Finally an uninterupted brewday
Style: 10A. American Pale Ale
Plate chilled. Dry hopping with a combo of Cascade and Amarillo but will taste
once fermentation finishes before deciding on a dry hop regime.
Target Volume [ltr (gal)]: 21.00 (5.55)
Alcohol By Volume: 5.76%
Estimated Original Gravity [SG]: 1.056
Estimated Final Gravity [SG]: 1.013
Estimated Attenuation: 77.28%
Estimated Mash Efficiency: 70.00%
Bitterness [IBU]: 32.06
Color [SRM(EBC)]: 10.73 (21.14)
BU:GU ratio: 0.577
Balance: 1.260
Balance <1 sweeter malty beer, >1 more bitter beer, =1 balanced beer.
Weight [gms(lbs)] Type Gravity [SG] Weight %
4500.00 (9.92) Pilsner (Joe White) 1.046 86.54%
200.00 (0.44) Special B Malt 1.002 3.85%
300.00 (0.66) Sugar, Table (Sucrose) 1.006 5.77%
200.00 (0.44) Wheat Malt (Joe White) 1.002 3.85%
Hop Utilisation Method: Tinseth
Weight [gms(lbs)] Type AA% IBU IBU% Time[Mins]
40.00 (1.41) Cascade 5.75% 22.06 68.82% 45.00
10.00 (0.35) Cascade 5.75% 3.64 11.35% 20.00
10.00 (0.35) Cascade 5.75% 2.98 9.30% 15.00
10.00 (0.35) Cascade 5.75% 2.18 6.80% 10.00
10.00 (0.35) Cascade 5.75% 1.20 3.74% 5.00
10.00 (0.35) Cascade 5.75% 0.00 0.00% 0.00
Type Atten % Min temp [C(F)] Max temp [C(F)]
American Ale - Wyeast 1056 75.00% 15.00 (59.00) 22.00 (71.60)
Name Type Use Amount Time[Mins]
Whirfloc Fining Boil 0.00 (0.00) [ltr (gal)] 10.0
Yeast Nutrient Other Boil 5.00 (1.32) [ltr (gal)] 10.0
Calc Chloride Wateragent Mash 5.00 (1.32) [ltr (gal)]
Sulphate Wateragent Mash 2.00 (0.53) [ltr (gal)]
Mash schedule:
Name Type Temperature [C(F)] Time [Mins]
Sacchrification Infusion 65.00 (149.00) 80