Uncle Kev Is At It Again....

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Nothing has changed since last government.
They used to hand out $$$ 6 monthly to keep their votes.

How bout every soul in OZ don't take bonuses pay rises or bribes for 2 year and give it to the ones who really need it .

ME :lol:
I'd vote no, at least it's thought provoking....but then again beer is not my whole world

Oh come on, your username is 'Schooey' and your avatar is your favourite Tshirt saying 'Beer'.

Denial can become soul destroying.

well nicknmes arent always self bestowed and that was the first image that popped up when I google imaged "beer". Laziness and self denial may often be confused....

Lets sell all the government infrastructure (Banks Telstra etc) then just give the money away!!

I think KRudd has been screwed up the bum by Barren von-Gillard and now she wants to spend his money.



PS: Jase, stay around. Its great to see some open thought
You see, it's a combimation of tax paying workers that choose to have children AND the ones who choose not to that are funding them !

As for no-one to pay tax, haven't you heard of immigration ? We should open the door to hard-working adults that might want to start a new life in Australia. If we invest our money in immigration then the rewards are immediate, no need to wait for our investment to mature - ie we won't have to wait 15 years for the little ones to get that first job flipping burgers for eight bucks an hour.

Or if people really want to experience the joy of parenting, then how about tax funding into adoption programs of third-world kids, who are otherwise going to have it a shit load harder in life because their parents have died at the hands of western world taxpayer-funded genocide ? There's already a shitload of kids in the world looking for new parents, why add to the stockpile simply because you need to feel that your dribbling semen played a part in the procreation process ? If you want kids and want to be a parent, then that's great... but there's plenty already out there.

Nah, cant take that one Jase. I think your take on life is a bit simplistic.
People get together, decide to marry, live together whatever, and then (in the case of my wife and I who got together in our late 30's), you look at one another and think, shit, we need more than a Jack Russell terrior, and 3 cats, or life in our elder years is gonna be shit.
So we mate like rabbits till , yeeeehaaaah.
Phone calls to inlaws ,and parents, "we have a daughter" :D
Then another

We wouldnt have done it any other way.
Just think mate, one of my daughters might be making your burger in a few years time, so go spend your bonus at maccas, and give our kids a break.
I like to brew my own beer

That's why is visit this fourm

I am guessing this is gonna be locked soon
Well i'm sinking mine into house renovations... does good for me and good for the economy as it will be going to local tradies and local goods not imported tv's or hi fi ( i already have lots of that gear).
Jase, why are you obsessed with outsourcing child production to the third world. Doesn't that strike you as just slightly insane and ridiculous?
Jase, why are you obsessed with outsourcing child production to the third world. Doesn't that strike you as just slightly insane and ridiculous?

Mate, I'm not outsourcing the task, it's already booming at an alarming rate. What exactly is the capacity of this planet, and why is there a need to bolster the impending destruction ?

You see, it's a combimation of tax paying workers that choose to have children AND the ones who choose not to that are funding them !

As for no-one to pay tax, haven't you heard of immigration ? We should open the door to hard-working adults that might want to start a new life in Australia. If we invest our money in immigration then the rewards are immediate, no need to wait for our investment to mature - ie we won't have to wait 15 years for the little ones to get that first job flipping burgers for eight bucks an hour.

Or if people really want to experience the joy of parenting, then how about tax funding into adoption programs of third-world kids, who are otherwise going to have it a shit load harder in life because their parents have died at the hands of western world taxpayer-funded genocide ? There's already a shitload of kids in the world looking for new parents, why add to the stockpile simply because you need to feel that your dribbling semen played a part in the procreation process ? If you want kids and want to be a parent, then that's great... but there's plenty already out there.

Jase I started paying tax when I was 14 and didn't have my first child until I was 35. Thats 21 years of paying tax and whinging that I am paying for other peoples developed sperm, Then I grew up!! And if we have our kids start paying tax at 15 and they retire at 65 thats 50 years of tax payed compared to an immigrant moving in at around 35-40 retire at 65 and cash in on our health care for 20 years. And why do people immigrate to this country... to build a better future for their families. The immigrant parents work to support their children they grow up go to work and pay tax.

Oh and BTW my sperm dont dribble, dem little mofo's are a shootin out my friend.

What exactly is the capacity of this planet, and why is there a need to bolster the impending destruction ?

I always wonder why those who think the planet is overpopulated dont lead by example and absent themselves...
Oh, you mean like Jesus, who 'died for our sins' ?

Nah, Jesus was fairly keen on kids. I believe he even encouraged his follows to 'suffer' them.

Luke 18:16 But Jesus called them [unto him], and said, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.
Nah, Jesus was fairly keen on kids. I believe he even encouraged his follows to 'suffer' them.

Luke 18:16 But Jesus called them [unto him], and said, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.

Yet the commonly accepted tale is that he didn't bear any of his own. So why are we basinig a society on these teachings if the savior chose to be childless ? In many ways, Jesus was like me. We even share the same initials.

But then again so too you :icon_cheers:

So which one of us is the true prophet ?

Don't forget that Jesus was also of immaculate conception (as the tale goes). A childless, virginally conceived guy can hardly be quoted as a spokesperson in defence of a kid-friendly world.
Mate, I'm not outsourcing the task, it's already booming at an alarming rate. What exactly is the capacity of this planet, and why is there a need to bolster the impending destruction ?

Yeah but the western world is already only reproducing enough to replenish current populations. The third world is breeding out of control and you want to bring them here? How does this solve the problem?
Yeah but the western world is already only reproducing enough to replenish current populations. The third world is breeding out of control and you want to bring them here? How does this solve the problem?

Our existence as homosapian occupants of the earth extends beyond the 'Western World". Are you suggesting that the "Third World' is a different species, and something that we should have no regard for, being that they are merely savages ?!

And to requote (with specifics):

the western world is already only reproducing enough to replenish current populations.

Of where? The 'Western World' ? Mark, let's look at Sydney's infrastructure as an example. Despite new motorways that have popped up over the past 20 years, the roads are becoming more congested. The rail network is running at absolute full capacity & regularity for what the network can support, and people are still squeezing into the train at Central station to the Nth Shore in morning peak hour (just one example) like starving animals picking up the scent of a lamb carcass. I worked on the Nth Shore for a while about eight years ago, then again about three years ago, and there is a very clear increase in the number of people commuting, and the barbaric behavior that constitutes 'survival' amongst those who simply must catch that train.

Now, we can suggest that, in a five year space of time, that the increased number of people on the trains is due to new citizens from abroad. Or, if you observe a little more, you might just find that it's to do with a whole new generation of workers in their late teens, early '20's who are entering the workforce, thus burdening a transport system that cannot cope anymore. Should they drive to work ? No, because the roads have become just as bad during peak-hour.

So if we strap ourselves into the time machine, and look not too far into the future, perhaps 15 years from now, when the kids of a 'government bonus' generation reach an age that they too want a job in the city or the north shore, we need to ask how the infrastructure will handle it. Presently, the trasport systems are in the hands of state government, and they don't have a viable solution. Federal government funding won't make a difference either, until there's some serious cash injected into it. What that means is offering homeowners on the perifery if train lines, arterial roads etc a huge sum of money, above market value, to allow their homes to be sold so they can be torn down to make way for more train lines, more roads. And being that these areas are very built up, pretty much from Parramatta right up to Redfern, that's going to cost billions. Just the stretch of train line between Stanmore & Newtwon would cost millions upon millions. The closer you get to the city, the more the properties are worth.

I have an answer to this dillema, but I'll save it for another time.

Major Corporations (and the ******* banks) are making record profits in Australia, and don't be fooled by those that say "oh, we made a loss" because they have only made a loss by comparison to their budget projections a year prior. This country is not struggling, the public coffers arent suffering (if we look at gross income - before ridiculous fiscal wastage), and there's no underpopulation crisis at all- even if we are to be blinkered enough to think that the world starts & ends in Australia, the Us & Europe.

So, um, what was that about replenishing population ? Is that really a good idea ?
Ha Ha, that's a great post. Kind of like the TV Baggers who dont like a program, and the realistic response of "If you don't like it, don't watch it". Wonder how many people will use the feature ?
Did you have several Angry Beers tonight Jase ??

What would Jebus spend his Krudd $$ on - 57" plasma, starving children (in Five Dock) or 5l Fransinkaner kegs *?

* According to Gospel, Jesus changed water into wine. Can he do this for beer ? Would it be Budvar or VB ? perhaps a Dancing Camel IPA !! mmmm IPA

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