Vic Brewers Xmas Case Swap 22/11/08

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  • Total voters
1 Reg - No idea yet
2 mark_m - summer ale??
3 moonee - Robust Porter
4 Rook - No Idea Yet
5 Barramundi - dunno yet
6 Cummins
7 Chris Taylor - Mild
8 Maple - Irish Red (strong possibility) - Attending
9 Hair of the dog - citrus halfwit
10 Superhero - Belgian Wit
11 Fents - NFI
12 mortz - Australian Pale Ale
13 Citymorgue2 - mongrel black bavarian/Schwarzbier
14 mcook - TBD
15 Quintrex - Saison, or Some kind of wheat beer
16 Brewmeister70 - Pre-prohibition American pilsner
17 Kleiny - ESB, real ale
18 Doppelbrewer
19 Dom - ? -
20 Haysie- Some sort of belgian
21 Wardhog - Great Aussie BlandAle
22 Leigh - Pale Ale

finally brewed my case swap batch im sure the result will be better than the recipe suggests didnt have enough cumquats so had to improvise :unsure:
What times arrival time?

I've been given the all clear from the boss, but will need to leave around 10:30.

I will be coming from Berwick area, so if anybody wants to be picked up going up or dropped off coming back then I'm happy to do so (as long as it's not too far off the track ;)
Ok finally brewed my contribution yesterday, saison it is! It may need a few weeks more in the bottle to peak after you get it but should be good.
Unfortunately I will be unable to make it to swap day, is anyone able to take my contribution?
If not, guess I'll just enjoy what I hope to be a cracker of a saison! :icon_cheers:

i can take your case Q if no one else closer is able to help , im not far away in Laverton ..will plasticize my summer wheat beer tomorrow afternoon when i get back to melbourne
i can take it also Q. we are due for a beer as well.
saison :icon_drool2: :icon_drool2:

Q - any saison yeast/yeastcake left that I could beg/borrow/steal/trade you for?
saison :icon_drool2: :icon_drool2:

Q - any saison yeast/yeastcake left that I could beg/borrow/steal/trade you for?

Hey Barra thanks for the offer, but if Fents is willing, he and I are well overdue for a beer together :)

Hey fents, It'd be great to catch up, talk soon.

@CM2 There should be plenty of slurry! I'll bottle 3 or 4 bottles of slurry and send them along to the swap for anyone that wants one!
One I think will be for haysie, one for you, leaves ~ 2 more left.

Cheers Guys
Hey Barra thanks for the offer, but if Fents is willing, he and I are well overdue for a beer together :)

Hey fents, It'd be great to catch up, talk soon.

@CM2 There should be plenty of slurry! I'll bottle 3 or 4 bottles of slurry and send them along to the swap for anyone that wants one!
One I think will be for haysie, one for you, leaves ~ 2 more left.

Cheers Guys

I grab one Q if that's okay.....what yeast is it by the way?

Hands up if there is a 4th lot of slurry..
I grab one Q if that's okay.....what yeast is it by the way?


Wyeast 3724 Belgian Saison Yeast

It often needs some elevated temperatures to attenuate properly, but its a great yeast. So much flava!
hi guys without looking through the full thread again was plastic bottles a requirement or a recommendation ? as im gonna bottle my swap today
PET was meant to be the required bottle. a few have expressed their desires to have this changes but im 99% sure that Reg/Rook have stayed with the notion of it being a requirement.
hope its a requirement as i just bought two boxes of PET bottles ...i wouldnt use them any other time , as much as i dislike them i think its the best way to ensure consistency with the swaps in terms of different bottles , yeah it sucks to have to buy them but you get back what you give out anyway ...
I would also like know what time we should get there by so I can plan how to get there and back (I might be interested in car pooling if others are interested).

As I am relatively new to homebrewing, and don't have copious quantities of beer to bring, I thought I would get my mother in-law to cook a big stack of greek thiples (honey rolls) that I can bring along for dessert.

Well I just booked a trip OS for monday, I have an 'alt' on the go at the moment, so hopefully I can package that up before I leave and possible send it your way Q/Fents for delivery?? Will not be able to attend on the day anymore. If it's terrible then I have no backup plan and will have to pull the pin alltogether!
I would also like know what time we should get there by so I can plan how to get there and back (I might be interested in car pooling if others are interested).

As I am relatively new to homebrewing, and don't have copious quantities of beer to bring, I thought I would get my mother in-law to cook a big stack of greek thiples (honey rolls) that I can bring along for dessert.


im more that likely heading up friday sometime mcook , welcome to jump in with me if ya like will be comin back sunday , im planning on going via eildon/nillhacootie for a bit of a fish might even head up thursday arvo depending on who comes with me ..
im more that likely heading up friday sometime mcook , welcome to jump in with me if ya like will be comin back sunday , im planning on going via eildon/nillhacootie for a bit of a fish might even head up thursday arvo depending on who comes with me ..

Thanks for the offer, but the boss (& kids) will probably cop one night away but not two. I'm not much of a fisherman anyway.


You can turn up any time you like on the Saturday.


Egg and Bacon has been organised for Breaky Sunday

I'll be heading up sometime Sat arvo Mal (depending on when we can arrive), happy to make a detour and pick you up. I'll be coming back Sat night, so either I could drop you back then or somebody else could on Sunday morning.


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