Uk Ingredients - Price Outlook?

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Bribie G

Adjunct Professor
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Because the uk Pound has fallen against the US dollar at about the same rate as our dollar has fallen, we are still just about at parity with the UK currency:

Quick explanation for the under 40s : At the time decimalisation came in we had a Pound and the Poms had a pound, both around the same value although at one stage the Oz pound was a worth about 21 UK shillings.
There were 20 shillings to the pound. Most of the Commonwealth went decimal around the same time. Most (Aus, NZ, South Africa etc) went for the ten shilling unit for their new currency as at that time it was deemed more user friendly on a daily basis at a time when wages were about 20 pounds a week. So one old pound = two new dollars. The poms stuck to the pound unit which will buy you a Mars Bar nowadays if you are lucky.

Thus: if our dollar is worth half a UK pound (ie 50 pence) we are effectively at parity.An example of NOT parity was a few years ago when our dollar dropped to about 33 pence.

NOW, having cleared that up, we are sitting at about 48 to 49 pence which is where we were before the financial crisis, and probably about as good as it's going to get for the time being.

Therefore would it be safe to assume that buying UK ingredients such as Maris Otter floor malted, Nottingham yeasts etc we are not going to see the big price rises we can expect with US ingredients such as Wyeast, Amarillo, Carawhatsits, etc????

I am assuming that our suppliers such as Ross are able to buy using Aus Dollars to UK pounds exchange rate and not have to buy in American dollars? As principally a UK ale brewer nowadays I'm interested in what's happening in the trade.
Bribie, can I deduce from this post that you thinking of a bulk buy of UK goodies?

Will be interested how this thread develops.
Not trying to circumvent Ross et al, just wondering how things are likely to pan out re Maris Otter, EKG and the other goodies.
A kilo?
Where does one go to get hops by the kilo?
I tend to stick to five hops and would love to buy a kg of each.
That would sort me for the year!
A kilo?
Where does one go to get hops by the kilo?
I tend to stick to five hops and would love to buy a kg of each.
That would sort me for the year!

heaps on ebay. also bulk buys on here, although cant remember seeing a hop bulk buy for a while.
:lol: Thats what i thought too!

Looks like horse shit!

Notice its not for brewing...... its for use in virgin sacrafice ect
I can see Australian malting prices going up, as the late rains of the summer have turned a lot of the wheat crops, at least in WA. I figure thhe price we pay for UK/Europe ingredients is probably going to be more affected by the crop situation than any 'financial crisis'. Having said that, last time I was chatting to the LHBS, they said prices for European malts were on the way up. Could be a good time to stock up on some ingredients before they go skywards. But could also go the other way. Predicting stuff like this is like buying a lottery ticket. Even the economics grad student will tell you it's a crab shoot.