Unistrut For Brew Frame?

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Yeah I have been known to go OT before haha
Jase, is that frame made from "Dexion" brand stuff or the stuff from Bunnings?
Does it matter wether the castors are the "plate" type or would the "bolt" type be better? It looks like you've got the plate type on your frame there Jase
Some more questions, did u paint it white yourself or did u buy it like that? and do u have any problems with the paint peeling off from the heat from your gas ring?
I am wondering, if I go with the "metal mate" stuff from Bunnings, will that black powdercoated type be flame resistant or should I just get the galv stuff and paint it with exhaust header paint (I assume that won't peel?). If I'm going to the trouble to build the thing I may as well make it look good right? and raw galv don't look the best to me.
Pollux chuck your pics up if u don't mind?, I'd love to see 'em to get more ideas!
If you've got the choice, Unistrut is the pick - will be stronger and has all sorts of brackets available to connect it in more configurations than you can imagine.
Some more questions, did u paint it white yourself or did u buy it like that? and do u have any problems with the paint peeling off from the heat from your gas ring?
I am wondering, if I go with the "metal mate" stuff from Bunnings, will that black powdercoated type be flame resistant or should I just get the galv stuff and paint it with exhaust header paint (I assume that won't peel?). If I'm going to the trouble to build the thing I may as well make it look good right? and raw galv don't look the best to me.
Pollux chuck your pics up if u don't mind?, I'd love to see 'em to get more ideas!

G'day snoozer,

Dexion comes powdercoated white. The paint does peel, but it's of no concern!

Yeah I have been known to go OT before haha
Jase, is that frame made from "Dexion" brand stuff or the stuff from Bunnings?
Does it matter wether the castors are the "plate" type or would the "bolt" type be better? It looks like you've got the plate type on your frame there Jase


The shelving is Dexion. the beauty of dexion is that the lengths are marked with cut guides spaced out evenly, so you are guaranteed to line the pieces up, and shouldn't have any trouble building. I cut all of mine up with a hacksaw. A couple of hours work all up!

The castor are plate type, you'll be sweet with whatever you choose as long as they line up with the holes on the shelving!
