When I brew a kit, I end up with a beer that has too much head no matter how I pour. Is this a characteristic of kit beers or over priming or another beginner's issue? I like a head to last but I don't like taking 5 minutes to pour a glass.
Providing your planned carbonation levels are as normal....ie sugar measure or carbonation drops etc.Glot said:I like a head to last but I don't like taking 5 minutes to pour a glass.
Pickaxe said:Prime ya missus with a dinner in a little out of the way restaurant and a board walk stroll, then pick.up.the kids from the mother in law, make sure they're full of sugar, and one wants to projectile vomit all over the back seat. The youngest can then out **** the capacity if her nappy and "peanut butter" your house keys so your forced to. At least wipe **** on. About 8 surfaces.
That's how you minimize head.
Sorry, wrong thread.
Wrong forum.
To be.serious,.do you. Chill your glasses? Of you chill them it can increase head. Ie, in.the freezer with a warmer beer. Temp.differences alone.can do funny things.