0 min Hop 3 10.3 IBUs
12.00 g Perle [8.00 %] - Boil 10.0 min Hop 5 3.5 IBUs
0.29 tsp Kopperfloc (Boil 10.0 mins) Fining 4 -
1.22 tsp Yeast Nutrient (Primary 3.0 days) Other 7 -
1.0 pkg Safbrew Wheat (DCL/Fermentis #WB-06) [50.28 ml] Yeast 6 -
Mango juice concentrate @ secondary

Beer Profile

Est Original Gravity: 1.045 SG
Est Final Gravity: 1.012 SG
Estimated Alcohol by Vol: 4.3 %
Bitterness: 13.8 IBUs Calories: 427.1 kcal/l
Est Color: 5.5 EBC
Fermentation: Ale, Two Stage

Hmmm, breakfast.

Well, that was the plan until the mashmaster controlling the HLT stopped working :(
Bummer, I didn't wire that one did I?
Brewed the Bo Pils from the classic styles book yesterday. I think I'm destined to forever not have clear wort out of the kettle, the Saaz smelt amazing though
Bummer, I didn't wire that one did I?

No, you are in the clear. I'll pull it out and have a look, hopefully somethings just come loose :unsure: .
Doing an english IPA. I'm going to do half as the recipe, the other half I will do a mini boil instead of the cube hopping to see what differences you end up with.

English IPA

Recipe Specs
Batch Size (L): 40.0
Total Grain (kg): 9.650
Total Hops (g): 220.00
Original Gravity (OG): 1.057 (P): 14.0
Final Gravity (FG): 1.014 (P): 3.6
Alcohol by Volume (ABV): 5.60 %
Colour (SRM): 12.6 (EBC): 24.9
Bitterness (IBU): 54.2 (Average)
Brewhouse Efficiency (%): 75
Boil Time (Minutes): 60

Grain Bill
3.500 kg Pale Ale Malt (36.27%)
2.700 kg Maris Otter Malt (27.98%)
2.000 kg Vienna (20.73%)
1.000 kg Biscuit (10.36%)
0.150 kg Caraaroma (1.55%)
0.150 kg Caramunich II (1.55%)
0.150 kg Special-B (1.55%)

Hop Bill
50.0 g Pride of Ringwood Pellet (9% Alpha) @ 60 Minutes (Boil) (1.2 g/L)
30.0 g Fuggles Pellet (4% Alpha) @ 20 Minutes (Boil) (0.8 g/L)
20.0 g Pacific Gem Pellet (15% Alpha) @ 20 Minutes (Boil) (0.5 g/L)
50.0 g Challenger Pellet (6.5% Alpha) @ 15 Minutes (Cube) (1 g/L)
50.0 g Fuggles Pellet (4% Alpha) @ 15 Minutes (cube) (1 g/L)
40.0 g Styrian Golding Pellet (3.8% Alpha) @ 4 Days (Dry Hop) (1 g/L)

Misc Bill
2.0 g Calcium Chloride @ 0 Minutes (Mash)
5.0 g Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate) @ 0 Minutes (Mash)

Single step Infusion at 66C for 75 Minutes.
Fermented at 20C with 1187

Recipe Generated with BrewMate
Brewed this on the Australia Day BBQ and Brew Day:

Recipe: Rainy Day Bitter
Style: 8A-English Pale Ale-Standard/Ordinary Bitter

Recipe Overview

Wort Volume Before Boil: 55.00 l
Wort Volume After Boil: 44.00 l
Volume Transferred: 42.00 l
Final Batch Volume: 40.00 l
Expected Pre-Boil Gravity: 1.031 SG
Expected OG: 1.038 SG
Expected FG: 1.012 SG
Expected ABV: 3.5 %
Expected IBU (using Tinseth): 26.8
Expected Color: 20.6 EBC
Apparent Attenuation: 68.9 %
Mash Efficiency: 75.0 %
Boil Duration: 90.0 mins
Fermentation Temperature: 18 degC

UK Golden Promise 6.600 kg (90.4 %) In Mash/Steeped
UK Light Crystal 0.200 kg (2.7 %) In Mash/Steeped
UK Dark Crystal 0.200 kg (2.7 %) In Mash/Steeped
Simpsons Golden Naked Oats 0.200 kg (2.7 %) In Mash/Steeped
UK Chocolate Malt 0.100 kg (1.4 %) In Mash/Steeped

UK Kent Golding (4.3 % alpha) 30 g Loose Pellet Hops used 90 Min From End
UK Bramling Cross (5.0 % alpha) 45 g Loose Pellet Hops used 30 Min From End
Slovenian Styrian Goldings (2.3 % alpha) 45 g Loose Pellet Hops used 30 Min From End
UK Bramling Cross (5.0 % alpha) 20 g Loose Pellet Hops used Dry-Hopped

Other Ingredients
Calcium Chloride 10 g used In Mash
Epsom Salts (Magnesium Sulfate) 5 g used In Mash
Gypsum 2 g used In Mash
BrewBrite 8 g used In Boil

Yeast: Wyeast 1469-West Yorkshire Ale

Mash Schedule
Mash Type: Full Mash
Schedule Name:Single Step Infusion (66C/151F) w/Mash Out
Step: Rest at 66 degC for 60 mins
Step: Raise to and Mash out at 77 degC for 10 mins

As above I'm doing half my batch with the Argon Method, and then depending on the results, either dry hopping the second batch, or Argonning it up as well...

Grand Cru thingamajig. Probably crack grain today and brew tomorrow owing to the shenanigan's of my partner's 40th last night.

Type: All grain
Size: 22 liters
Color: 13 HCU (~9 SRM)
Bitterness: 32 IBU
OG: 1.087
FG: 1.012
Alcohol: 9.6% v/v (7.6% w/w)
Grain: 6kg Dingeman Pilsner
2kg Wey Munich
300g Briess victory
500g Wheat malt
Mash: 70% efficiency
TEMP: 55/62/68/72/78
TIME: 5/10/50/10/10
Boil: 90 minutes, SG 1.056, 34 liters
Hops: 30g Saaz (5.2% AA, 60 min.)
30g Styrian Goldings (3.5% AA, 60 min.)
10g Saaz (5.2% AA, 10 min.)
10g Styrian Goldings (3.5% AA, 10 min.)

2 pack Wy forbidden fruit or suitable starter

CaCl2 and CaSO4 to mash and boil

Dry hop 1g/L styrians
Partigyle brew day today.

English Barleywine

Estimated OG: 1.100 SG
Estimated IBU: 51.7 IBU

Amount Item Type % or IBU
8.60 kg Ale Malt (5.9 EBC) Grain 98.90 %
0.10 kg Crystal (Heritage) (150.0 EBC) Grain 1.10 %
55.00 gm Target [9.40 %] (60 min) Hops 45.7 IBU
20.00 gm East Kent Goldings [4.30 %] (20 min) Hops 4.6 IBU
20.00 gm Fuggles [3.80 %] (5 min) Hops 1.3 IBU
1 Pkgs West Yorkshire Ale (Wyeast #1469PC) Yeast-Ale

Second runnings I added some caramalt and a little more base malt, then mashed again, to boost the body.

Magnum bittering to 57 ibu total
1.5g/l EKG @ 20min
1.5g/l fuggles @ 5min
Bit of a messy brew day today. 10 minute IPA with 100% vienna and 180 g amarillo for a 22L batch.

It was my first brew with an immersion chiller (previously no chill). Had planned to use a hop sock but didn't think about how I would do so with the immersion chiller sitting in the urn. I ended up taking out the chiller, doing my additions in 2 large hop socks and placing the chiller back in at flame out.

Our tap water is at 25 degrees and I haven't got a pump or prechiller sorted yet (for using an ice slurry for the last 10 degrees) so was around 30 degrees into the fermentor. I ended up pitching 2 sachets of us05 to give the good yeasties a better chance of winning the battle against any nasties that may have got in. I'm in the doghouse with SWMBO for a brew day that took too much of my attention and lasted longer than anticipated.
I should add I didn't pitch at 30 but waited until it had dropped to 24. Stc100 set at 18.
Nelson Sauvin and Cascade Pale Ale/APA

This is my QLD Case Swap Beer:

4Kg BB Ale
400g Wey Munich I
350g WEY Carapils
250g BB wheat

Edit: Mash @ 66Deg 90mins

20g Cascade @ 60min
15g Cascade @ 30min
15g NS and Cascade @ 20min
10g NS and Cascade @ 10min
5g NS and Cascade @ 0min

WY1056, Nice and cool........... B)

Brewed this quite a few times now, This batch i have changed the Hop schedule to give me more hop flavour up front.
Nelson Sauvin and Cascade Pale Ale/APA

This is my QLD Case Swap Beer:

4Kg BB Ale
400g Wey Munich I
350g WEY Carapils
250g BB wheat

Edit: Mash @ 66Deg 90mins

20g Cascade @ 60min
15g Cascade @ 30min
15g NS and Cascade @ 20min
10g NS and Cascade @ 10min
5g NS and Cascade @ 0min

WY1056, Nice and cool........... B)

Brewed this quite a few times now, This batch i have changed the Hop schedule to give me more hop flavour up front.
Looks good :icon_cheers:
I'll do some surgery on my control box this arvo and should have it up and running to brew my Biere De Noel before the weekend.
This is on for this weekend... An attempted clone of Orkney Dark Island.

Recipe: Orkney Dark Island Clone
Brewer: Macka
Asst Brewer:
Style: Scottish Export 80/-
TYPE: All Grain
Taste: (30.0)

Recipe Specifications
Boil Size: 24.34 l
Post Boil Volume: 21.84 l
Batch Size (fermenter): 20.00 l
Bottling Volume: 19.00 l
Estimated OG: 1.045 SG
Estimated Color: 59.6 EBC
Estimated IBU: 21.6 IBUs
Brewhouse Efficiency: 72.00 %
Est Mash Efficiency: 75.6 %
Boil Time: 60 Minutes

Amt Name Type # %/IBU
3.40 kg Pale Malt, Golden Promise (Thomas Fawcet Grain 1 85.2 %
0.35 kg Chocolate Malt (Thomas Fawcett) (1000.8 Grain 2 8.8 %
0.12 kg Caramel/Crystal Malt -120L (236.4 EBC) Grain 3 3.0 %
0.12 kg Wheat Malt (Barrett Burston) (3.0 EBC) Grain 4 3.0 %
15.00 g First Gold [7.50 %] - Boil 60.0 min Hop 5 15.0 IBUs
20.00 g Goldings, East Kent [5.00 %] - Boil 15.0 Hop 6 6.6 IBUs

Edit: Forgot to specify yeast... which will be Wyeast 1728 Scottish Ale
Was hard to decide what to brew this time. It's summer so i thought i should do something refreshing, but i'm getting a bit over pale ale and hoppy IPA's and not that into lagers yet. so i went for my first attempt at a 'brown ale'. it's not exactly with in the guidelines, but i thought i'd experiment and see how it turns out. let me know what you think! im hoping for quite a chocolatey coffee flavour to come through.

Cape Street Brown Ale

Original Gravity (OG): 1.069 (P): 16.8
Final Gravity (FG): 1.017 (P): 4.3
Alcohol (ABV): 6.78 %
Colour (SRM): 28.2 (EBC): 55.6
Bitterness (IBU): 38.2 (Average)

75% Maris Otter Malt
10% Wheat Malt
7.5% Chocolate, Pale
7.5% Crystal 120

2.5 g/L Willamette (4.7% Alpha) @ 60 Minutes (Boil)
2 g/L East Kent Golding (4.7% Alpha) @ 15 Minutes (Boil)
1.5 g/L East Kent Golding (5% Alpha) @ 0 Minutes (Boil)

Single step Infusion at 66C for 90 Minutes. Boil for 60 Minutes

Fermented at 20C with Wyeast 1084 - Irish Ale

Recipe Generated with BrewMate

Also going to add oak chips (possibly soaked in cognac) to the secondary..
Looks good :icon_cheers:
I'll do some surgery on my control box this arvo and should have it up and running to brew my Biere De Noel before the weekend.

Thanks :icon_cheers:

I'm still considering cranking up the brewery and doing the old recipe (cos it's drinking so bloody good as I type!) just in case the revised recipe isn't..... well, you know.... there...
Heading to Craftbrewer tomorrow and planning a steam beer and a Kolsch back to back.
Doing the same Clutchy. Just putting Jamil's California Common through Brewmate.....need to use up Northern Brewer Hops.
Is this beer anything like Mt Goat's Steam Ale?
Nothing like it, MG isn't a Cal Common from some of the discussions I've followed in the past. Though I do like the beer. Jamils recipe is an absolute cracker.
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