Vic 2007 Xmas Swap Taste Thread

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4. Spillsmostofit - Belgian Dumb Blonde

I had a discussion with Spills at the swap regarding Belgian style beers so I know he wont be offended. Not my favourite style. As to the quality of the beer I would have to say excellent. Very clear, tight white head that lasted the whole glass (Nonic pint) and carbonated just right (for me). Maybe next time try a different yeast :D
4. Spillsmostofit - Belgian Dumb Blonde

I had a discussion with Spills at the swap regarding Belgian style beers so I know he wont be offended. Not my favourite style. As to the quality of the beer I would have to say excellent. Very clear, tight white head that lasted the whole glass (Nonic pint) and carbonated just right (for me). Maybe next time try a different yeast :D

Im drinking it now too. Its like a lager on drugs :D . which can be good and bad.

I'd drink 2 bottles in a row. B)

edit - not very hoppy tho, but well balanced
Drinking Fents Kolsch now.

Pale as. nicely carbed up. slight fruit at beginnning then hops coming through?. No idea as to how this sits whith style as its only my 2nd Kolsch (Quintrex's on caseswap day).

damn nice beer for a hot humid day.
yea i had my bottle too. fruits def the 34/70 yeast, maybe a tad high in fermentation temps.
Voota's Extra stout.

Looks the goods, big thick tan head, completely black and opaque. Nice head formed, but didn't last all that well.

Rich and full bodied, silky mouthfeel, roasty and pretty damn bitter. Roasty bitterness on top of hop bitterness. A little harsh. Bit of chocolate and coffee, but not huge amounts.

It could be weird hops and/or esters, or my tastebuds playing up... but I think its got a Brettanomyces infection. Its got that light floral nose and a bit of that earthy barnyardy thing going on. Its all the flavours I associate with brett beers, but this is the first I have had that I didn't know had brett deliberately put in there.

Now... I think its bloody fantastic. I'm not sure if you meant to put Brett in this thing or not (not even sure it is Brett) but its working a treat for me.

I'm only sorry that I didn't know that it was going to be like this, I would love to put this beer aside for 6 months and see how it develops. I think the bitterness would drop off and smooth out... and the Brett would come out to play a bit more.

Anyone else get the Brett thing... or am I dazed and confused because I've just come off night shift.

Great beer Voota. Please tell me you have a bottle or two to put away and see how it turns out with a bit of age.

hope there is brett in it 'cos i'll pour it into the 2L wort we made on the day after i add a small amount of candy suger, some corriander and the yeast from Q's contribution to the case and it's fermented out. 6 months till the next swap, should be good by then :)

I poured spill's yeat in mine last night.
Im using a Kolsch starter I got from Quintrex. Its going in tonight.

maybe I should throw 5g total of Hallertau & Hersbrucker in dry hop for some flavour to style.
hope there is brett in it 'cos i'll pour it into the 2L wort we made on the day after i add a small amount of candy suger, some corriander and the yeast from Q's contribution to the case and it's fermented out. 6 months till the next swap, should be good by then :)


mmmm, nice. I have a bottle of Orval sitting in the fridge that might get a guernsey for just that purpose. A bit of sugar to up the OG a point and then Dry hop with some Styrian goldings.

Good idea
Thirsty... have you posted the final recipe for the caseswap day wort?
Voota's Extra stout.

Now... I think its bloody fantastic. I'm not sure if you meant to put Brett in this thing or not (not even sure it is Brett) but its working a treat for me.


Sadly the brett is unintentional, must have come from some of the wild brews I've been doing recently. It's a little strange though, because I tried one 2 weeks ago... and it tasted brett infected, but after finishing the glass I realised that I'd used that glass for a lambic a couple of days earlier so hoped/assumed that the wackyness came from the tiny bit of lambic mixed in. I also opened another a day before the swap to double check and it was fine, no infection. Kind of points to a bottle washing problem I guess.

Anyway, sorry to anyone who got brett in their stout, those who don't know what 'brett' tastes like soon will... Its pretty pronounced and the beer doesn't have any other infections. Those who got the bottle marked S.S will have no trouble (I hope) because it's a different batch.

As to the bitterness, yep.. its pretty high (75IBU or so) I kind of originally made it so it would age well, but found that I liked it better fresh when the smokiness is high.

Thanks for the critique Thirsty, much appreciated!

and while I'm at it.... 22. wambesi - Honey Wheat Beer
I don't think I've ever been a huge fan of the style, but have never tried a homebrewed example so I was keen to give this a go.
Decent looking hazy copper with a small white head.
Wheaty aroma, quite a bit of corriander and your standard wheatbeer esters, the honey sweetness is definitely there and is very well captured. Maybe there is a touch of medicinal something, perhaps an infection coming along.
Flavour is a bit medicinal too, and the honey isn't like that in the aroma, the beer as a whole seems pretty dry and perhaps a little thin.
Sorry I didn't really go for this one, the aroma is excellent and the way you've let the honey come through is fantastic.
Credit for brewing a different style to mix the styles in the case a bit too!
thanks wambesi, had no trouble finishing the bottle on this hot arvo!
Fents - Koelsch

It's a boy - foam, foam and more foam. Too scared to put it back in the fridge in case the head spews everywhere in my fridge. Note to self - get bigger glasses, it'll fix this problem.

Thought I could get a faint whiff of banana, I was put in mind of an Erdinger Weissbier. I'm still not sure if I'm a fan of that aroma & taste - but that's no reflection on the brewer. A well made beer - wheat beer fans'll like this one.
ughhh bugga ward.

just having your ESB now. very nice beer. you guys are slowly converting me onto darker beers. nice and creamy mate, tis' the goods.
Two tastings tonight as I have to go to NZ for a week again tomorrow :ph34r:

Rooks Alt

Bloody great mate. Im not going into detail but will give you this feedback. My next two brews are planned so this will be third in line. Just one question about your recipe. You have the Spalter additions listed at different AA%. Is that correct?

Wardys ESB

Not sure what you have changed in you process but it looks like you have nailed two issues you have had. This beer is clear and carbonated to perfection. Top beer wardy. Love it.
Here's where Peels is at a bit of an advantage - I'm familiar with and am a massive fan of the scotch ale style. His disadvantage is that after last weekend, I have a fridge full of Red Hill Scotch Ale to compare it with.

Damn it Peels, could you **** something up for once? I'd feel a whole lot better about my own shortcomings, and I'm sure everyone else would too.
A beautiful beer, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Contrasting to what is in my top 3 favourite commercial beers, the only thing I could say to you is :
Whatever you mashed at, mash a little bit higher. Of all the aspects of the beer, your beer's body was only a smidge thinner.

If you mashed at 66, mash at 68. Change nothing else.
Alleycats summer quencher.
Very clear and pale with heaps of what looks like hops floating around (maybe its yeast). Pretty average retention.
Nice light fruity aroma, lots of fresh hops, fairly neutral. Light fluffy body, perfectly carbonated for a 'summer quencher', perfect body and bitterness too... simple hoppy finish.
One of the best sessional beers I've ever drunk, its delicate and beautifully balanced. Would love to have a 20L keg of this stuff ice cold for the summer.
What percentage alc is it alleycat?
Awesome brew, thanks heaps.
Fents Kolsch

off and racing... first case swap beer

High carbonation - difficulty pouring without a large fluffy head. Very pale yellow colour, hazy. Hard to taste due to effervescence on the tongue at first. Settled down after being in the glass a little while. Kind of perfumy aroma. Very crisp taste. Quite dry.

I've only had one Kolsch before (from Hunter brewery). This definitely had aroma and tastes in common with that one, but I'm crap at describing them. Once the initial effervescence settled down a little it was an excellent crisp, thirst quenching beer that went down very well 5 minutes after entering the front door this evening.

A very good start to the case :)

cheers Fents

My first tasting tonight too:

Fents Kolsch

This is my first Kolsch, so no idea what defines the style, but this is a great beer!
A little too highly carbonated for my liking, however some time in the glass and the warm fruit flavours are coming through.
Some Chill-haze too, not that this bothers me in the slightest.
I'm tasting Juicy-fruit, some warm alcohol and pleasant esters. Went perfectly with a Lamb kebab!

Cheers Fents!
And just for something a little different, I thought i'd try ...

Fents Kolsch

as previously mentioned, really highly carbed, a nice champers like feel at first. Had awesome flavours pouring through once slightly warmed. Initially, didn't much like the taste i was getting from it, but about half way into it, was seemingly tasty and refreshing. It grew on me as I made my way to the end... being my first try of a Kolsch, I'd say it's something i'd have again. Top stuff Fents, thanks for the intro to Kolsch.

mark_m - APA/IPA house ale

Nice! A deep copper colour. Good creamy head that lasted. Smelled beautiful. I could smell the cascade mostly. A pretty hoppy beer. It had a strong bitter kick at the end. There was a dark, slightly burnt malt flavour at the end for me too. The finish was real bitter, with a strong aftertaste. The finish is pretty full on - not a beer for your average mega-swill drinker.

I liked it - the smell is awesome! I've done 2 APAs before and have no. 3 in the fermenter... this makes me happy it'll be ready to drink in another month or so...

cheers mark_m :)
