Virtual Brewing

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Fellow brewers,

If brewing were an extreme art then this is at the extreme end, so if you are not a crazy inventor or a computer geek or a bling bling hardware builder who wants a riduculously high tech control system, then look away ...

But if you are interested in computer PID control then read on ...

I'm no astro-physicist, but I think I've finally cracked the code ;) (no, not Da Vinci). I've been mulling over the PID algorithm lately and think I finally have a basic understanding of how it works. It has been hard for me, because I have bad highschool memories of calculus.

Anyway, I'm writing a control (computer term for fancy bit of code you can see on screen) that effectively is a virtual tun. It looks like a tun, behaves like a tun, and if you set target temps on it and feed it real temperatures, it will control a real brewing sculputre with PID control. I'm BIG KEV excited about it :beerbang:

I'm testing it right now on my HERMS and it is looking good. So if anyone wants to write a control program for a computerised brewery, this might be a handy starting point.

It also features a 'virtual test mode' so you can model a real brewery if you don't have the bits to get real control or real temps, so it could be fun just to play with.

So if anyone is interested, let me know. Or if you just want the PID code I've written, I'm happy to share that too.

cheers all

(in virtual bliss)

Fellow brewers,

If brewing were an extreme art then this is at the extreme end, so if you are not a crazy inventor or a computer geek or a bling bling hardware builder who wants a riduculously high tech control system, then look away ...

But if you are interested in computer PID control then read on ...

Sounds interesting Arnie what sort of virtual equipment does this run on?
Sounds like a subject I'm doing at uni at the moment, Process Control... only problem is, we don't get PCs, just a load of DEs, Laplace Transforms, pens and paper. Whoopee!
Hi Ausdb,

Windoze. The control is being written in VB but I think if compiled it should work with other languages. But if there are other languages of choice, the actual PID bit is surprisingly simple.

cheers, Arnie

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