Vic 2007 Xmas Swap Taste Thread

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Damn it Peels, could you **** something up for once?
Well there you go Wardy. I did f#%k it up. I planned to mash at 67c but had a vague out with my strike water and ended up doughing in at 65c (dropped to 63c after 60mins). So now I must ask; Should I change my posted recipe to what I planned or leave it as what I brewed?
Drivelikeyoustoleit's ACA -

Not sure what an ACA is, but at a guess I'll go with a cream ale??

It poured a nice light gold/dark straw colour with a creamy tight beaded white head. Carbonation is good, but the head didn't stick around long. Its a bit hazy, but a goodly chunk of that is chill haze as it cleared up a bit when it warmed in the glass.

Smells a lightly sweet and malty with a nice delicate floral hop aroma. Perfumey, but chanel #5 perfumey not $20 dollar hooker perfumey like little creatures. I got a touch of peach out of it.

Tastes pretty clean and light. It pretty malty and full bodied for such a light coloured beer and I get just a tiny hint of caramel something in the maltiness. Its a bit sweet and/or a bit under bitter. leaves a sweetness around the edges of your tounge after you swallow, and that turns into a sour aftertaste. its only mild and is mostly cured by having another mouthful, but it builds up a bit and make the beer less drinkable than it would be otherwise.

I drank this one really cold after a hot night at work... hit the spot nicely.

Pretty young Girlies would like this beer, and even though I am a tubby, ugly, balding brewery worker... I like it too. It would be a great beer for converting megaswill drinkers... just a step up in flavour and aroma, without scaring them by going too far.

Maybe a bit more bitter, or a bit drier.. but thats it.

Well done

i tell ya, there's not been a bad beer so far, great swap

finished work early yesterday so cracked Q's beer when i got home and poured it into my duvel tulip glass :p great work Q, perfect looking clear beer with a good head, great aroma and goes down way to easily.

the dregs went into the beer we made on the swap day, hopefully there will be some action soon, i'm brewing it outside the fridge to see what kind of temps i can get it up to, hopefully it doesn't become to over powering. heated then boiled a very small amount of corriander and allspice (i think it was allspice) and added the liquid to the brew, hopfully it'll shine through, didn't add any extra fermentables tho.

if i don't go out tonight i'll be getting into the bitters 2, 3 and 21

Two tastings tonight as I have to go to NZ for a week again tomorrow :ph34r:

Rooks Alt

Bloody great mate. Im not going into detail but will give you this feedback. My next two brews are planned so this will be third in line. Just one question about your recipe. You have the Spalter additions listed at different AA%. Is that correct?

Wardys ESB

Not sure what you have changed in you process but it looks like you have nailed two issues you have had. This beer is clear and carbonated to perfection. Top beer wardy. Love it.

Peels, spot on, i used 2 different packets of Spalter which had different AA's

Hutch - "Hair of The Dog- Flying Dog APA"

very interesting beer. diddnt uite know what to make of it for the first 1/4 glass. I really dont know how to describe it either, quite dry on the finish? Head retention was good but not much head to start with in the first place. No haze.

Im thinking it must the specific charaters of the Flying Dog yeast cause it tasted sort of like an APA but sort of not. probably just my sh*thouse palate!

nice beer though. I would have like to have tried it on a cooler day.
Im thinking it must the specific charaters of the Flying Dog yeast cause it tasted sort of like an APA but sort of not. probably just my sh*thouse palate!

Your palate is fine CM2 :icon_cheers:
I blame the yeast - Wyeast 1737 Flying Dog.
Otherwise the beer itself is my standard APA (recipe in the other thread).

The following (from the Flying Dog Brewery) is the only info I've found about this yeast...

"The Flying Dog Ale strain is an unruly mutt, and to brew with it you must be willing to Cut the Leash as our Flying Dog Brew Crew does in our Snake Dog IPA, Road Dog Porter, K-9 Cruiser Altitude Ale and Doggie Style Classic Pale Ale."

"As far as specs are concerned it is an ale yeast that we let ferment at 70F. Attenuation is in the 68 to 72 percent range, but proper aeration is important to get full attenuation. It has good flocculation characteristics and tends to leave a good deal of maltiness in the finished beer. It is good to see that brewers are excited about using our strain."

I've made one other beer with this yeast, and it is loaded with earthy, chocolate, cinnamon, smoky tobacco esters - certainly NOT a session beer! My swap beer would have been a great beer over winter, I think. Maybe save it for a rainy day over the coming month, and think of winter!

Okay i tried

Fents kolsch also last night, sorry mate but i didn't really enjoy it as much as i wanted to. I have only ever tried one commercial kolsch and that was a Dom and it deffinately tasted differant.

As everyone so far has said it was deffinately a boy and gave a nice big head and lace which lasted all the way to the bottom of the glass. Lovely color but obviously cloudy from the yeast.

My concern was the smell and the taste. To me and this is only my opinion i could detect Fusel alcohols and i only found out what it was by looking up Palmers book. He states it either happens from to much yeast, sitting on the trub to long or fermenting to hot.

But, i'm no judge and may be totally wrong.

sorry mate, but i still think your a good bloke :D

I still drank the whole bottle though :D

Okay i tried

Fents kolsch also last night, sorry mate but i didn't really enjoy it as much as i wanted to. I have only ever tried one commercial kolsch and that was a Dom and it deffinately tasted differant.

As everyone so far has said it was deffinately a boy and gave a nice big head and lace which lasted all the way to the bottom of the glass. Lovely color but obviously cloudy from the yeast.

My concern was the smell and the taste. To me and this is only my opinion i could detect Fusel alcohols and i only found out what it was by looking up Palmers book. He states it either happens from to much yeast, sitting on the trub to long or fermenting to hot.

But, i'm no judge and may be totally wrong.

sorry mate, but i still think your a good bloke :D

I still drank the whole bottle though :D


Lets be honest and not lie to each other mate - its a shit beer ;)

rookyrookrook said:
He states it either happens from to much yeast, sitting on the trub to long or fermenting to hot.

probably all three!
fents, how are you beers labeled/what do they look like? sound like it needs to be refridgerated right away and from my quick scan over my case the other night it didnt jump out at me
fents, how are you beers labeled/what do they look like? sound like it needs to be refridgerated right away and from my quick scan over my case the other night it didnt jump out at me

Labelled with a label - cleary, also marked F1 on the cap. Although there was one bottle that wasnt labelled that was the sneaky APA cause i lost a kolsch in battle.

Just had CM2's kenzie hop ale.

Deeee bloody licious. absolutley lovely beer. love the trick colour. sensational even.
Cummins IPA

Balance tilted heavily in favour of hops, probably a little too much so. A nice level of malt, but no match for the bitterness.

Wind back the hops a bit, it'll be a really good beer.
Woo hoo,

Finally pickup up my case from citymorgue2.

Mine even came with a "Baby on board" thingy.

Wonder which beer is the "baby"? :huh:

(Let me know if you want it back citymorgue2 and I'll drop it round some time.)
hairofthedog - super dry nelson pils

First beer (at home) for tonight...

Pale yellow, a little hazy. Nice tight white head. It was almost gone half way down the glass but managed to leave a little lacing. Taste and aroma was dominated by citrus - lemons. It had a bitter kick at the end and was dry. Light to medium body. Overall impression - easy drinking lager with some character.

thanks hairofthedog :) another nice beer!

What next... will investigate the fridge and report back later.

cummins just knocked ya IPA had everything but clarity heaps of hops which i loved & good flavor

rook curently drinking your brew tastes fine looks fine but almost no carbonation so hard to give a true comment
mark m house ale its a ripper one of the best case swap beers ive tasted so far & the recipe on the label is a great idea might have a dip at making a batch tommorow cheers
Citymorgue2 - Hop Ale

Quite a dark brown colour. Good off-white head. Smells great - hoppy. Tastes pretty good. There is a fairly hoppy taste there but not quite the bitterness you might expect. Its medium bodied. I'm not sure if I could drink too many of these in the one sitting. All in all pretty good!

thanks citymorgue2 :)


Woo hoo,

Finally pickup up my case from citymorgue2.

Mine even came with a "Baby on board" thingy.

Wonder which beer is the "baby"? :huh:

(Let me know if you want it back citymorgue2 and I'll drop it round some time.)
:lol: thats funny. its fallen off the car. nah i dont need it back ive got another one (people give you lots of the same stuff when you have your first baby).

caseswap beer tasting is on for tonight with the old man. Im going to introduce him to some proper beer.

re my Kenzie Hop Ale - thanks for the feedback fellas. I might keep playing with the reciepe and have it as my house ale. I think there might be a little too much crystal and i'll look at the hop schedule and adjust for more bittering
Had Fents' Kolsch and Something from an unlabeled pet bottle that may have been a wheat (thirsty boys?)

Anyway, the unmarked bottle was badly infected, and too astringent to even drink... sorry I can't give you much feedback Thirsty. Because I really appreciated the detailed analysis of mine, if anything... I'd say that in my very limited wheatbeer brewing experience, they're best to drink really really fresh. Also the extra proteins from the wheat give the bacteria a bit more food to work with... so wheatbeers are more susceptible to an infection taking hold, low hopping rates also don't help. I'm sure you know all that though...

Fents' Kolsch looks excellent... huge rocky, lacy white head. Very pale and cloudy (I dont give a damn that its cloudy, it looks nice).
Pretty interesting aroma, cant really put my finger on it... but there are some medicinal phenols and a bit of light stonefruit or something.
Sorry fents, didn't really like this one... the flavour is too medicinal to give a proper review. If I were to give any suggestions though, I'd try and improve your yeast management... fiddle around and see what happens with different pitching rates and fermentation times. Poor sanitation could have also been a cause.

sorry to be so negative about those two, but in my opinion criticism is sometimes more constructive than praise when you're trying to design a good beer.

Wardhog - ESB
I got stuck into this one last evening. poured a nice coffee froth colour head which didn't stick around to long. Deep rich colour and aroma, loving it so far... full flavour, a bit more earthy than i had expected, but quite nice. Then it hit, that warm alcohol feeling warming me insides. it was a bit strong in the alcohol taste, but not dissimilar to other ESB's i've had. Great clarity, and a treat to have, but with the strong alcohol taste to it, it wouldn't be an everyday one for me. Just my uneducated thoughts, hope no offense is taken, i really did enjoy it.
