Vic Brewers Xmas Case Swap 22/11/08

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Hi fellas. Im back in action. Hope I havent lost my place. looking forward to doing some brewing and drinking (in moderation).
1 Reg - No idea yet
2 mark_m - summer ale??
3 moonee - Robust Porter
4 Rook - No Idea Yet
5 Barramundi - dunno yet
6 Cummins
7 Chris Taylor - Mild
8 Maple - Irish Red (strong possibility) - Attending
9 Hair of the dog - cumquat wheat
10 Superhero - Belgian Wit
11 Fents - NFI
12 mortz - Australian Pale Ale
13 Citymorgue2 - mongrel black bavarian/Schwarzbier
14 mcook - TBD
15 Quintrex - Saison, or Some kind of wheat beer
16 Brewmeister70 - Pre-prohibition American pilsner
17 Kleiny - ESB, real ale
18 Dom - ?

Peels, Wardhog, Spills, Thirsty make some bloddy numbers up would ya, no excuses, you dont have to attend swap day just brew us a beer! ;)

We will need to close the door on the numbers shortly so that we know how much we need to bottle.

Any one else want in?

Peels, Thirsty and Spills??????????

completely OT

one of these days I recon we need to make the swap a double (ie 2 bottles of each contribution). that was we can all enjoy the tasting right away then cellar and try it as they age.

just a thought.

anyway back OT

we need a few more brewers to participate. Come on TB what interesting beers can you come up with? Spills, another belgian from you would be great, peels all your beers are great, just brew something.
make some bloddy numbers up would ya, no excuses, you dont have to attend swap day just brew us a beer! ;)

I'm gonna do just the opposite, Fents. I'm not going to brew a beer for the swap, but I believe I've got the all-clear for an overnighter at Tallarook.

BTW, Rook, where'd that Cats avatar go?
I'm gonna do just the opposite, Fents. I'm not going to brew a beer for the swap, but I believe I've got the all-clear for an overnighter at Tallarook.

BTW, Rook, where'd that Cats avatar go?

Why aren't you brewing Wardy?

Who the hell are the Cats :p

Why aren't you brewing Wardy?

Who the hell are the Cats :p


Because my weekends are chock-a-block up until the weekend of the swap. I'll get to do one brew for myself at most between now and then.
Roota069 has at one stage expressed an interest in participating in a swap. Ive PM him and ill give him a call on his mobile tonight to see if he's keen.
so possibly 19 case's to swap. piss poor numbers imo. Qld get 28 and then ppl lining up on the reserves list...whats happening vic's?
quality not quantity?!

come on vic brewers ante up.
hahaha SA's wont even let ppl in who dont AG! now thats a bit wrong i reckon, seeings i've tasted extract brews in vic swaps which have been better than AG's.
1 Reg - No idea yet
2 mark_m - summer ale??
3 moonee - Robust Porter
4 Rook - No Idea Yet
5 Barramundi - dunno yet
6 Cummins
7 Chris Taylor - Mild
8 Maple - Irish Red (strong possibility) - Attending
9 Hair of the dog - cumquat wheat
10 Superhero - Belgian Wit
11 Fents - NFI
12 mortz - Australian Pale Ale
13 Citymorgue2 - mongrel black bavarian/Schwarzbier
14 mcook - TBD
15 Quintrex - Saison, or Some kind of wheat beer
16 Brewmeister70 - Pre-prohibition American pilsner
17 Kleiny - ESB, real ale
18 Dom - ?
19 Haysie- Some sort of belgian

Have been tooing and froing on this one re. dates, I do cod opening first week of december with the mates (mulwalwa), so disappearing the weekend before too Rook`s was never going to go down well with wifey.As Fents has posted, the numbers are a bit low, sooo, I would like to get involved too help out with numbers but attendance is a real 50/50 scenario, as I didnt make the last one I figure non attendance is not the done thing. Whaddayareckon.
quality not quantity?!

Hahahaha I've just thought of a way I can get involved in the swap.

I'm in the middle of an experiment - one that I've done before, but am returning to a little bit wiser. I made the simplest, blandest, most inoffensive beer I could in an attempt to win over some die-hard megaswillers, it's in secondary now. If the swap numbers are going to finish up around the 20 mark, and everyone is happy to receive a Great Aussie BlandAle(tm), I can join in.

Seriously, this thing is ******* DULL. It still beats the snot out of megaswill, but look at the grist :
48% JW pils
48% JW ale
4% Carapils
mash at 63C
bittering POR to about 18 IBU
US-05 @ 16 down to 1.008

Want me in?
Hahahaha I've just thought of a way I can get involved in the swap.

I'm in the middle of an experiment - one that I've done before, but am returning to a little bit wiser. I made the simplest, blandest, most inoffensive beer I could in an attempt to win over some die-hard megaswillers, it's in secondary now. If the swap numbers are going to finish up around the 20 mark, and everyone is happy to receive a Great Aussie BlandAle(tm), I can join in.

Seriously, this thing is ******* DULL. It still beats the snot out of megaswill, but look at the grist :
48% JW pils
48% JW ale
4% Carapils
mash at 63C
bittering POR to about 18 IBU
US-05 @ 16 down to 1.008

Want me in?

I can tatse it now on a hot day served at -2c :p bring it !!!!

1 Reg - No idea yet
2 mark_m - summer ale??
3 moonee - Robust Porter
4 Rook - No Idea Yet
5 Barramundi - dunno yet
6 Cummins
7 Chris Taylor - Mild
8 Maple - Irish Red (strong possibility) - Attending
9 Hair of the dog - cumquat wheat
10 Superhero - Belgian Wit
11 Fents - NFI
12 mortz - Australian Pale Ale
13 Citymorgue2 - mongrel black bavarian/Schwarzbier
14 mcook - TBD
15 Quintrex - Saison, or Some kind of wheat beer
16 Brewmeister70 - Pre-prohibition American pilsner
17 Kleiny - ESB, real ale
18 Dom - ?
19 Haysie- Some sort of belgian
20 Wardhog - Great Aussie BlandAle(tm)
Where are all the other Vic brewers, this is a chance to get up to the country and get some fresh air into them lungs and have a great day/night /morning.

Where are all the new brewers that have just joined the forum, or the new A.G brewers, this is a great chance to try multiple top shelf beers.

Don't be shy come along and have fun.

Great stuff Haysie, we look forward to meeting you and also to Wardy for pulling his digit out and doing a brew

Hahahaha I've just thought of a way I can get involved in the swap.

I'm in the middle of an experiment - one that I've done before, but am returning to a little bit wiser. I made the simplest, blandest, most inoffensive beer I could in an attempt to win over some die-hard megaswillers, it's in secondary now. If the swap numbers are going to finish up around the 20 mark, and everyone is happy to receive a Great Aussie BlandAle(tm), I can join in.

Seriously, this thing is ******* DULL. It still beats the snot out of megaswill, but look at the grist :
48% JW pils
48% JW ale
4% Carapils
mash at 63C
bittering POR to about 18 IBU
US-05 @ 16 down to 1.008

Want me in?
sounds like a great hangover beer. good on ya wardy.
It's time, time and time for me:(

No time to brew:(
No time to bottle:(
No time to attend:(

Given I didn't attend last time, I thought it a bit rude to contribute and not attend again.

Last night I racked and dry hopped a pale ale that has been on the yeast for 4 weeks due to the lack of time!

Full time employment, part time study and building a storage/brew shed is not a combo I'd recommend.

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