Wee Stu In Brizzy Sunday 3rd September

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There seems to be a trend of people drinking straight from my taps... fresh is best :D

There seems to be a trend of people drinking straight from my taps... fresh is best :D


In the first photo they were not trying to drink from it but were tempted to light it, the randle full of hops looked like a large bong to twistop and incider. :blink: It was a big night Jye.
A very big thank you to Ross & Jackie,
A great day with good company and alot of excellent beer, finally have met up with some of the Qlder's.

Thanks also to Pat for the lift to ross's and back hgome again.
Big headache this morning!

Cheers to Ross for organising a great day.
Good to meet everyone and put a face to name. Also thanks to Jye for the lift home.


Thanks to Ross and Jacqui for the hospitality, I really enjoyed the day. Nice to meet Stu and catch up again with local brewers and meet new faces. Stu was very reserved and well behaved Kai, but some of you could have warned us about him being a pool shark.

I didn't even know he could see over the table :lol:
OK, who put dry enzyme in their beer? Big hangover.

Can't remember what Stu's beer was Tangent but I think it had something to do with brown grain. Bloody nice though - thanks Stu! Also thanks Coodgee and Mothballs for supplying great beers that were less than a billion IBU's. Ended up enjoying Jye's but couldn't taste other beers for at least an hour after! Bloody grateful that the Ruination ran out before I arrived.

Thanks for all the other great beers Ross plus the food and usual outstanding hospitality from you and Jack.

Great to see/meet everyone. As Pete said, all you blokes are the best.

73 samples :rolleyes: must have come from a darwin stubbie.Great pics guys and i love the idea of a power nap coogee.I must try that sometime.

Big D
OK, who put dry enzyme in their beer? Big hangover.

Can't remember what Stu's beer was Tangent but I think it had something to do with brown grain. Bloody nice though - thanks Stu! Also thanks Coodgee and Mothballs for supplying great beers that were less than a billion IBU's. Ended up enjoying Jye's but couldn't taste other beers for at least an hour after! Bloody grateful that the Ruination ran out before I arrived.

Thanks for all the other great beers Ross plus the food and usual outstanding hospitality from you and Jack.

Great to see/meet everyone. As Pete said, all you blokes are the best.


Pat, your a "Hop Sook". None of those APA's were as big as the swap night. Krista what a girl, pretty brave fronting up knowing we'd been on it for 6 hours. Where did you find her? and how come she is your EX. You need your f()(&Ing head read.

Pat, your a "Hop Sook". None of those APA's were as big as the swap night. Krista what a girl, pretty brave fronting up knowing we'd been on it for 6 hours. Where did you find her? and how come she is your EX. You need your f()(&Ing head read.

It's taken me a long time to be able to respond to such a bitter and personal attack. I mean firstly, a, 'hop sook!' and then I need my head read! Screwtop, I hope that's just piss-talk otherwise our friendship and part-time sexual relationship is over.

Firstly, how on earth would I be able to remember ANY beers from the swap night? Secondly, all brewers need their head read. Thirddilly, 'your a,' should be, 'you're,' or 'you are.' You don't know nuffink.

As for Krista, only you and I know the truth there. But she is good value, puts up well with brewers and loves Schwartz. Yeah, you could be right mate!

Agh! I just remembered! Was meant to help Alstart unload a 60 litre fermenter from his fridge yesterday. So hungover, I forgot. Can anyone help Jim out? The job needs 2 people. Can't believe I forgot that! Sorrry Jim, will do my best to organise a resolution.

Spotyaron PP
Can't remember what Stu's beer was Tangent but I think it had something to do with brown grain. Bloody nice though -

It was a porter made with 3% brown malt, and no roast grains.

73 samples :rolleyes: must have come from a darwin stubbie.

Almost, it was a 1.5L Grolsch swing-top magnum. I reckon 73 is a bit rich :D

Back in the city of churches. Raining and 10 degrees :(
Almost, it was a 1.5L Grolsch swing-top magnum. I reckon 73 is a bit rich :D

Back in the city of churches. Raining and 10 degrees :(
Did you have to give it away Stu,
Raining :D 10 Degrees :angry:
Pat, your a "Hop Sook". None of those APA's were as big as the swap night. Krista what a girl, pretty brave fronting up knowing we'd been on it for 6 hours. Where did you find her? and how come she is your EX. You need your f()(&Ing head read.

It's taken me a long time to be able to respond to such a bitter and personal attack. I mean firstly, a, 'hop sook!' and then I need my head read! Screwtop, I hope that's just piss-talk otherwise our friendship and part-time sexual relationship is over.

Firstly, how on earth would I be able to remember ANY beers from the swap night? Secondly, all brewers need their head read. Thirddilly, 'your a,' should be, 'you're,' or 'you are.' You don't know nuffink.

As for Krista, only you and I know the truth there. But she is good value, puts up well with brewers and loves Schwartz. Yeah, you could be right mate!

Agh! I just remembered! Was meant to help Alstart unload a 60 litre fermenter from his fridge yesterday. So hungover, I forgot. Can anyone help Jim out? The job needs 2 people. Can't believe I forgot that! Sorrry Jim, will do my best to organise a resolution.

Spotyaron PP

Can we still be Special Friends??? :wub:
I mean firstly, a, 'hop sook!' and then I need my head read! Screwtop, I hope that's just piss-talk otherwise our friendship and part-time sexual relationship is over.

Can we still be Special Friends??? :wub:

This is getting a little scarey :blink:

I am seriously thinking of employing someone to delete my posts immediately after they are written. These last 2 weeks have been one big drinkathon. Deleted two other posts this morning but missed that one to Screwtop. Everyone's probably got that bloody Topic Reply Notification on anyway - lol.

Not too sure about the special friends bit Screwtop. I have 4 imaginary ones already. They are all female and seem to visit me when I'm asleep - all at the same time ;)

By the way, Ross reckons he can lift Altstart's 60 litre fermenter on his own but I reckon an extra pair of hands might be advisable so if anyone's passing...
why don't you drop into red hill one day PP, preferably before your drinkathon winds up. make sure you bring your own beer though :)

edit:that goes for all of you by the way! (not the bring your own beer part, only PP has to bring his own).