Vic Xmas In July Case Swap 2007

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some ingrate has used all the ink in the printer at work so there will be no flashy labels on my bottles :(

here's what i had started tho, was starting to look good too.... bloody mongrels


bugger, I guess my masking tape labels aren't going to win the "best labels in the swap" award ;)
Peels when ya starting the "tasting notes" thread? ;)
bugger, I guess my masking tape labels aren't going to win the "best labels in the swap" award ;)

I'll be coming dead last then. My "label" is black CD pen directly on the bottle. Most user-unfriendly label ever. One vaguely interesting thing is that you get to see the history of the bottle.
Peels when ya starting the "tasting notes" thread? ;)
Well seen as though I wont be able to drink too much at Spills tomorrow I will probably start it when I get home and start tasting.
Nice work DarkFaeryTale... very bloody impressive!! And not to mention seriously cool B) Hmmm... shall I go with black pen or black pen and masking tape?!?
anyone going tomorrow want a copy of the may/june zymurgy? I ended up with two copies
Was great meeting everyone at the Case swap, thanks especially to Spillsmostofit for hosting.
Really looking forward to trying everyones contributions

My contribution(the bottle marked with Q), the Tripel didn't turn out a standard tripel, hence I have dubbed it a 'winter tripel', it is a little darker, full bodied, with caramel kinda notes, hence its name Creme Caramel.
This was my first attempt at making my own candi syrup, which I will go into a little more in detail later.

Beware Foaming when you open this beer, reasonably carb-ed plus lotsa body equals FOOOAAAMMM!!!!

The homemade candi syrup was made by dissolving 1 kg dextrose in minimal water, to this phosphoric acid(2mL 85% food grade) was added and the whole heated at ~130 deg for about 20-30 minutes, until an amber colour was reached. This was then added to pot pre-boil.

In hindsight; the dextrose has added a heap of body to the beer, maybe cane sugar would have made it lighter in body. I'm happy enough with it as a winter dessert kinda beer, although if I was making this kind of style again I would add possibly some orange peel or maybe even a hint of coffee to make something different.

Hope you guys enjoy it

Creme Caramel Triple

A ProMash Recipe Report

Recipe Specifics

Batch Size (L): 20.00 Wort Size (L): 20.00
Total Grain (kg): 7.70
Anticipated OG: 1.083 Plato: 19.99
Anticipated SRM: 4.5
Anticipated IBU: 30.3
Brewhouse Efficiency: 65 %
Wort Boil Time: 75 Minutes


% Amount Name Origin Potential SRM
6.5 0.50 kg. Cara-Pils Dextrine Malt 67.12 2
2.6 0.20 kg. JWM Light Munich Australia 78.70 10
7.8 0.60 kg. Wheat Malt Belgium 77.50 2
70.1 5.40 kg. Pilsner Australia 76.48 1
13.0 1.00 kg. Homemade Candi syrup 99.55 ???

Potential represented as Yield, Coarse Grind As Is.


Amount Name Form Alpha IBU Boil Time
15.00 g. Styrian Goldings Pellet 4.00 2.3 15 min.
15.00 g. Czech Saaz Pellet 6.70 15.1 75 min.
10.00 g. Styrian Goldings Pellet 4.00 0.9 5 min.
15.00 g. Czech Saaz Pellet 6.70 4.8 20 min.
15.00 g. Czech Saaz Pellet 6.70 7.2 30 min.


WYeast 3787 Trappist High Gravity

Mash Schedule

Mash Type: Multi Step

Grain kg: 6.70
Water Qts: 17.16 - Before Additional Infusions
Water L: 16.24 - Before Additional Infusions

L Water Per kg Grain: 2.42 - Before Additional Infusions

Acid Rest Temp : 40 Time: 10
Protein Rest Temp : 50 Time: 15
Intermediate Rest Temp : 0 Time: 0
Saccharification Rest Temp : 65 Time: 60
Mash-out Rest Temp : 72 Time: 110
Sparge Temp : 76 Time: 15

Total Mash Volume L: 20.71 - Dough-In Infusion Only

All temperature measurements are degrees Celsius.


for the record, here's the recipe for the alt. it's pretty much exactly as batz's recipe in the recipes section

Batz Alt
7-C Dsseldorf Altbier


Size: 25.0 L
Efficiency: 71.0%
Attenuation: 75.0%
Calories: 178.45 per 12.0 fl oz

Original Gravity: 1.054 (1.046 - 1.054)
Terminal Gravity: 1.013 (1.010 - 1.015)
Color: 32.5 (13.0 - 17.0)
Alcohol: 5.27% (4.5% - 5.2%)
Bitterness: 38.2 (35.0 - 50.0)

13.0 g Hallertauer Hersbrucker (3.2%) - added during boil, boiled 60.0 min
55.0 g Select Spalt (4.0%) - added during boil, boiled 60.0 min
35.0 g Select Spalt (4.0%) - added during boil, boiled 45.0 min
3.12 kg Pale Malt
2.75 kg Munich
0.31 kg Caramalt
0.07 kg Chocolate Malt
0.5 ea Irish Moss - added during boil, boiled 10.0 min
1 ea Danstar - Nottingham
Well i'll pick my case up this week sometime, but just in case here's my recipe, has a label on it so you'll know anyway :

14-A English IPA

Size: 19.98 L
Efficiency: 72.96%
Attenuation: 68.8%
Calories: 215.81 per 12.0 fl oz

Original Gravity: 1.064 (1.050 - 1.075)
Terminal Gravity: 1.020 (1.010 - 1.018)
Color: 26.2 (8.0 - 14.0)
Alcohol: 5.79% (5.0% - 7.5%)
Bitterness: 59.17 (40.0 - 60.0)

4.8 kg Malt Craft Export Pilsner Malt
.840 kg Dark Munich Malt
.300 kg Crystal Malt
.060 kg Cara-aroma
60 g Challenger (6.6%) - added during boil, boiled 60 min
20 g Goldings (6%) - added during boil, boiled 25 min
20 g Goldings (6%) - added during boil, boiled 0.0 min
12.5 g Fermentis S-04 Safale S-04

not quite sure if its fully carbonated yet, i'll crack my test bottle tommorow and let ya'll know.

Thanks to Peels for organising it and to Spills for hosting the actual swap even tho i couldnt make it.

Gentleman, start your engines. :chug:
Well... I've finished cleaning up and have had dinner and now I am listening to some Fat Boy Slim at full volume having had a seriously fabulous afternoon. I really enjoyed meeting all who attended and I suspect that our futures will continue to mesh. It was great to taste other beers and contrast them against my own offerings, which I now hold in a different light. The brews people brought to my place were fantastic!

I really appreciate this opportunity and look forward to perhaps doing it again in the future.

Thanks everyone for a great afternoon. I am in your debt.
Well I must say I had a great afternoon at Spills and take this opportunity to thank him and Mrs Spills for their hospitality and fine beer. It was my first opportunity to try a BIAB beer and I must say that IMO if anyone s%*t cans it they better be wearing a flame suit. Bloody good drop!!!

It was also great meeting and chatting with other like minded brewers. Next time Im not driving and Im leaving my phone off.

The swap went really well and thanks to all who participated. Im just about to open my first swap bottle (Lucass - Batz Altbier) so I will start the tasting thread tomorrow.

Thanks for the mag Lucas.

Apart from what appears to be intentional left-overs, I have an unclaimed case sitting in the Sorting Facility. Somebody might be going thirsty!
Apart from what appears to be intentional left-overs, I have an unclaimed case sitting in the Sorting Facility. Somebody might be going thirsty!


If the unclaimed case is in a green supermarket bag - it's yours.

From what I remember (although after the belgian late in the proceedings memory may be foggy), we mistakenly sorted one too many cases.

Hope you enjoy it & many thanks for hosting a great afternoon with some fantastic beers.

Look forward to catching up again soon.

Apart from what appears to be intentional left-overs, I have an unclaimed case sitting in the Sorting Facility. Somebody might be going thirsty!

It's likely yours, I know I threw in an extra for you for your effort in hosting the sorting day, I guess everyone else must have, too. Thanks for hosting the day, and apologies on not being able to make it. My wife just doesn't understand the importance of beer :(

From memory :

WAPA - 23L batch
5kg Aussie pilsner malt (unsure of maltster)
300g Medium Crystal Malt
200g Carapils
100g Chocolate Malt
Mashed at 66, 1hr.

approx. 1.050 OG, 1.010 FG

Boil 1 hr
15g Chinook @ 60
20g Cascade @ 15
10g Cascade dry hop in secondary

US-56, 18C 1 week primary, 2 weeks secondary at ambient.

To whoever it was that supplied the PET bottles with the valve in the top, would you like to have these back?
And Fents, I've got your case at my place, rock on over when you want to pick it up.
Cracked my test bottle of my IPA last night and its ready to drink! Albeit a bit chill hazy ;)

Ward i'll call ya this arvo, might pop over tonight and pick it up ;)

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