Vic July 2012 Caseswap!

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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AHB Name - Beer - Attendance.
1. Fenton - Attending - Option 1
2. Trippers - Attending - Option 1
3. Luke C - Attending - Option 1
5. Shane R
6. Fikuss -
7. Iamozziyob -
8. WarmBeer - iPA - Yes, attending
9. Wolfman- Robust Porter- Attending- Option 1
11. Midnight Brew
12. Charst - MTN Goat Thornbridge Black IPA Clone. - Attending - Option 1 - Yes to Beire de Garde
13. bullsneck - attending - option 1
14. Adamski29
15. seemax
16. Siborg OPTION1
17.beerDingo OPTION 1
18. merlin032
19. mmmyummybeer
20. MaestroMatt
21. Julie
22. Brendo - Attending - Option 1

Non Swapper Attendees
1. Manticle: Attending. Not sure yet which option - probably happy to move with the vote on this one.
AHB Name - Beer - Attendance.
1. Fenton - Attending - Option 1
2. Trippers - Attending - Option 1
3. Luke C - Attending - Option 1
5. Shane R - Attending - Option 1 (providing it doesn't become $40 with 20 people attending)
6. Fikuss -
7. Iamozziyob -
8. WarmBeer - iPA - Yes, attending
9. Wolfman- Robust Porter- Attending- Option 1
11. Midnight Brew
12. Charst
13. bullsneck -
14. Adamski29
15. seemax
16. Siborg OPTION1
17.beerDingo OPTION 1
18. merlin032
19. mmmyummybeer
20. MaestroMatt
21. Julie
22. Brendo - Attending - Option 1

Non Swapper Attendes
AHB Name - Beer - Attendance.
1. Fenton - Attending - Option 1
2. Trippers - Attending - Option 1
3. Luke C - Attending - Option 1
5. Shane R - Attending - Option 1 (providing it doesn't become $40 with 20 people attending)
6. Fikuss -
7. Iamozziyob -
8. WarmBeer - iPA - Yes, attending
9. Wolfman- Robust Porter- Attending- Option 1
11. Midnight Brew
12. Charst
13. bullsneck -
14. Adamski29
15. seemax
16. Siborg OPTION1
17.beerDingo OPTION 1
18. merlin032
19. mmmyummybeer
20. MaestroMatt
21. Julie
22. Brendo - Attending - Option 1

Non Swapper Attendes

Need to take the last updated list Shane your missing info.
AHB Name - Beer - Attendance.
1. Fenton - Attending - Option 1
2. Trippers - Attending - Option 1
3. Luke C - Attending - Option 1
5. Shane R - Option 1 (providing its not $40 between 20 people)
6. Fikuss -
7. Iamozziyob -
8. WarmBeer - iPA - Yes, attending
9. Wolfman- Robust Porter- Attending- Option 1
11. Midnight Brew - Still deciding brew - Option 1
12. Charst - MTN Goat Thornbridge Black IPA Clone. - Attending - Option 1 - Yes to Beire de Garde
13. bullsneck - attending - option 1
14. Adamski29
15. seemax
16. Siborg OPTION1
17.beerDingo OPTION 1
18. merlin032
19. mmmyummybeer
20. MaestroMatt
21. Julie
22. Brendo - Attending - Option 1

Non Swapper Attendees
1. Manticle: Attending. Not sure yet which option - probably happy to move with the vote on this one.
AHB Name - Beer - Attendance.
1. Fenton - Attending - Option 1
2. Trippers - Attending - Option 1
3. Luke C - Attending - Option 1
5. Shane R - Option 1 (providing its not $40 between 20 people)
6. Fikuss -
7. Iamozziyob -
8. WarmBeer - iPA - Yes, attending - Option 1
9. Wolfman- Robust Porter- Attending- Option 1
11. Midnight Brew - Still deciding brew - Option 1
12. Charst - MTN Goat Thornbridge Black IPA Clone. - Attending - Option 1 - Yes to Beire de Garde
13. bullsneck - attending - option 1
14. Adamski29
15. seemax
16. Siborg OPTION1
17.beerDingo OPTION 1
18. merlin032
19. mmmyummybeer
20. MaestroMatt
21. Julie
22. Brendo - Attending - Option 1

Non Swapper Attendees
1. Manticle: Attending. Not sure yet which option - probably happy to move with the vote on this one.

Looks like Option 1 is the general consensus.
Option 1 for me - why bother copying the names at this point when there is clearly a consensus.

Just a question as one of the more distant travelers to this glorious shindig - what time are the festivities going to commence?
kick off time is usually about midday...
lol you know thats standard practice. i think rook and i kicked off at 8am one year.
I advise all and sundry to eat a burger with bacon and cheese at the very least and a couple of dim sims before arriving. Goat may not be the first thing that passes your lips when you get there - beer certainly will be.

By burger I mean a proper one. If you don't know what that is or know where to get one, you deserve the texta on your face at 8pm.

lol you know thats standard practice. i think rook and i kicked off at 8am one year.

He going to be making an appearance this time around you reckon?
**** if rooky is turning up I've got no excuse for not turning up. I recon I might have to ferment my US Bong water particular just for Fents ;)

Get the boys all back together. Will read thread and see when swap has been confirmed for.
Looks like we have an overwhelming vote for the first option. Once we confirm the numbers we will let you know the cost per head. It wont be anymore than $30 and every cent will be spent on making the day one to remember... If you havent confirmed your attendance please do so ASAP and then we can finalise the cost per head. Hope all those swap beers are tastin awesome. :icon_chickcheers:
AHB Name - Beer - Attendance.
1. Fenton - Attending - Option 1
2. Trippers - Attending - Option 1
3. Luke C - Attending - Option 1
5. Shane R - Option 1 (providing its not $40 between 20 people)
6. Fikuss -
7. Iamozziyob -
8. WarmBeer - iPA - Yes, attending - Option 1
9. Wolfman- Robust Porter- Attending- Option 1
11. Midnight Brew - Still deciding brew - Option 1
12. Charst - MTN Goat Thornbridge Black IPA Clone. - Attending - Option 1 - Yes to Beire de Garde
13. bullsneck - attending - option 1
14. Adamski29 - Attending - Option 1 - Will be bottling my Traditional Bock very soon. The bastard has taken a while to finish with the low temps in Gembrook.
15. seemax
16. Siborg OPTION1
17.beerDingo OPTION 1
18. merlin032
19. mmmyummybeer
20. MaestroMatt
21. Julie
22. Brendo - Attending - Option 1

Non Swapper Attendees
1. Manticle: Attending. Not sure yet which option - probably happy to move with the vote on this one.
AHB Name - Beer - Attendance.
1. Fenton - Attending - Option 1
2. Trippers - Attending - Option 1
3. Luke C - Attending - Option 1
5. Shane R - Option 1 (providing its not $40 between 20 people)
6. Fikuss -
7. Iamozziyob -
8. WarmBeer - iPA - Yes, attending - Option 1
9. Wolfman- Robust Porter- Attending- Option 1
11. Midnight Brew - Still deciding brew - Option 1
12. Charst - MTN Goat Thornbridge Black IPA Clone. - Attending - Option 1 - Yes to Beire de Garde
13. bullsneck - attending - option 1
14. Adamski29 - Attending - Option 1 - Will be bottling my Traditional Bock very soon. The bastard has taken a while to finish with the low temps in Gembrook.
15. seemax
16. Siborg OPTION1
17.beerDingo - Attending - OPTION 1
18. merlin032
19. mmmyummybeer
20. MaestroMatt
21. Julie
22. Brendo - Attending - Option 1

Non Swapper Attendees
1. Manticle: Attending. Not sure yet which option - probably happy to move with the vote on this one.

Forgot to add the Attending part...
Guys, I'm going to have to pull out from swapping this time. Still have some from the last swap to drink, and haven't had time to brew anything. Will try and get a keg of something that doesn't take too long to brew done, or I have at least half a keg of dark mild that I need polished off, so I may bring that.

AHB Name - Beer - Attendance.
1. Fenton - Attending - Option 1
2. Trippers - Attending - Option 1
3. Luke C - Attending - Option 1
5. Shane R - Option 1 (providing its not $40 between 20 people)
6. Fikuss -
7. Iamozziyob -
8. WarmBeer - iPA - Yes, attending - Option 1
9. Wolfman- Robust Porter- Attending- Option 1
11. Midnight Brew - Still deciding brew - Option 1
12. Charst - MTN Goat Thornbridge Black IPA Clone. - Attending - Option 1 - Yes to Beire de Garde
13. bullsneck - attending - option 1
14. Adamski29 - Attending - Option 1 - Will be bottling my Traditional Bock very soon. The bastard has taken a while to finish with the low temps in Gembrook.
15. seemax
17.beerDingo - Attending - OPTION 1
18. merlin032
19. mmmyummybeer
20. MaestroMatt
21. Julie
22. Brendo - Attending - Option 1

Non Swapper Attendees
1. Manticle: Attending. Not sure yet which option - probably happy to move with the vote on this one.
2. Siborg - Attending, OPTION1 - will bring some beer along
AHB Name - Beer - Attendance.
1. Fenton - Attending - Option 1
2. Trippers - Attending - Option 1
3. Luke C - Attending - Option 1
5. Shane R - Option 1 (providing its not $40 between 20 people)
6. Fikuss -
7. Iamozziyob -
8. WarmBeer - iPA - Yes, attending - Option 1
9. Wolfman- Robust Porter- Attending- Option 1
11. Midnight Brew - Still deciding brew - Option 1
12. Charst - MTN Goat Thornbridge Black IPA Clone. - Attending - Option 1 - Yes to Beire de Garde
13. bullsneck - attending - option 1
14. Adamski29 - Attending - Option 1 - Will be bottling my Traditional Bock very soon. The bastard has taken a while to finish with the low temps in Gembrook.
15. seemax
17.beerDingo - Attending - OPTION 1
18. merlin032
19. mmmyummybeer
20. MaestroMatt
21. Julie
22. Brendo - Attending - Option 1

Non Swapper Attendees
1. Manticle: Attending. Not sure yet which option - probably happy to move with the vote on this one.
2. Siborg - Attending, OPTION1 - will bring some beer along
3. Leigh - Attending, I vote for good food.
AHB Name - Beer - Attendance.
1. Fenton - Attending - Option 1
2. Trippers - Attending - Option 1
3. Luke C - Attending - Option 1
5. Shane R - Option 1 (providing its not $40 between 20 people)
6. Fikuss -
7. Iamozziyob -
8. WarmBeer - iPA - Yes, attending - Option 1
9. Wolfman- Robust Porter- Attending- Option 1
11. Midnight Brew - Still deciding brew - Option 1
12. Charst - MTN Goat Thornbridge Black IPA Clone. - Attending - Option 1 - Yes to Beire de Garde
13. bullsneck - attending - option 1
14. Adamski29 - Attending - Option 1 - Will be bottling my Traditional Bock very soon. The bastard has taken a while to finish with the low temps in Gembrook.
15. seemax - attending - option 1
17.beerDingo - Attending - OPTION 1
18. merlin032
19. mmmyummybeer
20. MaestroMatt
21. Julie
22. Brendo - Attending - Option 1

Non Swapper Attendees
1. Manticle: Attending. Not sure yet which option - probably happy to move with the vote on this one.
2. Siborg - Attending, OPTION1 - will bring some beer along
3. Leigh - Attending, I vote for good food.
AHB Name - Beer - Attendance.
1. Fenton - Attending - Option 1
2. Trippers - Attending - Option 1
3. Luke C - Attending - Option 1
5. Shane R - Option 1 (providing its not $40 between 20 people)
6. Fikuss - Option 1
7. Iamozziyob -
8. WarmBeer - iPA - Yes, attending - Option 1
9. Wolfman- Robust Porter- Attending- Option 1
11. Midnight Brew - Still deciding brew - Option 1
12. Charst - MTN Goat Thornbridge Black IPA Clone. - Attending - Option 1 - Yes to Beire de Garde
13. bullsneck - attending - option 1
14. Adamski29 - Attending - Option 1 - Will be bottling my Traditional Bock very soon. The bastard has taken a while to finish with the low temps in Gembrook.
15. seemax - attending - option 1
17.beerDingo - Attending - OPTION 1
18. merlin032
19. mmmyummybeer
20. MaestroMatt
21. Julie
22. Brendo - Attending - Option 1

Non Swapper Attendees
1. Manticle: Attending. Not sure yet which option - probably happy to move with the vote on this one.
2. Siborg - Attending, OPTION1 - will bring some beer along
3. Leigh - Attending, I vote for good food.

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