What rests do JW need?
Yes Tony is right, depends on the brewer and the purpose of your brewing (comps etc).If you want a total German pils its obvious to use Weyermann.If you are happy to get a pils thats not quite a comp German Pils use the other.Both will produce good beer.If you are not on a quest use the cheaper one.Balance I think is more important.
Unfortunately I have never had the opportunity to brew with JW pils malt.I think Its produce here in WA but we cant get any from local suppliers.Obviously it does produce good results when used properly.I can only speak from experience. I try to brew the best quality beer that I can possibly get on tap, if it goes good in a comp then that is a bonus. Having used JW Export Pilsner in a single infusion mash @ 65degrees C, I had a pretty good beer. Entered in the AIBA as a Boh.Pils & it picked up a Gold Medal.
If you can get it......... try the weyermann Bohemien Pils.
Its a bit beefier and maltier and produces a fine beer.
:icon_offtopic: We obviously have some lager gurus here, what's a good pitching temperature? Should I pitch say at 19 then nudge it down to around 12, or pitch at fermenting temperature?
I quite like the IMC pils........... it makes a great beer. Up there with standard Weyermann Pils in my book
Thanks for that. If doing a large starter I suppose you would need to use a portion of the wort itself, but what do you do with the remainder of the wort while the starter is brewing up? Sounds like an infection 'window' ?
I mainly make starters with extract. If I've got more wort than I was expecting for one reason or another I might use some of that for a starter. I'll take some out of the boil, boil on the stove for a couple of minutes and then cool. Fine for no-chilling as the rest gets put into a cube. Not much use if you chill, unless you use some of one batch for the starter for a later batch.
Cheers, I'll zoom up the street and get some LDME.
Bribie, what I did for my Doppelbock (mainly cos LDME is so expensive here) I needed an 11 litre starter, so I just got a Coopers Lager kit for $11 at the supermarket and just made it up to 11 litres with no sugar and let it ferment out, gave me a nice big yeast cake allowing me to pitch at 10*c
Then I bottled the crappy kit beer and give it to my bludging mate who comes round all the time :lol: Leaving more good beer for me! haha
11 litre starter.....That's one mammoth beer