Vic Case Swap Xmas In July 2010 Tasting Thread

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29. Brew Day AIPA


For those that attend the Melbourne Brewers meetings, I'll fill a couple of bottles for tasting...hopefully the yeast will have settled out a bit more by then too.

Yep, bring some along sailor! Maybe i can bring some CaraRye Honey Ale if the keg doesnt blow dry by then! :icon_drunk:
Chapter 15

It was time to relax so I took a seat at a cafe. Then out of nowhere JCVD teleported into the seat across from me.
"I have come from the future to help you against the Samoan," he said in accented english.
"Thanks Jean-Claude, care for a tripel first?" I asked him as I held up a bottle.
"I thought you'd never ask!" he said and he sprung from his seat and attempted a triple round house kick right at the bottle.
Luckily my reflexes were better than his and I skillfully poured out the contents into two nearby glasses before he kicked the empty bottle into the head of a passing motorbike rider name "Ogre" who subsequently crashed into a pack of nerds. Rolling my eyes I took a sip and was surprised by how approachable this beer was. Distinctively Belgian, yet without the harshness that can often be found in some commercial examples. JCVD liked it too. Then he taught me some karate before returning to the future.
Did you get the 1060 or the 1080?

Not sure how we got such a massive difference between the two other than the fact we forgot to fill the HLT on the second brew for sparging and it was just a lot of beer and a lot of time at that point in the evening.

The one I got was the 1060 (second lot) so presumably the bittering levels will be different. Mine is sitting at 1030 currently (only put down a week or so ago at low temps).

I got a cube from batch 1, at 1.080.

I think we boiled the first batch a lot harder...

I may ahve got a bad bottle? looking at other reviews. I poured to my jug, it was lifeless,no carb/bubbles no head. The aroma was mustiness and the taste was the same.. stale. Something was wrong with this bottle? compared to other reviews. I had to tip it.

followed up

This had signature written all over it, I had to dig out the wiki and have a looksee, It isnt a better beer than Brendo`s or Manticles buts its good, the thiness of it lets it down, before that has exellent malt qualaties i.e a slight nutiness, a caramel that isnt bold and a tad of well balanced roastiness , hops are right with a almost pinecone aroma and an earthy taste, after that its a bit downhill, very thin, not much bitterness and all a little too sweetmalt dominated. Thx Chris
23. Wolfy - 1822 London Ale

Maybe I'm getting older or maybe I don't need to drink to forget any more. Whichever it is, I'm not as interested in large volumes of alcohol as I used to be.

This is why I thought this beer was great. It's probably the most interesting beer I've had, and I found it thoroughly enjoyable. Lots of great flavours to be found in there, outside of the usual suspects. Sure, one or two of these might be all I could have, but that's fine with this old fart.

Great work, Wolfy. Keep being brave enough to make beer like this.
19. Chris Taylor - Earwig Brown Ale

Started pouring this one, and see a big chunk of something drop out of the bottle into my glass. Upon closer inspection, it turns out to be one very dead, bloated, but happy earwig.

Sorry mate, couldn't bring myself to drink it, so will have to trust it was a good beer...
19. Chris Taylor - Earwig Brown Ale

Started pouring this one, and see a big chunk of something drop out of the bottle into my glass. Upon closer inspection, it turns out to be one very dead, bloated, but happy earwig.

Sorry mate, couldn't bring myself to drink it, so will have to trust it was a good beer...

TAYLOR!!!!!!!!!! CLEAN your fkn ears`s out!!
19. Chris Taylor - Earwig Brown Ale

Started pouring this one, and see a big chunk of something drop out of the bottle into my glass. Upon closer inspection, it turns out to be one very dead, bloated, but happy earwig.

must have done a protein rest on his mash :)
25 - Don Mateo - Dunkelweizen

I have no frame of reference for a dunkelweizen, so I don't know if this is a good example of one or not. So, I can only tell you about how I personally found it, and that was a bit rich. Lots of banana, as I would expect from a *weizen, and heaps of chocolate from the dark malts.
For me, this combination didn't work. But, that's just me and my personal tastes. There's no faults I can detect, so I would say that this is a good beer that just wasn't to my taste.
#white cap no number

No name, no number!
The mystery beer, its all american, aroma of us hops, pillowy head and a heap of "face hops" that were predominantly wankee yankee to back it up. This beer was good, I thought the mouthfeel didnt suit if there was a style, it was just a tad thick, This beer would be awesome with very minor tweeks.
Who`s was it?
#white cap no number

No name, no number!
The mystery beer, its all american, aroma of us hops, pillowy head and a heap of "face hops" that were predominantly wankee yankee to back it up. This beer was good, I thought the mouthfeel didnt suit if there was a style, it was just a tad thick, This beer would be awesome with very minor tweeks.
Who`s was it?
It's probably #11 - Fents - all citra apa

He was apparently a bit too busy "organising the day" to find a texta.
Nice beeer thx Fents.
Get a texta.

Opened bottle and painted the ceiling. Left with about 100ml. What i tasted, although a little hazy from the explosion, actually tasted pretty good, great flavours and profile. Probably would have been better if not for hiroshima....


Poured with no head. Smack me in the mouth...another sip...Smack me again in the mouth...Is this a cage fight? However maltiness overtakes the hopiness. Never really tasted a beer like this, but was impressed by so many flavour experiences. Reckon i would brew this if given the 2 weeks leave pass by SWMBO, at drinking time....Swag in the shed would be best.....Maybe i should harden up??


Poured with a nice head, only remained for a few minutes. Carbonation however was to my preference; slow rising Ale bubbles, a little charlie and the chocolate factory like, without the death fan approaching. Hop profile complemented malt flavour. Mouth feel was silky. Nice beer seemax. Beer of the day
OK a little slack,

little to no head, low-med carbonation, super clear, a little lacking on the late hops for an APA (for me, the wife thinks it's just right) ? Nice beer, well done.

good head, med carbonation, good citrus flavour, well done

Flat, interesting flavors, it was great to taste not too sure if it's my type but a well made beer and great to taste examples like that.


I'll start by saying I'm not a wheat/rye fan, but this I could drink so thanks for the opportunity. This had a little banana flavour, good head good carbonation, well made beer.

If i've drunk others that I've forgotten sorry but I was drunk :)

thanks all, it's great to taste beer, my palette is improving and I can see things to try.

N.B, I just bought a CPBF so for the next swap I'll be more confident of mine :)


Its bold n Belgian, a very good one at that. If I could turn out one like this I would be very satisfied. There was no over the top, too strong phenolics happening, no hot harsh alcohol flavours coming thru but you know its there as it warms the cockles on the way down. The carbonation was moderate and probably requires more fizz to make this beer better than it is. Apart from the that, every trait of this beer was clean n enjoyable
This was a super beer. Well Done and Thx Hutchy.


This one didnt pour well into the jug, overcarbed, let it sit a while and the result in the glass was better. Clean but haze, not cloudy or floating sea monkies though. I got a nice nose of English hops, with all the foam I was expecting a little bitterness but it didnt come. No evident hop flavour, caramel and toasty malt, overall the specialties semed in balance, but I thought it was very malty. Has a real good fizzy mouthfeel from the overcarbonation, generally I thought the body was just right.. medium. Checking out the wiki I see its an ESB? I would up the bitterness and flame out, back off on the gas and maybe get a tad more caramel in there. Thx for the beer Wardy
26. Wakkatoo - Black Betty Schwarzbier

Very clean flavours here, and as someone else has said before, it's hard to believe a black beer like this could feel so light on the palate. Not a fault to be found.

Good work.
28. MXD - Yarrasippi Pale ale

It looks and smells the goods when pouring, nice and clear with a small head that quickly dissipates, but upon tasting, you can tell something has gone wrong somewhere along the line. There's a sourness that dominates this beer, I can't say I've tasted it before to have an appropriate guess at what caused the problem.
28. MXD - Yarrasippi Pale ale

It looks and smells the goods when pouring, nice and clear with a small head that quickly dissipates, but upon tasting, you can tell something has gone wrong somewhere along the line. There's a sourness that dominates this beer, I can't say I've tasted it before to have an appropriate guess at what caused the problem.

sorry, I have some comments about yeast not starting up quick enough or not aerated enough ? Again sorry, I have just bought a CPBF so my next one I will have confidence out of the keg.
27. Fergthebrewer - Oatmeal stout

At first I thought this beer left quite a gritty feeling in your mouth and was maybe a little harsh with the dark malts. However, as I sat and thought about what I could taste and the beer got warmer, that gritty feeling went away and the dark malts softened, leaving an enjoyable stout. The body also thickened up, removing the other reservation I had about it.

Any problems are with the drinker here, Ferg. Good job.

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