What are you Brewing 2016?

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I got carried away with zeros. Rough day and edited my post.
Nonetheless, my point is that what appears miniscule on pH scale may be bigger than you think.

Maybe just not quite as dramatic as I originally made it out to be.
pH 4 is 1 billion, 4 hundred thousand and sixty eight more times brown than an onion.
Half way through the mash:

Rezza Pride

Vol = 24L
OG = 1.043
FG = 1.008
IBU = 28.1
EBC = 13
alc = 4.9%

4.10 kg (91.1%) Ale (Viking)
0.25 kg (5.6%) Victory (Briess)
0.075 kg (1.7%) Med Crystal (Simpsons)
0.075 kg (1.7%) Acidulated (Wey)

10g Pride of Ringwood (8.3%AA) @ FWH
35g Pride of Ringwood (8.3%AA) @20mins (cubed)
25g Pride of Ringwood (8.3%AA) dry hopped

1.4gCaSO4 + 0.9g MgSO4 + 2.2g CaCl2 into Mash
1.3gCaSO4 +0.8g MgSO4 + 1.9g CaCl2 +0.3g Citric acid into Sparge
0.5gCaSO4 +0.3g MgSO4 + 1.0g CaCl2 into Boil

Mash: 55/65/72/78 for 5/70/20/5
18L Mash
16L Sparge

Yeast: US-05 at 19°C
Basically testing out the new(ish) Viking Pale Ale malt, and what PoR is like. So kept it kinda simple with just a little Victory and a touch of Med Crystal.
Not sure how PoR will go being cube-hopped. May or may not do the dry hopping - i'll decide later depending on how it's tasting from the FV.
yeah I will live and learn. Didn't seem to affect efficiency or flavour to any great extent that I can detect at this stage anyway. I read that Weyermann recommend 1% acidulated malt reduces mash ph by .1 so reducing from 200 grams to 100 grams (~2%) in the same grain bill, water and gypsum additions should hopefully get me to 5.2. Also I don't really trust my ph meter all that much. it only goes in 0.1 increments and it can do some funny things sometimes. I calibrated it right before I took the reading though. In some sense it was the test brew I had to do to fully understand how everything would work together to give me a final mash ph. I did use software to estimate ingredients for a 5.2 mash ph.
Brewed a Lager today.

Recipe Specs
Batch Size (L): 23.0
Total Grain (kg): 4.550
Total Hops (g): 20.30
Original Gravity (OG): 1.051 (°P): 12.6
Final Gravity (FG): 1.009 (°P): 2.3
Alcohol by Volume (ABV): 5.45 %
Colour (SRM): 2.8 (EBC): 5.5
Bitterness (IBU): 11.7 (Average)
Brewhouse Efficiency (%): 82
Boil Time (Minutes): 75

Grain Bill
3.800 kg Pilsner (83.52%)
0.500 kg Flaked Rice (10.99%)
0.250 kg Cane Sugar (5.49%)

Hop Bill
8.0 g Perle Pellet (6.7% Alpha) @ 60 Minutes (Boil) (0.3 g/L)
12.3 g Saaz Pellet (3.5% Alpha) @ 60 Minutes (Boil) (0.5 g/L)

Misc Bill
4.0 g Calcium Chloride @ 60 Minutes (Mash)
0.5 g Whirlfloc Tablet @ 10 Minutes (Boil)

Single step Infusion at 62°C for 120 Minutes.
Fermented at 10°C with WLP833 - German Bock Lager

Recipe Generated with BrewMate
Pressure Fermented: New World Pale Ale since I cant confine myself to traditions of global locations of styles and ingredients.
First of this years Harvest Ales. Fresh wet hops used late in boil. To also be wet hopped in the kegs.
Good efficiency! Low carb too. Flavourfull.

Pressure fermented at 15psi at 19 DegC creeping up after 3 days to a week to 24c max and held. My new brewery method (for Ale). Chill then transfer.
Since flavors are captured you can get away with less of flavor additions. I'm working on that theory.

Yield = 38lt. = 2 keg brew.

6.25kg Weyermann Pilsner Malt - 80.6%
1.00kg Wheat Malt - 12.9%
0.25 Crystal Malt - 3.2%
0.25 Acidulated Malt - 3.2%
Mashed in esky starting at 65c to decline to 61c for ~ 2hours. Sparges at 70c. Boil each run off and reboil until pre boil of 55lt.
Set boil timer for 90 minute. Add first wort hops.

100g Cascade Pellets first wort (90min)
100g Fresh picked Cascade hops loose in a weighted sock at flame out.
200g Weighted Sock of wet hops in a keg until empty.

OG = 1.044
Bitterness = 41.6 IBU
Color = 12 EBC
FG = 1.009
ABV = ~ 4.5%

Total efficiency says 72%.

Water: Filtered melbourne water PH = 6.4. With additions to the 26lt mash water: 1g Calcium Sulphate, 1g Calcium Chloride.
Plus 2g Baking Soda to buffer up the mash PH from 5.0 to 5.2. Darn it! (Note: Less Acid Malt if I do this again).
Sparged with Melbourne Water Filtered at ph = 6.4.

Yeast: 2 X WLP005. British Ale liquid Yeast. 1 lt Starter at Gravity = 1.025 on stir plate for ~ 18 hours prior. Active and prooven but not spectacular.
I dont like the smell of this yeast! Oh well....it will make beer I know it..
Collaboration brew with Mardoo yesterday.

An English IPA off home brew talk and my house mild. Smooth brewday with light over sparging. Shooting to have the Mild on tap for Easter.
Pratty1 said:
This beer got infected......So I will be making it again this weekend but via No chill method.

Same malt bill but adjusting the hops to suit.

Warrior will be FWH to round that out
Cascade / Chinook still @ 10mins
Simcoe will be cube hopped

Ferment temp will be higher @ 22c - pitching again direct into yeast cake.

Dry Hopped with Columbus, Simcoe and Cascade.
I direct pitched this beer last night into the yeast cake from the previous batch of IPA. Before that I drained about 1Lt fo yeast out and there was still about ~ 2Lts of yeast in the FV.

It took about 90mins to start fermenting, unbelievable!!! currently sitting @ 22c and should take about 36-48hrs to ferment out.

Time will tell when they are packaged how the flavours are and the effects of this system using higher viable yeast volumes and higher ferment temps.

Likely to keep 1Lt from this batch into a flask and give the FV a clean before re-pitching the next beer.

Made another no chill last night.

American Pale Ale

9 ebc

82% Pilsner
15% Vienna
2% Red X
1% Light Crystal

Mashed at 66c for 60mins, 74c mashout.

60min boil.

Mosaic/Cascade @ 20mins
Mosaic/Cascade @ 10mins
Mosaic/Cascade cube hopped.

Fermenting with 2Lt yeast cake slurry at 22c - pitching during the week.

Plan to dry hop 2.5g/L with Combination of Citra & Mosaic.
AIPA-ish yesterday - 7kg maris, touch crystal and biscuit, unmeasured, small handfuls of chinook and columbus@ 60, unmeasured, generous handfuls of amarillo, cascade and styrians @10, whirlpool and cube.
1272 in an active starter. Gypsum and a wee amount of cal chloride to mash and boil, usual steps. Dry with amarillo, styrians and cascade if I feel like it post ferment/pre-keg.
Today is my first brew for the year:

Cream ale

Brew Type: All Grain Date: 20/03/2016
Style: Cream Ale Brewer: Seth
Batch Size: 45.00 L
Boil Volume: 52.08 L Boil Time: 60 min
Brewhouse Efficiency: 90.0 % Equipment: Techni-Ice 75 litre mas tun and 78 litre SSkettle

Amount Item Type % or IBU
3.80 kg Pilsner (BB, not IMC) (3.9 EBC) Grain 48.1 %
3.10 kg Pale Malt (BB, not Weyermann) (6.5 EBC) Grain 39.2 %
1.00 kg Rice, Flaked (2.0 EBC) Grain 12.7 %
30.00 gm Cluster [7.60%] (60 min) Hops 15.1 IBU
40.00 gm Cluster [7.60%] (5 min) Hops 3.4 IBU
5 items Brew Brite (not Whirfloc) (Boil 10.0 min) Misc
2 litre culture Cream Ale blend (White Labs #WLP080)

Beer Profile
Estimated Original Gravity: 1.049 SG (1.042-1.055 SG) Measured Original Gravity: 1.049 SG
Estimated Final Gravity: 1.009 SG (1.006-1.012 SG) Measured Final Gravity: 1.010 SG
Estimated Color: 6.9 EBC (4.9-9.9 EBC) Color [Color]
Bitterness: 18.5 IBU (15.0-23.0 IBU) Alpha Acid Units: 0.7 AAU
Estimated Alcohol by Volume: 5.1 % (4.2-5.6 %) Actual Alcohol by Volume: 5.1 %

Mash Profile
Name: Single Infusion, Light Body Mash Tun Weight: 4.00 kg
Mash Grain Weight: 7.90 kg Mash
Grain Temperature: 22.2 C Sparge Temperature: 75.6 C
Sparge Water: 22.58 L Adjust Temp for Equipment: TRUE

Name Description Step Temp Step Time
Mash In Add 23.46 L of water at 71.5 C 65.0 C 60 min
Mash Out Add 14.95 L of water at 96.1 C 76.0 C 10 min

Mash Notes
Simple single infusion mash for use with most modern well modified grains (about 95% of the time).

Ferment at 18°C for as long as it takes

Grain mill hopper was full, so I inverted the bag (as pictured) to avoid spillage/overflow.
Spent the weekend looking after the kids while SWMBO is at work.

India Red Ale
OG 1.070
FG 1.018
ABV 6.87%
IBUs 70
Colour 13 EBC

92.5% Ale Malt
7.5% Carared
33.7 IBUs Magnum FWH
2g/L 19.7IBU Topaz Flameout
2g/L 16.6 IBU Galaxy Flameout
2g/L dry hop 5 days Topaz
2g/L dry hop 5 days Galaxy

66.7c mash for 75 mins
78c mash out
Hoppy mash water profile, 4.5g gypsum, 1g calcium chloride for 18L based on Sydney Potts Point.

Edit: ummm and WLP009
Just cubed a Belgain brown ale today. I adapted the recipe from one I found in the Castle Malt 2016 calendar.

All castle malts:

84.8% Pilsner
6.8% Special B
5% Cara Blonde (20L)
3.4% Demerara Sugar

OG 1.055.

90 min boil, Styrian Goldings at 60 mins for 15IBU, Saaz at 15 mins for 9 IBU, 10g of Coriander Seed at 5 mins (removed before whirlpool).

I'll ferment this with WLP530 starting at 18C and rising to 25C over the course of a week to ten days.
Reman said:
Spent the weekend looking after the kids while SWMBO is at work.

India Red Ale
OG 1.070
FG 1.018
ABV 6.87%
IBUs 70
Colour 13 EBC

92.5% Ale Malt
7.5% Carared
33.7 IBUs Magnum FWH
2g/L 19.7IBU Topaz Flameout
2g/L 16.6 IBU Galaxy Flameout
2g/L dry hop 5 days Topaz
2g/L dry hop 5 days Galaxy

66.7c mash for 75 mins
78c mash out
Hoppy mash water profile, 4.5g gypsum, 1g calcium chloride for 18L based on Sydney Potts Point.

Edit: ummm and WLP009
Firstly, nice effort getting a beer made while on kid duty

Not sure if you left something out of the malt bill but carared wont make the beer red and not at 13ebc, needs to be around 30ish for the red hue.
Pratty1 said:
Firstly, nice effort getting a beer made while on kid duty
Not sure if you left something out of the malt bill but carared wont make the beer red and not at 13ebc, needs to be around 30ish for the red hue.
The hardest things with the kids is when they want to help!

Yeah I know, if I wanted red I should have gone a smidge of roast barley. I'm sort of looking for an amber IPA. I'm sure it will still taste ok.

I can always add some red food colouring ;)
Pratty1 said:
Made another no chill last night.

American Pale Ale

9 ebc

82% Pilsner
15% Vienna
2% Red X
1% Light Crystal

Mashed at 66c for 60mins, 74c mashout.

60min boil.

Mosaic/Cascade @ 20mins
Mosaic/Cascade @ 10mins
Mosaic/Cascade cube hopped.

Fermenting with 2Lt yeast cake slurry at 22c - pitching during the week.

Plan to dry hop 2.5g/L with Combination of Citra & Mosaic.
awesome combo the old cascade and mosaic. have used it before myself. nice one mate!
#001 APA American Pale Ale (10 A)

Type: All Grain
Batch Size: 75.00 l
Boil Size: 88.00 l
Boil Time: 60 min
End of Boil Vol: 81.00 l
Final Bottling Vol: 74.00 l
Fermentation: Ale, Single Stage
Date: 06 Mar 2016
Brewer: Fenton
Asst Brewer:
Equipment: Digitale v2.0 FR Custom
Efficiency: 81.00 %
Est Mash Efficiency: 89.6 %
Taste Rating: 30.0
Taste Notes:
Ingredients Amt Name Type # %/IBU 16.00 kg Pale Malt, Maris Otter (5.9 EBC) Grain 1 100.0 % 50.00 g Chinook [13.00 %] - Boil 60.0 min Hop 2 19.5 IBUs 80.00 g Amarillo [9.20 %] - Boil 20.0 min Hop 3 13.4 IBUs 80.00 g Cascade [5.50 %] - Boil 20.0 min Hop 4 8.0 IBUs
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