Vic Xmas Case Swap 2010 - Tasting

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20. Shimple - Punxsatawney Porter

just had that, and another 30 of stuff on tap :) with shimple, it was certainly over carbed, I didn't have the bulging bottle (but pouring slow still gave a big head), let it sit for a few minutes and it was fine, no issues with "infection" etc..

for me very malty, clear maybe slight haze, low bitterness, as I said to shimple if I drank it I would have picked it as a scottish/irish type rather than a porter (not that I know what a porter should be :) ) but it was a good beer.



Cheers for the beers last night. Was a little wobbly walking in the door. Derina didn't believe Sara when she said i only had 4 <_<

That Bock was devine. Well done. Did i mention i love homebrew?

I will be cracking my first swap tonight, or maybe after mowing the grass.
20. Shimple - Punxsatawney Porter

Sorry Shimple, but I'm getting cherry cough syrup back notes as well :(

Felt like the bottle was going to burst when I grabbed it out of the fridge (definately has a fizziness about it), is probably a little bit sweet for my expectations of the style, but regardless is still quite drinkable. Seems like a well brewed beer, just a pity about the medicinal taste (which imo is emphasized by the fizziness).
20. Shimple - Punxsatawney Porter

No such issues here.

Other than the carbonation being way too high for style, and that adding some carbonic bite, I thought this was a good, tasty beer.

If I can't be bothered cleaning another fermenter in order to do a bulk prime, I'll just use the "stubbie" measurement of sugar for a longneck when priming my stouts and porters.
20. Shimple - Punxsatawney Porter

No such issues here.

Other than the carbonation being way too high for style, and that adding some carbonic bite, I thought this was a good, tasty beer.

If I can't be bothered cleaning another fermenter in order to do a bulk prime, I'll just use the "stubbie" measurement of sugar for a longneck when priming my stouts and porters.

Cheers WB. Thanks for the tip, will give that a go next time.
Checked my box this morning, and i am missing a number 1. Chris did the saison eventuate?
it was there there I checked mine and don't have another, sorry I must have not put it in.
Had a few last night so notes will be brief...

6. Vitalstatistix - AIPA
Colour was very dark, and flavour wise it was very (VERY) sweet at first, followed by the bitterness. Didn't get much aroma from the hops, indeed the aroma was mostly malt. There was some fruity hop flavour there though, that is for certain! I'm not sure if it was the heap of crystal, or if it just needed another month to gel together, but overall it was a bit thick. I prefer my IPA's a little drier, but it's such a broad style, and I've had a few commercially regarded brews that this reminded me of somewhat (the rogue 200m ipa comes to mind).

12. Beersatan - Jaggery Pale Ale
I got quite a bit of banana from this, and if you had have asked me I would have guessed you used recultured coopers yeast. Very suprised it's 1968! The jaggery worked well, and the hops worked very well - it was well balanced and very drinkable. I enjoyed it, but think it would have been better with a bit less banana. My old man, who shared it with me, thought it was the standout beer of the evening.

17. Leigh - Irish Red Ale (Better Red than Dead)
Poured fairly flat, with no head. Excellent colour and clarity, let down by a lack of head. Flavour wise... I don't know how to describe it. I'm very new to this style, the only other one I've had was one that someone passed me at the swap (sorry, can't remember who, may have been 4*...). Still, it was full of flavour, definitely a sipper, not a quaffer. Got some smokey flavours, and very sweet.

19. Haysie
This was my favourite of the night. Drinkable and chocked full of flavour. Not much else to say, other then well done!

20. Shimple - Punxsatawney Porter
There was something not right about mine. It was carbonated to the point of being sherbert like. This seemed to enhance a flavour that I wouldn't quite describe as medicinal... More like a strong raspberry lolly

2. Zebba IPA
I wasn't a fan. Murkey, yeasty, and way too much body. Smelled nice though. Centennial truly is cascade on steroids

14. Don Matteo Heffe
Last drink of the night and went down quick and easy. Not very experienced in the wheats, but this was nice - the flavours that I associate with wheats were there, but not too over the top, which is a problem I've found in most the wheats I've tried. Got no head out of it though, and checking the thread I see I may have opened it too soon. Still a fine drop.
2. Zebba IPA
I wasn't a fan. Murkey, yeasty, and way too much body. Smelled nice though. Centennial truly is cascade on steroids
Not a fan of your own stuff, ey zebba. Don't be too harsh on yourself. I thought it was nice. Was definitely big on body and a little yeasty, but those hops.... yum!

Do you reckon you mashed too high? What do you think would have contributed to the extra body and yeast? Overpitched?
Not a fan of your own stuff, ey zebba. Don't be too harsh on yourself. I thought it was nice. Was definitely big on body and a little yeasty, but those hops.... yum!

Do you reckon you mashed too high? What do you think would have contributed to the extra body and yeast? Overpitched?
The yeast I don't know. It was only 1 pack US05, sprinkled straight on top, 17 degrees (although pitched around 20). I ramp when the krausen starts to drop to 20-22, leave it a few days, then cold crash down to 2, in this case for a week. No idea why it didn't want to drop brite or why it was yeasty.

Body wise, I meant to use pale but used vienna instead, so there is some of the issue. Didn't mash high (66), but there is a bit of crystal and biscuit which won't help. Plus I think I'm having conversion issues atm, so I reckon some of the presentation issues may actually be starch related... The lager that I intended to swap, but ending up not having enough bottles, has similar issues with clarity, which is frustrating as up until the last few brews I was getting real brite just with a crash chill - no gelatin, no polyclar, no filter.

Anyway, problems, they'll be sorted out by next swap, plus I've got some plans for more big beers to bring on the day(strong scotch, IIPA, eis-ale MK2) :)
the eis ale at swap day was magnifico

The yeast I don't know. It was only 1 pack US05, sprinkled straight on top, 17 degrees (although pitched around 20). I ramp when the krausen starts to drop to 20-22, leave it a few days, then cold crash down to 2, in this case for a week. No idea why it didn't want to drop brite or why it was yeasty.

Body wise, I meant to use pale but used vienna instead, so there is some of the issue. Didn't mash high (66), but there is a bit of crystal and biscuit which won't help. Plus I think I'm having conversion issues atm, so I reckon some of the presentation issues may actually be starch related... The lager that I intended to swap, but ending up not having enough bottles, has similar issues with clarity, which is frustrating as up until the last few brews I was getting real brite just with a crash chill - no gelatin, no polyclar, no filter.

Anyway, problems, they'll be sorted out by next swap, plus I've got some plans for more big beers to bring on the day(strong scotch, IIPA, eis-ale MK2) :)
Had a few today with Beersatan, while brewing a Black IPA... :icon_drool2:

First up: More than appropriate

#3 Warm Beer - Darker gentlemen IPA.

Perfectly balanced but needed a bit more of everything more hops more roast, more sweet IMO.

A great beer don't get me wrong, I loved it... The flavours were spot on just had to chase them a bit rather them jumping on the buds...

Next up we pulled out #14

14. Don Mateo - Hefeweizen

IMO this is a hefewiezen on steroids - every thing the style should be but exaggerated! Heap of banana, heaps of.. well everything! A very nice example but needs to come down on the dial from 11 to 5....

9. Seemax - Galactic Casarillo Ale

As an APA, even though it is now brown, brewer and drinker - this beer was a breath of fresh air! perfectly hoppy to a balanced malt back bone as it warmed, could easily drink this all day long! Good Beer :icon_chickcheers:

6. Siborg - Scottish 80

Not a big fan of the style but this is a great beer. If anything a tiny bit over sweet to me but I may be confusing the hop profile with sweetness....., VERY clear, good lacing, good head retention... good work Siborg!

8. 4* - Kentucky Common
Unfortunately mine was flat Nevertheless, I sampled the beer, and this is such a great beer, that even flat it was very drinkable...lovely hop profile and a malty/chocolate flavour

bummer. the dregs from the fermenter (10L) that went into a keg bulk primed was well carbonated so i dont know what the issue with the bottle was. hmmm. i did shoot for it to be mildly carbonated but maybe a little too mild with the way its panned out. i noticed too high carbonation with the first batch i made gave the beer a really thin body perception so i tried to avoid it.

glad you enojyed it bud.
Poured great, lotsa carbonation, tight pillowy head and stinks of good hefe, wheat, nice yeast. No over the top phenolics that can come part and parcel of a weizen, obviously some good yeast management and fermentation control are evident here.
It was well attentuated which combined with the high carbonation gave a lovely spritzy mouthfeel, one that you could drink all day and night on a warm summer day. Great beer, well made, well done. Thx

edit. mine was in a Manticle bottle? Right beer yeah? ^_^

edit2. #12 was next
Nice clean beer, there was a taste I cant grasp,> fruity (someone said banana earlier? yeah sort of). Jaggery is good but so are finishing hops. Had a gig at the recipe and compliments to the cook, this is good. Everything seems so well rounded except for the bananaish,fruitishess thing. Done a real good job and thx. Another one for a bit more maturity in the bott.
2. Zebba - APA

Hoptastic! I am in love with centennial so this beer was much to my liking. Couldn't find any malt backing just hops hops and more hops!

Enjoyed every drop! Cheers mate.
6. Vitalstatistix - AIPA

What a hopped up evening this is turning out to be!

Pours clear, good head and lacing - absolutely spot on to my understanding of an AIPA - perfect colour, bitterness, hoppiness... just a ******* great AIPA! Cant pick a fault and am pretty pissed off its finished...

Well done, a well made beer!

Will be running your recipe up ASAP!

1. Chris - Saison

I have never had a Saison before be it commercial or HB and I must say I am not a fan of the style.

Obviously no offence intended to Chris as I am sure this is well made example, just not a fan.

What is a Saison? tasted like a belgian wheat or something.....

A couple of floaties too....

Quite enjoyed the first few sips but as it warmed it changed into something my buds either aren't ready for or didn't like.

Again, no offence to Chris, just me not liking the flavours! Well, you can't love 'em all huh!

12. Beersatan - Jaggery Pale Ale

My bottle was overcarbed, careful pouring gave half a glass of head...

Tasting wise, there was lots of hops, but not enough malt base IMO and that odd flavour (that some are describing as banana) detracted from my experience.

Overall not a bad beer, just not to my liking...
14. Don Mateo - Weiss

I aged this a few weeks now. The rampant banana Don told me he is tasting is nearly gone, there is some fruitiness, plum?! bubblegum!? And starting to be slightly spicy. Beautiful.
5 mxd - ESB

Wow, what a beer! Agree with others that it needs a little bit more in the malt department, but this is definitely in my top 2 beers of the swap so far! Was fairly annoyed that you skimped and only gave me 750 ml lmao :p

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