Vic 2007 Xmas Swap Taste Thread

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Not a Beer God
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Im not gonna be doing the whole Apperance, Aroma, Taste thing as i found it long winded last year, but damnd if im not gonna tell someone they made a wicked beer.

GO! B)
fents just opened the krolsh crisp smooth refreshing really enjoyed it 8 out on 10 hope the other 22 are as good & maybe u could post the recipe
Fents Kolsch

from memory(plz excuse)


Good pillowy head, light coloured but lots of suspended yeast still(no suprises from 2565 :) )

Lots of fruity aroma, was hard to pinpoint exactly what it smelt like! I thought i could notice some faint 'nana notes there. Does the dried yeast give these fents?

Carbonation was spot on for the style!!!

very fruity for the style, and a flavour that I put down to the hops, did you late hop?

Not to style, which I don't mind, as this is a really nice beer, and has more flavour than a traditional kolsch.

I'd be interested in trying another one after the yeast drops from sitting in the fridge for a week or two, just to see how much flavour the yeast is giving.

Nice work mate.

I'm half way through Hutch's Flying Dog Hop Harvest.

I think there are beers called 'Hop Harvest' from somewhere, but I've not tried it/them. However, I did have a stubby of James Squire's IPA yesterday afternoon at a party (it was my first) and I think the two beers (Hutch's and Jim's) are not dissimilar.

Hutch's is the better beer, though. It's not quite as bitter, but more hop flavoursome than Jim's. It's really clear, lightly carbonated and produces a bit of lacing down the glass, but doesn't hold its head for long. There's something about the aroma I cannot put my finger on, but have enjoyed before as I do now. The malt just sits there and does its job without being too insistent.

I am enjoying it plenty.
I just my bottle of the Rooks ALT. What a fantastic beer. I'm not really up on the whole beer critiquing business but I know what I like and this was a fantastic beer.

The other beer I really liked was Dark Fairy Tales Foreign Extra Stout. I drank this on Sunday night before I read that it probably needs a little longer in the bottle. What a great Stout. My rating style is probably very different but if this was a commercially available beer I would be wearing the T-shirt.

I will be very interested to see how every body rates these beers in a more technical way.
Just hooking into Hairofthedogs contribution. Its 30 degrees right now and this is the perfect beer to be drinking. Light, refreshing and . gone.
Mark M's House Ale
Lovely rich amber colour, nice stable head, with medium carbonation.
Has a nice smell of cascade.

The hop flavour is very balanced, with no hop flavour dominant, balanced well by a good chunk of munich maltiness.

All in all a refreshing amber ale!

GW Mark, we missed you on the swap-party day, nice work with the snapper though :D, very jealous!

Citymorgue2 - Kenzie Hop Ale
Lovely kind of reddish-amber colour, medium but stable head, with medium carbonation.
Has a nice fruity smell.

First mouthful surprised me as it is not as malty as I was expecting for the colour, The hop flavor is very clean, I'm unable to pick the hop variety/ies but if I had to guess I'd go with Amarillo, due to the clean bitterness and fruity flavors.

As it is warming up the malt is becoming more prominent, nice creaminess.
Very refreshing!!!

One bottle is never enough, so last evening I cracked Peels' Scottish WotNot.

Time has passed and my memory is frail, so I cannot go into too much detail... In fact, none at all. However:

I knew it was going to be good and it was. Still cannot get the sound of Danny Boy out of my head... If you're looking for a "I've had a shit day so get me a beer! Hurry up, wench!" kind of thing, this would do but it would be a waste.
Frothing for a xmas case swap at work today. last night i put in the fridge, mine, peel's, #4 and hogwards esb ;)

Chose Peel's first up.

Peel'sy mate, this is ridiculous. This beer is sensational, sure i prob wouldnt brew 30litres of it but this is what the case swaps all about. Trying beers you wouldnt normally brew.

Its nice and creamy, goes alright with a hot one too ;) biggups, 9/10
tasting Hutch's - "Hair of The Dog- Flying Dog APA"

Pours copper with a bit of haze, beautiful tightly packed white head with excellent retention. Aroma is pretty 'american' but not overly intense, lots of lychee, and some interesting cinnamon/clove thing happening, decent amount of straight caramel sweetness and some wheat notes. Wonderful to drink, not too sharp in the bitterness and the carbonation is spot on, some more estery flavours surface in the flavour... I get the feeling it was fermented a little on the warm side, which isn't too bad a thing because its given some really interesting flavours to it. Beneath this there is the usual american hop flavour. I get the feeling its a little more alcoholic that 5%, but I felt that with Beechworth Bling IPA and was dead wrong. The finish has a but of bite, and some light astringency which I don't really like. Nice hoppy aftertaste otherwise.

Overall, its a very nice beer, I dont know where the estery stuff came from (I assume you used flying dog yeast, maybe that was it) but its well interesting.
thanks from Chris
citymorgue2 just cracked the kenzie shes good great hoppy smell good flavor

wardhog ESB perfect smoooth , very tasty & lightly carbed

peels the scot was sweet, dark, & tasty i think it put a hair on my chest
I stil reckon its about 25c outisde. ^^^ Just cracked your Dry NS Knuckles.

aint too dry for me, still not sure about these NS hops though they spin me out with the aftertaste of wine. nice beer though. ;)
tasting Maples - Rye IPA
Not sure what to make of this, I've never (knowingly) tried a rye beer before.
Very IPAish, quite strong, spicy and fruity in both the aroma and flavour. American written all over it. Very dry in the finish, which is otherwise long as massively hoppy. My personal preference would say it needs a touch more sweetness, but otherwise I really enjoyed drinking this one.
Hey Maples,

Does your Rye IPA by any chance have any Chinook hops in it?? I'm trying to make a distinction in my palate between the flavour of chinook and the flavour of rye. But so far, every beer I have had thats had one of them in it... has also had the other one. Except for Fent's APA at teh swap day. It had chinook but no rye. I'm hoping that your IPA has rye but no chinook ?????

havn't had a big crack at the case yet, weekend is coming tho, just like some others i think i'll not bother with the whole flav, aroma, overall stuff and just say what i think

fents koelsch was a great beer for a hot night, drank half of it with a friend and she enjoyed it as well, nice, cool, refreshing. would have to agree with Q that it's not to style, but who cares :) great beer

the other beer i tryed was CM2's Hop ale was a good beer, darker than i expected, very very hoppy, at first i found it really balanced but it slowly started getting a little cloyingly sweet towards the end of the bottle, would not have stoped me from haveing 2 or 3... or 6 more tho :)

hmm looking forward to the ESB and peels scotch ale next, possibly after a couple of kilkenny's at the pub

Hops in it are Columbus, Centenial, N. Brewer, Mt Hood, Cascade, and a touch of Simcoe, but no chinook in this one. Recipie is in the Vic Swap Recipie thread...

35.00 g. Columbus Pellet 13.70 40.7 60 min.
5.00 g. Centennial Pellet 9.40 4.0 60 min.
20.00 g. Northern Brewer Pellet 6.60 5.7 30 min.
10.00 g. Mt. Hood Pellet 4.20 1.8 30 min.
5.00 g. Cascade Pellet 6.70 1.1 25 min.
5.00 g. Simcoe Pellet 11.90 2.0 25 min.
5.00 g. Mt. Hood Pellet 4.20 0.6 20 min.
5.00 g. Northern Brewer Pellet 6.60 0.9 20 min.
5.00 g. Cascade Pellet 6.70 0.8 15 min.
5.00 g. Simcoe Pellet 11.90 1.3 15 min.
5.00 g. Cascade Pellet 6.70 0.6 10 min.
5.00 g. Cascade Pellet 6.70 0.5 5 min.
15.00 g. Cascade Pellet 6.70 1.4 2 min.
10.00 g. Columbus Pellet 13.70 0.0 0 min.
Hops in it are Columbus, Centenial, N. Brewer, Mt Hood, Cascade, and a touch of Simcoe, but no chinook in this one. Recipie is in the Vic Swap Recipie thread...

35.00 g. Columbus Pellet 13.70 40.7 60 min.
5.00 g. Centennial Pellet 9.40 4.0 60 min.
20.00 g. Northern Brewer Pellet 6.60 5.7 30 min.
10.00 g. Mt. Hood Pellet 4.20 1.8 30 min.
5.00 g. Cascade Pellet 6.70 1.1 25 min.
5.00 g. Simcoe Pellet 11.90 2.0 25 min.
5.00 g. Mt. Hood Pellet 4.20 0.6 20 min.
5.00 g. Northern Brewer Pellet 6.60 0.9 20 min.
5.00 g. Cascade Pellet 6.70 0.8 15 min.
5.00 g. Simcoe Pellet 11.90 1.3 15 min.
5.00 g. Cascade Pellet 6.70 0.6 10 min.
5.00 g. Cascade Pellet 6.70 0.5 5 min.
15.00 g. Cascade Pellet 6.70 1.4 2 min.
10.00 g. Columbus Pellet 13.70 0.0 0 min.

Is there room for malt and water in amongst that lot?
Hops in it are Columbus, Centenial, N. Brewer, Mt Hood, Cascade, and a touch of Simcoe, but no chinook in this one. Recipie is in the Vic Swap Recipie thread...

35.00 g. Columbus Pellet 13.70 40.7 60 min.
5.00 g. Centennial Pellet 9.40 4.0 60 min.
20.00 g. Northern Brewer Pellet 6.60 5.7 30 min.
10.00 g. Mt. Hood Pellet 4.20 1.8 30 min.
5.00 g. Cascade Pellet 6.70 1.1 25 min.
5.00 g. Simcoe Pellet 11.90 2.0 25 min.
5.00 g. Mt. Hood Pellet 4.20 0.6 20 min.
5.00 g. Northern Brewer Pellet 6.60 0.9 20 min.
5.00 g. Cascade Pellet 6.70 0.8 15 min.
5.00 g. Simcoe Pellet 11.90 1.3 15 min.
5.00 g. Cascade Pellet 6.70 0.6 10 min.
5.00 g. Cascade Pellet 6.70 0.5 5 min.
15.00 g. Cascade Pellet 6.70 1.4 2 min.
10.00 g. Columbus Pellet 13.70 0.0 0 min.

Good lord !!!

Keep in mind the batch size was 36L....needs more hops, I know :rolleyes: