TommyC's Portable Controller - aka 'The Football'

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Time to share some pictures of my new controller box, known locally as 'The Football'.

It has been designed to be completely portable, so i put in in a pelican case.





Currently using it to controll a HERMS coil in my HLT to get better temperature controll. Eventually it will control a separate HERMS HX vessel so I can do step mashes.

1st brew with it today, making a oatmeal stout.
Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant,perfect for brewers who don't have a dedicated brewing area and have to pack their brewing gear away when done.and the control box is protected from dust,moisture and knocks.
Top shelf result,got a promising marketable brewers tool there no doubt .
Just one question;
Why do you call it the football?

Great concept by the way. :)
"THe Football" is the nickname given to the attache case carried by the (not-so)Secret Service everywhere that POTUS is and contains the nuclear weapons launch authorisation codes
NewtownClown said:
"THe Football" is the nickname given to the attache case carried by the (not-so)Secret Service everywhere that POTUS is and contains the nuclear weapons launch authorisation codes
Hahaha, thanks for explaining.
I like it. Pack it up and throw it on a shelf out the way when done. Also when you want to go to mates for brewing it is easy to lug around.
Thanks all for the comments. On the plus side, it held my mash temps perfectly yesterday.

NewtownClown said:
"THe Football" is the nickname given to the attache case carried by the (not-so)Secret Service everywhere that POTUS is and contains the nuclear weapons launch authorisation codes
Thats why I call it that. At work when I was calibrating my RTD's on the box, it was just called the 'control case' and it was discussed how long it would take to be surrounded by the cops of I opened this at FedSquare... One of they guys said it looked like it could control nuclear weapons, hence now its 'the football'

QldKev said:
I like it. Pack it up and throw it on a shelf out the way when done. Also when you want to go to mates for brewing it is easy to lug around.
QldKev, that is exactly why i designed it this way.

The RTD's that are used are mounted in Stainless T's with quick connects/disconnects on both sides. This it to ensure I dont get the RTD's innards wet during wash up but also allows for transfer between points during brew day. During the mash they will be on the HLT, HERMS outlet and Mash Tun Outlet, but after the boil I can put them on the whirlpool pump to monitor the wort temp as the cooler does its work. Also makes it easy to move around a complete control system from temp sensors to control box. Only BYO heater at the moment.

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