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Very Simple Bitter on the go this morning;

5.15 kg Pale ale malt
0.100 kg Dark Crystal
0.050 kg Black Malt
30g Pilgrim @ 60
12g Fuggles @ 10

London ESB 1968

Makes a great beer :icon_cheers:

Keen to know how it comes out. Is it the recipe from the radieuse thread?

Sorry, delayed response CM2. But yes mate, very similar to Jacub's posted recipe. We dropped the sugar as I managed to get a 10% improvement in efficiency! Also added some Magnum to get to the correct IBU's as the Hersbrucker was low on a AA%.

Mine wont be fermented for a few weeks/months due to other NC cubes needing fermenting first. But Maltyhops will be fermenting his soon I believe.


Recipe as follows:

Recipe: 51 Radieuse (Leffe Clone)
Brewer: MaltyHops
Asst Brewer: Raven
Style: Belgian Specialty Ale
TYPE: All Grain

Recipe Specifications
Batch Size: 70.00 L
Boil Size: 84.35 L
Estimated OG: 1.069 SG
Estimated Color: 44.8 EBC
Estimated IBU: 17.8 IBU
Brewhouse Efficiency: 80.00 %
Boil Time: 60 Minutes

Amount Item Type % or IBU
15.20 kg Pilsner (2 Row) Ger (3.9 EBC) Grain 77.47 %
1.45 kg Munich Malt - 10L (19.7 EBC) Grain 7.39 %
0.74 kg Aromatic Malt (51.2 EBC) Grain 3.77 %
0.74 kg Caramunich Malt (110.3 EBC) Grain 3.77 %
0.74 kg Special B Malt (354.6 EBC) Grain 3.77 %
100.00 gm Hersbrucker [2.80 %] (60 min) Hops 8.4 IBU
20.00 gm Magnum [15.60 %] (60 min) Hops 9.4 IBU
1.00 tsp DAP (Diammonium phosphate) (Boil 15.0 min)Misc
1.00 items Whirlfloc (Boil 15.0 min) Misc
0.75 kg Candi Sugar, Dark (541.8 EBC) Sugar 3.82 %
0.00 kg Cane (Beet) Sugar (0.0 EBC) Sugar 0.00 %
70.00 L 1 Parkside (SA Water - Hope Valley) Water
1 Pkgs Abbey Ale (White Labs #WLP530) Yeast-Ale

Mash Schedule: 1 RIMS - Single Infusion temp
Total Grain Weight: 18.87 kg
1 RIMS - Single Infusion temp
Step Time Name Description Step Temp
90 min Mash In Add 56.61 L of water at 70.3 C 65.0 C
10 min Mash Out Heat to 78.0 C over 5 min 78.0 C

27.04.11 Brewed with MaltyHops. Maxed out mash tun, then mashed remaining portion in medium esky. Initial mash in temp was high,drained some wort, added cold back in. RIMS settled down to around 65 after 30mins of up and down with such a large mash. Fly sparged, fnie crush (by others) and slow sparge technique resulted in massive efficiency boost. 80%. Sugar removed from the recipe as such to keep close to OG aim.
3x NC Cubes filled. Good brew arvo.
Faaarkin 'ell winkle, no one told me about that comp when I signed up? :eek:
Are there style guides available? :p

You have to know the secret handshake. ;)
Faaarkin 'ell winkle, no one told me about that comp when I signed up? :eek:
Are there style guides available? :p

The BABBs Anal Comp: guidelines

Lagers are to be modelled on Norwegian Aass beer
Dark ales must all taste like shyte
All entrants must be very picky about ingredients, extremely suspicious of competitors and sit in corners muttering darkly whilst agonising over exact quantities.

Edit: just announced by Ross, first prize one week in Camden New Jersey, voted USA's No 1 arsehole

Second prize two weeks in Camden.......................


Don't tell them it's an arsehole as they'll say "man, I expect you are just passing thru"
just put down BribieG's headbangin Stout.. :beerbang:

2 x Coopers Stout
1 kg LDME
1kg brewing sugaz

og 1.085 on a cake of 1272...

a bit of fun and experimentation...

and it took me all of 15 mins... :)
Never brewed an English IPA before but I will put this one through the brewery on monday. Gotta love RDO's.

66 IPA Street
English IPA

Recipe Specs
Batch Size (L): 66.0
Total Grain (kg): 15.900
Total Hops (g): 330.00
Original Gravity (OG): 1.066 (P): 16.1
Colour (SRM): 10.5 (EBC): 20.7
Bitterness (IBU): 47.0 (Average)
Brewhouse Efficiency (%): 87
Boil Time (Minutes): 60

Grain Bill
13.000 kg Perle malt (81.76%)
1.000 kg Wheat Malt (6.29%)
0.400 kg Crystal 120 (2.52%)
1.500 kg Golden Promise Malt (9.43%)

Hop Bill
66.0 g First Gold Pellet (7.9% Alpha) @ 90 Minutes (First Wort) (1 g/l)
66.0 g Aurora Pellet (9% Alpha) @ 60 Minutes (Boil) (1 g/l)
66.0 g First Gold Pellet (7.9% Alpha) @ 15 Minutes (Boil) (1 g/l)
66.0 g Styrian Golding Pellet (4.4% Alpha) @ 5 Minutes (Boil) (1 g/l)
66.0 g Styrian Golding Pellet (4.4% Alpha) @ 0 Minutes (Dry Hop) (1 g/l)

Single step Infusion at 66C for 90 Minutes.
Fermented at 18c with Wyeast 1275 - Thames Valley Ale

15 min hop addition are cube hops, cubes to be slow chilled in ice bath after filling.

5 min hop addition to be hop tea using 2L of reheated wort from cube.

22g of dry hop to each cube at day 4 of ferment

Recipe Generated with BrewMate
Never brewed an English IPA before but I will put this one through the brewery on monday. Gotta love RDO's.

66 IPA Street
English IPA

Recipe Specs
Batch Size (L): 66.0
Total Grain (kg): 15.900
Total Hops (g): 330.00
Original Gravity (OG): 1.066 (P): 16.1
Colour (SRM): 10.5 (EBC): 20.7
Bitterness (IBU): 47.0 (Average)
Brewhouse Efficiency (%): 87
Boil Time (Minutes): 60

Grain Bill
13.000 kg Perle malt (81.76%)
1.000 kg Wheat Malt (6.29%)
0.400 kg Crystal 120 (2.52%)
1.500 kg Golden Promise Malt (9.43%)

Hop Bill
66.0 g First Gold Pellet (7.9% Alpha) @ 90 Minutes (First Wort) (1 g/l)
66.0 g Aurora Pellet (9% Alpha) @ 60 Minutes (Boil) (1 g/l)
66.0 g First Gold Pellet (7.9% Alpha) @ 15 Minutes (Boil) (1 g/l)
66.0 g Styrian Golding Pellet (4.4% Alpha) @ 5 Minutes (Boil) (1 g/l)
66.0 g Styrian Golding Pellet (4.4% Alpha) @ 0 Minutes (Dry Hop) (1 g/l)

Single step Infusion at 66C for 90 Minutes.
Fermented at 18c with Wyeast 1275 - Thames Valley Ale

15 min hop addition are cube hops, cubes to be slow chilled in ice bath after filling.

5 min hop addition to be hop tea using 2L of reheated wort from cube.

22g of dry hop to each cube at day 4 of ferment

Recipe Generated with BrewMate

"Milking the cow" comp?
Smurto's landlord is on the agenda today. Birko is coming up to temp now.

3% caraaroma
Fuggles @ 60 for 27ibu
ekg @ 15 for 8.5 ibu
and styrians at flame out.

happy days.
Variation on my duvel homage for the Vic case swap (with a few bottles for home testers)

48% Dingemans pilsner
48% weyermans pilsner
2% Briess Victory

29.7 IBU saaz and styrian goldings@ 60 (50:50 each)
3.1 IBU saaz and styrian@ 10 (50:50)

Decoction step mash
55 for 10
62 for 10
69 for 50
72 for 20
Mash out

Wy 1388

30 L batch size.

Brewing salts to suit (CaCl2 and CaSO4) and 900g dextrose added incrementally after FG.
Variation on my duvel homage for the Vic case swap (with a few bottles for home testers)

48% Dingemans pilsner
48% weyermans pilsner
2% Briess Victory


Are those pilsner malts so different that you couldn't use just one?

My brew shop guy had none of the Dingemans for my order yesterday (brewing tomorrow) so he gave me Weyermann instead so I am interested to know.

I based my original recipe on the suggested duvel grist from brew like a monk which suggests they use 3 different Belgian pilsner malts. I'm aiming to give dimension which belies the idea that it's just one pale malt.

I love both Weyermans and Dingemans so the character they both give is welcome. They are not incredibly different but subtle character differences are notable. That said - I've yet to brew this recipe with just the one malt and see how it compares.

Hard to go wrong with either malt in my opinion.

Batch Size (L): 23

Original Gravity (OG): 1.072
Bitterness (IBU): Not quite sure.
Mash Time: 90
Boil Time : 90

Grain Bill:

BB ALE 60%
RYE 20%
Crystal 120 7.5%
Wheat 5%
Biscuit 5%

Hop Bill:

Magnum to 15 IBU @40min
Chinook to 25 IBU @40min
Cascade 20 grams into the cube
Centennial 20 Grams into the cube

I will draw three litres before I pitch and boil 30 grams each of Cascade and Centennial for 10min and a crap load of cascade at flame-out.


Yeast Nutrient @ 10min
Wirfloc @ 10min

This is my first go at recipe formulation.... Well, at least the rye smelt good while mashing. Stuffed up whirlpool a little bit of hotbreak/trub got in the cube, but all should be good. Missed my volumes and had to top up cube with 2l of boiling water.

I will throw it on a 1272 yeast cake during the week.

Im making a randal tomorrow, so i may just test it out on this brew.
Brown Ale today and my S@W Pacific clone tomorrow.

Style: 10C. American Brown Ale


Dark malts added at end of mash, steep for 15 minutes before running off and

Target Volume [ltr (gal)]: 22.00 (5.81)
Alcohol By Volume: 5.23%

Estimated Original Gravity [SG]: 1.052
Estimated Final Gravity [SG]: 1.013
Estimated Attenuation: 75.00%
Estimated Mash Efficiency: 70.00%

Bitterness [IBU]: 34.87
Color [SRM(EBC)]: 12.24 (24.12)

BU:GU ratio: 0.670
Balance: 1.392

Balance <1 sweeter malty beer, >1 more bitter beer, =1 balanced beer.


Weight [gms(lbs)] Type Gravity [SG] Weight %
30.00 (0.07) Black (Patent) Malt 1.000 0.56%
350.00 (0.77) Brown Malt 1.003 6.51%
4000.00 (8.82) Pilsner (Joe White) 1.039 74.35%
1000.00 (2.20) Vienna Malt 1.010 18.59%


Hop Utilisation Method: Tinseth

Weight [gms(lbs)] Type AA% IBU IBU% Time[Mins]
30.00 (1.06) Amarillo 8.00% 22.68 65.04% 45.00
30.00 (1.06) Cascade 5.75% 10.75 30.84% 20.00
10.00 (0.35) Cascade 5.75% 1.18 3.38% 5.00
10.00 (0.35) Cascade 5.75% 0.26 0.73% 1.00
10.00 (0.35) Cascade 5.75% 0.00 0.00% 0.00


Type Atten % Min temp [C(F)] Max temp [C(F)]
American Ale - Wyeast 1056 75.00% 15.00 (59.00) 22.00 (71.60)


Name Type Use Amount Time[Mins]
Whirfloc Fining Boil 0.00 (0.00) [gms (oz)] 10.0
Yeast Nutrient Other Boil 4.00 (1.06) [ltr (gal)] 5.0
5.2 Buffer Wateragent Mash 7.00 (0.25) [gms (oz)]
Calc Chloride Wateragent Mash 5.00 (0.18) [gms (oz)]
Chalk Wateragent Mash 2.00 (0.07) [gms (oz)]

Mash schedule:

Name Type Temperature [C(F)] Time [Mins]
Sacchrification Infusion 66.00 (150.80) 75

Decoction step mash
55 for 10
62 for 10
69 for 50
72 for 20
Mash out

My handy immersion element just decided to stop working so step mash schedule is more like

55 for unknown, add extra hot water after stirring with ineffective element wondering why temp isn't increasing.
Swear at element, pull off housing in frustration, spike self in chest with bits of metal and rip favourite t-shirt.
Get to 59, remove decoction, get to 62 for longer than anticipated.
Boil decoction, get main mash to 69. Leave until next decoction has boiled for a bit.

Hopefully there's still a point to mashing out. Water volumes in tun currently unknown.

Supposed to be my case swap beer. If it turns out OK, I'll never be able to repeat it. If it turns out ****, then I won't force anyone else to drink it.

Least enjoyable brewday I've had in a while.
Hope your day gets better and you wernt tempted to use that super dooper watch my eyes light up chinese immersion heater.
My handy immersion element just decided to stop working so step mash schedule is more like

55 for unknown, add extra hot water after stirring with ineffective element wondering why temp isn't increasing.
Swear at element, pull off housing in frustration, spike self in chest with bits of metal and rip favourite t-shirt.
Get to 59, remove decoction, get to 62 for longer than anticipated.
Boil decoction, get main mash to 69. Leave until next decoction has boiled for a bit.

Hopefully there's still a point to mashing out. Water volumes in tun currently unknown.

Supposed to be my case swap beer. If it turns out OK, I'll never be able to repeat it. If it turns out ****, then I won't force anyone else to drink it.

Least enjoyable brewday I've had in a while.

You have to have one of those days every so often, just to remind you how good a hassle free day is :icon_cheers:
super dooper watch my eyes light up chinese immersion heater.

Learnt my lesson on that one a long time ago.

Cheers guys.

Kitchen smells like decoction mashing so it can't be all bad. Just means I need to adjust a few things next few brewdays till I can either replace my immersion or work out something else.
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