Wee Stu In Brizzy Sunday 3rd September

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Ya bloody PIKER!

Come home and crash here or at Tidal Pete's, dig up a tractor or something to drive down. :D
I have my leave app signed and will see you all there in the PM.


if anyone is able to help out with a lift from the closest train/bus station or from my house in red hill, I'd be very grateful. finding it hard to convince my girlfriend to give me a lift.
Coodgee you have to use ex-girlfriends for stuff like this.

No idea where Red Hill is but I have find my way to Carbrook via public transport after I have lunch in Brissy. Will leave there at around 1:30 so if Red Hill is close to there, we could travel down together.

Alternatively, lie to your current girlfriend and casually say, 'One of the brewers, (performs in Manpower by the way), needs a lift. Sure we can't help him out honey?' If that line works with her, let me know and I'll wear a G-string. Then you can pick ME up on the way - lol.
if anyone is able to help out with a lift from the closest train/bus station or from my house in red hill, I'd be very grateful. finding it hard to convince my girlfriend to give me a lift.


I can collect from Beenliegh, just don't make it too late - give us a call...

cheers Ross
Just saw where Red Hills is Coodgee. I'm going to drive my van up and come back with the ex. as otherwise I'm going to lose too much drinking time. I can give you a lift to Ross's after I have lunch in Brissy if that's any help. Give me a call.

Ross, I'll dump Aussie at your place at about 10:15. Will try and drop him off sober. ;)
if anyone is able to help out with a lift from the closest train/bus station or from my house in red hill, I'd be very grateful. finding it hard to convince my girlfriend to give me a lift.

Coodgee, if you can get to the Fruitgrove train station at 11 I can give you a lift down and back.
OK most of the crowd have left, and I am typing somewhat drukenly into Ross's keyboard.

Many thanks to all the AHBers who made an appearance this Father's Day. From my point of view it was an awesome turnout :beer: .

Discovered some great Queensland brewers, drank a sh#$tload of good beer, and can happily confirm all the rumours of Ross and Jacky's hospitality are indeed deserved :super:

Batz, I have now heard so much about your place I am doubly determined to make it there next time I hit the Sunshine State. Will organise things better next time, I guarantee.

awrabest, stu

ps looking forward to the group photo, to remind me of how the names and faces match up.
Not sure I am looking forward to any other photos :ph34r:
Batz, I have now heard so much about your place I am doubly determined to make it there next time I hit the Sunshine State. Will organise things better next time, I guarantee.

awrabest, stu

We would be pleased to have you stu.
Sorry I couldn't make it this time,I've been back only two days after an extended shutdown,a day away with beer business already... <_< better I leave that one alone ;)

Good on you Stu, glad you had a good day and sorry I missed it by a week, next time.

It was good to meet you Stu and put a few more faces to names of qld brewers.

I really enjoyed Coodgee's APA :chug: so fresh it was force carbonated right in front of our eyes :D
well I've just woken up from my little evening nap. yes what a fantastic day. nice beer all round. thanks for the recommendation up on the apa Jye, yours was bloody good too, as was all the beer.

here's to the next one.
Many thanks to Ross & Jackie for their hospitality. It was great to meet Wee Stu at last & get aquainted. All you blokes who attended the bash are the best. :super:

He didn't fall over or break anything, did he?
Thanks to Ross and Jacqui for the hospitality, I really enjoyed the day. Nice to meet Stu and catch up again with local brewers and meet new faces. Stu was very reserved and well behaved Kai, but some of you could have warned us about him being a pool shark.

You know, we're a lucky bunch and always spoilt for choice at Ross' let alone the fantastic selection of brews brought along on the day. Imagine if this function was held at a pub, we would have been stuck with 5 or 6 choices, none of them a patch on the 18 beer selection we were able to sample yesterday. Was blown away by Pat's BIAB results and Jye's APA was predictably perfect. Coodgee's six day old beer carb's on the spot was great. The only criticism levelled on the day was from Tidal Pete, in his opinion many of the beers on offer were a little dark for APA's, but he drank them anyway! I particularly like Coodgee's method of maintaining sobriety, 10 snappy pots down the gullet in 15 minutes then a 30 minute powernap on Ross's sofa. Must try that!

The miracle of the day was performed by Wee Stu, truly amazing! From one bottle carried personally from SA especially for the day, Stu poured 73 samples for tasting. Truly a beer God! Unfortunately the stubby did look a little oversized alongside Wee Stu, but still an amazing feat.

Anyway a great day all, thanks,
The only criticism levelled on the day was from Tidal Pete, in his opinion many of the beers on offer were a little dark for APA's, but he drank them anyway!

Typical of Tidialpete, beers the wrong shade,bars the wrong height,glasses are the wrong shape,someones shoes laces are dirty, Ross got the days mixed up..etc He still loves the beers ! :party:

Batz :ph34r:

Any pictures of the day?
yes forgot to say, thanks very much Ross and Jackie for your hospitality. Great beer, great food, and a very comfy couch!
Thanks to everyone that turned up & made it such an enjoyable day. Was great to meet you Stu - here are a few pics of the day.

Left to right Screwtop, Tidalpete, Altstart, Wee Stu
Aussie Claret, Coodgee, Ross, Jye, Mothballs, Kiwi_Greg
Finally down the front Browndog & PistolPatch.

Who's holding up who?

Jye's nifty flow restrictor in action

Being short has it's advantages :D

Coodgee power napping

Screwtop, the pool shark...

This APA's too dark!!!

Brizzybrew dropped by for a few

Stu the viking...

Pat's lady friend Krista added some glamour
ah good old Stu, always seems to end up drinking from the tap and wearing a viking helmet... :)

Which of his beers did he smuggle to QLD?
Many thanks to Ross and Jackie for your hospitality and a great afternoon. :beer:
Good to meet Stu and some more Qld brewers and share some fantastic beers.
