Swap beer is not for on the day, it is to take home and drink at leisure.I'm looking forward to meeting everyone,
beer and food supplied? surely people are going to be bringing a bit of their own home brew other than the swap beer? I would feel a bit weird showing up empty handed.
we dont expect it will all be drunk
:excl: Alpha Acid Problem :excl:
I went to Grain and Grape to day to grab hops and salts for the brew day batch. did a check tonight to find my AA% don't match the recipe.
I have
150g of 2008 @ 3.1% AA.
40g of 2011 @ 3.2% AA.
Styrian Goldings
80G of 2011 @ 3.4% AA.
not sure how to adjust quantities based on the AA% as the Hop Calc on BeerAlchemy requires recipe info (like wort volumes and gravity) not available (recipe link not working).
I have some extra Saaz Pellets @ 3.4% AA in an unsealed bag in the Freezer I'm happy to top up the quantity but not sure how much is required.
Help please your experienced campaigners!
Simple ratios should work:not sure how to adjust quantities based on the AA% as the Hop Calc on BeerAlchemy requires recipe info (like wort volumes and gravity) not available (recipe link not working).
So close, I think we just chuck in a couple of extra grams. How far away are you (haven't looked up the recipe but from memory both advertised saaz and styrians are 3 point something).
Not really worth worrying about for this recipe I reckon.
So close, I think we just chuck in a couple of extra grams. How far away are you (haven't looked up the recipe but from memory both advertised saaz and styrians are 3 point something).
Not really worth worrying about for this recipe I reckon.
what time are we planning on doing the actual swap guys? I probably won't get there until mid-arvo-ish...
well swap when you get there, cant really start without ya can we lol?