What A Shit Of A Day.....

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I didn't. I had a great day.

But then, I played golf, and had a lovely time.

4BBB Stableford Aggregate competition.
My regular partner and I ended up with 81 points.
If we don't win, the other burglars deserve to be shot at dawn.
I'm a cnc machinist, today i crashed i a lathe, stuffed-up 3 rush jobs that ended up taking twice as long as would expected, told the boss a job would be ready to go in an hour... ended up taking 2 and a half hours to do..... and the boss (and the courier) got the shits with me big time. all is good now the boss bought us all a carton of XXXX Summer and said he was surprised everyone didn't just down tools and go home at smoko....

Thought i'd share my C**t of a Day with you. Now hopefully now you have a home to where you can vent your C of a Day at work.
_Wal_ mate, if there was a "like" button as on facebook I'd "like" your post...like in the ironic sense, I share your sentiments about today as a whole. Let's say today was a practice run and we'll get it right tomorrow.
_Wal_ mate, if there was a "like" button as on facebook I'd "like" your post...like in the ironic sense, I share your sentiments about today as a whole. Let's say today was a practice run and we'll get it right tomorrow.

ha! thats what i said 2 my boss! "Lets get it right tomorrow...."
No good news articles worthy of a good troll-baiting today. Yep, prick of a day.
Started at 6am expecting grapes.....no grapes till 1pm....spent the morning (7 hrs) doing 2 hrs worth of work and ended up being there till 11.30pm tonight. Not so much a shit day but frustrating and long. Got to love casual rates though....mmmm Brew $$ :)
Spent the day with Batz, Screwtop, TidalPete and roboscot doing the following:

Riding buses to Ross's
drinking Ross dry
German club (which is now decorated with Batz and Sharkbait brewery stickers)
Alt, Schwartz, Pils etc..
Frankfurters, mash, sauerkraut
Archive Bar
TidalPete complaining loudly about wankers with laptops over their shoulder
roboscot, Screwtop and I ended up at the Platform bar with out TP or B
Last thing I remember Screwtop was sitting on a sofa lecturing a young stranger about AG brewing
Screwtop left his purchases from Ross in the taxi.

I woke up at Caboolture
Awful end to the day - I had a raging thirst and went over the road to the club hotel and drank half a schooner of VB
Words cannot describe how vile it was. :angry:

Apart from that, great day. I wonder if TP and B ever made it home or if they had to sleep on a bench in Anzac Square :lol::huh:
Great day, in Orlando ATM, easy day at a trade show, a couple of cold SNPA's now, might head out later for a few more good brews.

Off to TPC Sawgrass tomorrow.

I don't have an hour to type, nor you the time to read about the day I have had, but I can condense it down to one sentence. Never buy a car (HOLDEN)from a dealer 100km from your home no matter how good you think it is.

My day on Sunday was a pretty shit one......Started on Saturday night really.

Phone rang at 23:30 on Saturday night, was my step dad telling me my brother (who I haven't spoken to much in years, purely due to laziness) has had an accident in the surf and is being airlifted to Prince of Wales hospital with a suspected spinal break. Mum flies in Sunday morning and I take her straight from the airport to the hospital, see my bro for 5 minutes before he is taken away for a 7 hour surgery. Result of the surgery is a cage being where his C6 vertebrae was......

During this time his wife (who had to organise someone to care of their kids) makes it to the hospital, along with my biological father who I haven't spoken to in 7 years, as we had had a fight and were both too stubborn to be the first to make contact. Turns out he is going into a different hospital on Monday for surgery to remove a cancerous kidney. End up with my mother and SIL staying with us for 2 nights, far too much red wine drunk and tears cried. Brother is declared a quadriplegic on Tuesday, he can just move his shoulders but that's about it. He take the news as well as any 25 year fit male does and loses it.

It's been a bizzare and frankly fucked up week. Thankfully the old man's surgery seems to have been successful, and my brother managed to pick up a piece of paper last night with much coaching from our sister (She is an occupational therapist, this is what she does for a living)......
I won't be complaining about my day then.

Sympathies Pollux, to you and your family.
Yeah, that's all pretty rough. I'm sure all our thoughts are with your family.
Oh snap, this shit just keeps getting better....

Okay, some background will be required for this to make sense...

My parents divorced years ago (think 22 years ago) and have both remarried, us 3 as kids lived with mum and our stepdad (who I now refer to as dad and have changed my surname to suit), my brother decided at the age of 14 to go live with my biological father and his wife, naturally this cause a rather large split in the family........

Okay, fast forward to now.

Last night my brothers wife kicked my mother out of her house, purely because said wife tried to make it all about her and why isn't he thinking about how this is affecting her....My mother who has lost thousands in dropping clients this week to help said SIL deal with this, help her with all the paperwork for insurance etc, work out how to keep their businesses alive so they have income, and been her emotional rock all week. To add insult to injury, she then told my mother that my biological father's wife has been more of a mother than she is (trust me, that woman is the antichrist)......

End result I now get to deal with my mother losing her shit, a new family feud and trying to play pleasant person in the middle......

Starting to realise why I never lifted the phone....
Shocking news Pollux.
Families are an utter pain in the arse, but all the best for your brother.