Unhopped cube probs

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Hi all
This is the 3rd time have written this but my phone stuffed up and lost it so I will be brief.

I have experimented with Unhopped cubes some have worked some haven't.

My last cube swelled up I tiped it out clean and sanitised again and filled with a hoped esb no swelling

I like doing late additions hence why I would like unhopped cubes my favourite at the moment is 20 gms galaxy @10 mins and 20 gms galaxy @ 0. Into a fermenter with a unhopped light pills style unhopped wort

Since the hopped esb worked I am thinking the preservation quality of hops is helping in the cube.

So my question is if I use a fairly light Alpha acid hop what would be the least I would need to preserve and not affect the flavor much

Not really going to help, they swell up because they re infected, the amount of Pasteurisation in a cube closed at about 90oC and allowed to cool slowly (say 4-6 hours) will kill anything - If you are doing it properly.

You need to look at your no-chill process.

I don't want to bring up the bogey of botulism again (but I have so fuckit) - one of the main guardians against the presence of this in no chill wort is supposedly alpha acids so at the very least I would be adding some form of bittering or late hops to the cube as part of your process. I'd also consider chucking any cubes that have previously swollen and starting again.

If I understand you correctly, you are using non-hopped wort but still adding hops that have been boiled for 10 mins and 0mins (but still added to hot something). What's the something and why can't you do that to the original wort?

What am I missing?
I had a swollen cube recently, I could only out it down to my casual cleaning process.
While I'd expect the hops to give some degree of helping hand to warding off the causes of the swollen cube, I wouldn't go depending on it as a silver bullet.
Any flavouring and bitterness should be independent of your antibacterial intentions.
After the first few swollen cubes realy knuckled down on my cleaning. Hot water sodium perc then phosphoric acid and it stays there until the cube is needed.
I use the same cubes and cleaning regime for my hopped worts and havent a problem yet.....
Fine* but why are you making hopped wort then boiling hops to add to it? I'm confused by your process.

*I have crossed the road without looking and not been run over.
And to answer your original question - magnum or German Northern brewer are reasonably neutral.
The plan is to make it in bulk and then I can change it up with hops
personally id go with a small neutral bittering charge then remove part when your ready and boil for flavour and aroma.
Robbo2234 said:
I use the same cubes and cleaning regime for my hopped worts and havent a problem yet.....
But you can't say for sure certain what the cause of contamination is. Experienced no-chillers are strongly suggesting an infection caused by a cube that isn't sufficiently cleaned... what is your cleaning regime?
Robbo2234 said:
The plan is to make it in bulk and then I can change it up with hops
Not sure why bittering would prevent that or at least cube hopping (unless you have massive cubes). What post boil volume are you knocking out?
I have heard brewers of Sours say that as low as 5 IBU is just added to be enough for preserving effect. Rather that then none at all maybe. I home/can preserve unhoped wort but its pressure cooked at 125c for 20min then let sit in the pressure cooker for at least that time again. That would probably last 2 years, maybe more from my experiments on home canning.

Otherwise for no chill I treat the cube the same cleaning sanitation as a plastic fermenter. Play the devils advocate. Don't rely on heat under 100 c to be good enough. Look at home canning techniques were it is considered crucial for the contents to be kept at 100c+, up to 125c (pressure cooked) for prolonged amount of time to kill everything.
By the way under 100c and declining in temp is no guarantee to kill everything.
I am using 15 liter cubes adding water to 20 liters

If I can get this figured out i can get 11 cubes in one brew day and play with the hop additions when ready to ferment.

5 ibu... Thats hardley anything awesome! Gives me a starting point!

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