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You can go along although there isn't much to see. Bunch of balding nerds sitting hunched over bits of paper, pencils in hands, sniffing beer and wrinkling their faces. Worse than watching Matt preston decide whether or not he likes the Shepherd's Pie he's eating.*

The bar will be open downstairs though so you could get along for lunch and some beers and pop upstairs to have a look.

Otherwise, as Yob suggests you could volunteer to steward or even judge. See the email that Martin OC copied and pasted earlier in the thread.

The head steward will do his best to get all beers to their appropriate temperature. It's an imperfect science so there's no guarantee but it should not be served ice cold or super warm and judges will usually mention to the stewards if the beers or glasses are varying too wildly in temperature.

*Except me. I'm handsome.

And cool.

And with a full head of hair that I choose not to grow.
Anyone wanting to try their hand a Stewarding, but don't know what's involved (or feel a bit intimidated), PM me & I'll try to give you an idea of what's required. If I get a flood, I'll post a general response here.
It's a good experience,meet some good people and if your lucky get to sample the beer's being judged
DU99 said:
It's a good experience,meet some good people and if your lucky get to sample the beer's being judged
What do you mean "if you're lucky" ? ;) ,as a steward you've got first dibs on all your tables jugs. :D
toper01 said:
What do you mean "if you're lucky" ? ;) ,as a steward you've got first dibs on all your tables jugs. :D
Steward's prerogative! :D Why do you think I don't judge any more???? ;)
Possibly available tonight I heard. Otherwise next couple of days.

Judging won't finish till this afternoon but data entry is pretty quick.
Patience is something that runs quite thin on days like this..

Im a bit worried about how my "Specialty" will fare, I got an email on Thursday asking for more information about it... all I could say was it was a cross between an American Barleywine and an Imperial AIPA, neither of which, from a technical point of view, it sits in.. hence the 18.7 entry.

Thats the problem with submitting beers that arent brewed to a style I guess.. what to enter it as and where does it best fit...

I wouldn't worry Yob,as long as there weren't any infection issues ,it's a very hedonistic catagory.Not sure what you specified as a base style,but it's all about drinkability and balance there.I judged that cat about 3 years ago,the only thing people got points off for was nominating ingredients that couldn't be tasted.As in "a ginger,strawberry,cinnamon ale" ,that no cinnamon or ginger was tasted.You'll be fine,chill broda :D
OK folks

Category results re up on CompMaster

Best Brewer was Derek Haes from Melbourne Brewers (Melbourne Brewers)
Best Beer was a Hazelnut Porter from Derek Hales (Melbourne Brewers)

Best Club was Bayside Brewers
Scott Vernon Trophy went to Bayside Brewers

Best Novice was Tom Drum

Congratulations to all the brewers and clubs who entered. And a big thanks to all the judges and stewards who attended on the day.

Finally thanks to the guys on the Vicbrew Committee for their commitment to the hobby we all love!


thanks Andy and all the Crew you do an amazing job.

well done Derek, again your beers are magnificent, to celebrate you should bring some chockies :) to the next meeting and I will try to attend (been 4 or 5 months :( )
A 4th!! WOOT!!!

Go you specialty bad boy :lol:

Yob said:
A 4th!! WOOT!!!

Go you specialty bad boy :lol:
gratz dude, bring some along at the end of the month, or if you popping into keg king let me know and you can do a drive by :)
Gratties to Derek.. faaarkin impressive mate,

Thanks to all involved too, Judges, stewards and all the rest that made it happen.


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