Vic Xmas Case Swap 2010 - Tasting

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didn't want to post this, but warm_beer wants me to...

3. WarmBeer Black IPA

you've done this to me before, so i can only tell it how i see it. I wasn't a fan

The roast was overpowering. The only hint of hops i got was a coating on the back of the throat, which usually I love, but it didn't meld with the roast. I also found the roast to be quite ashy.

Other than that, presentation was excellent. Head was rocky and held on tight the whole way. It was clean, fermentation wise, to my ability to detect clean.

I was going to say "swap the centennial for some ekg and drop the roast and it would be a corker"... but then it would probably be a porter or something

I thought anything with "IPA" in the name would be to my tastes, but the suffix "black" has disproved that. My palatte is far too sensitive to coffee flavours and aromas, and that's all I got from this. I couldn't find the hop aroma or flavour, as it was all drowned out.

11. Cocko - Dark APA

Looks a little different to a normal APA. Smells a little different to a normal APA. Tastes a little... wow, tastes fking fantastic!

A big, chocolatey, malty hit in the mouth, finely balanced with maltiness, with some piney hop flavours coming through. Not too bitter, not too sweet, just right! The dark/crystal malts add another dimension to what you normally get in an APA.

A seriously good beer. Recipe, pretty please?
11. Cocko - Dark APA

Looks a little different to a normal APA. Smells a little different to a normal APA. Tastes a little... wow, tastes fking fantastic!

A big, chocolatey, malty hit in the mouth, finely balanced with maltiness, with some piney hop flavours coming through. Not too bitter, not too sweet, just right! The dark/crystal malts add another dimension to what you normally get in an APA.

A seriously good beer. Recipe, pretty please?

Cheers WB, glad you enjoyed it mate... Thanks for the feedback, good or bad. I am sure all swappers will agree - the feedback is a major part of the swap as you can get an unbiased opinion on a beer that you may be rating higher due to placebo etc...

I will post the recipe in the recipe thread now but please tread with caution as the grains were weighed while slightly under the influence, I know it hard to believe but I had had a few hence the sprinkle of chocolate malt for no reason and not sure if the crystal was 140 or dark....

Cheers again!

BTW: Saturday, I will be brewing a black IPA with beersatan and we will be tasting up a storm!
20. Shimple - Punxsatawney Porter

I have an inkling there is something fishy going on in this beer. The phenolics (gin, juniper, medicinal) are typically related to an infection of some sort. Kind of a bummer as i can tell the malt profile is there, just masked alot by the medicnal flavours.

Bummer dude.

Damn it!!! Sorry for the infection, hoping it was a once off. Has anyone else tried? I cracked one yesterday and it had no acidic falvour.

Once again sorry 4* :(
Damn it!!! Sorry for the infection, hoping it was a once off. Has anyone else tried? I cracked one yesterday and it had no acidic falvour.

Once again sorry 4* :(

Don't stress shimple, I'll make a point of trying yours tonight and will post as soon as I do.
Shimple - tried your porter last night and found it quite drinkable, albeit carbonated like a mofo!! It had a nice malt backbone with a dry finish. Not sure if it's a porter though - reminded me more of a fizzy dry stout with less roast. No phelonics or acidity to my tongue.
Damn it!!! Sorry for the infection, hoping it was a once off. Has anyone else tried? I cracked one yesterday and it had no acidic falvour.

Once again sorry 4* :(

I'll open one tonight, so if you want to pop over and get your swap you can try it as well :)
Shimple - tried your porter last night and found it quite drinkable, albeit carbonated like a mofo!! It had a nice malt backbone with a dry finish. Not sure if it's a porter though - reminded me more of a fizzy dry stout with less roast. No phelonics or acidity to my tongue.

Well, that is a relief, even though it is overcarbed.... Never bottle carbonate so maybe i need a few lessons.
Thanks for the feedback, good or bad. I am sure all swappers will agree - the feedback is a major part of the swap as you can get an unbiased opinion on a beer that you may be rating higher due to placebo etc...

Totally agree. Constructive unbiased feedback is welcomed, as it opens new doors.
Cracked the bottle just home from work, pours hazy, with little to no head retention. amber in color. As much as I want to like it, it certainly has a malt background with a low bitterness and subtle hop work, but an overiding yeast presence is dominant on both nose and palate.
Its not infected IMO, the yeast is just very stressed,old,too long ??? I also get a real dry mouth? maybe astringency but I tip more the yeast thing going on.
Love to be more positive but thats how I found it.
Thx Leigh
16, siborg scotish 80

Redish brown, low off white head, malt aroma maybe a touch of alcohol as well, a touch hazy, good malty flavour, no bitterness, a get a dry type of feel on the roof of the mouth.

Overall a good beer.
Interesting label and beer. Bitterness is bold, very bold, the color is well hidden. maybe some smooth carafa? but guessing.
Carbonation is good. The dark and lack of any roast qualities is very good. Nice big hop aroma, lacks the hop finish though. Yeast aroma,taste is there and not unpleasant but unwelcome.
I sort of enjoyed it, I wouldnt brew it, 20 ltrs would be overkill. This beer would be better with maybe another yeast, heaps more time in the bottle. I take my hat off for having a dip at this style.
Cheers and great contribution.
20. Shimple - Punxsatawney Porter

Sorry Shimple, but I'm getting cherry cough syrup back notes as well :(

Felt like the bottle was going to burst when I grabbed it out of the fridge (definately has a fizziness about it), is probably a little bit sweet for my expectations of the style, but regardless is still quite drinkable. Seems like a well brewed beer, just a pity about the medicinal taste (which imo is emphasized by the fizziness).
Just checked mine shimple...I don't like the way the cap and base of the bottle are bulging :huh: Bottle is also rock hard. Have chucked in the fridge for now...Have seen a PET explode under pressure before!

Anyway, onto the tasting:

1. Chris - Saison

Yet another great beer Chris, medium carbonation, head dissipates to a low foam very quickly, lovely malt/hop flavours and an interesting yeast character imparted on the beer.

8. 4* - Kentucky Common

Unfortunately mine was flat :( Nevertheless, I sampled the beer, and this is such a great beer, that even flat it was very drinkable...lovely hop profile and a malty/chocolate flavour
20. Shimple - Punxsatawney Porter

just had that, and another 30 of stuff on tap :) with shimple, it was certainly over carbed, I didn't have the bulging bottle (but pouring slow still gave a big head), let it sit for a few minutes and it was fine, no issues with "infection" etc..

for me very malty, clear maybe slight haze, low bitterness, as I said to shimple if I drank it I would have picked it as a scottish/irish type rather than a porter (not that I know what a porter should be :) ) but it was a good beer.

2. Zebba - APA

A decent amount of hop bitterness and flavour. Hoppy/ slightly yeasty aroma. Malt profile is supportive of the hops. Balance is favoured towards the hops.

I reckon this was quite drinkable. As it warmed, I got some alcohol flavours coming through. Maybe back off the bittering a little, or push the malt forward a tad.

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