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30 years of driving the only place I was breathalised was Queensland at 08:30 on a Sunday morning without even committing a moving traffic offence.
Even the California Highway Patrol don't waste time pulling that kind of of sh**.

Is it just because 1) they don't have the technology and 2) they don't have the power?

Rhetorical questions.

Let me tell you about the California Highway Patrol. I was once doing 95 MILES per hour through the Grapevine in the heaviest fog I've ever seen in my life and all they did was gimme a flash of the beacons to slow me down. They are useless. Most likely the basis for Super Troopers.

Your suggestion that people won't come here because some dickhead got fined for breaking the law is ridiculous.

As for your defence of the show - air travel is a marvel of the modern world and the idea that avoiding it is in and of itself the basis of entertainment is pretty stupid. Anyone who'd have their world view informed by such dross can stay TFO.
Not a traffic cop are you by any chance?
Are they still using Mad Max 1 as the training manual ?

Won't affect tourist numbers at all but you may be surprised to know that in many other countries a minor traffic infringement including minor speeding is dealt with by a verbal warning and not a huge fine. It is called good public relations policy.

Seems to be contrary to the image of Australia that the tourism bodies promote.

Believe it or not some travelers actually enjoy getting around the world using local means of transport and watching these kind of shows on TV. Top Gear Airlines would not be greatly popular.

In this series in Australia they used Wicked camper vans, motorcycles, camels, horses, a solar powered car, and the old Kevin Rudd ute, which was what they got caught in by the Police 'Interceptor'.

BTW a few people in Australia have actually heard of Charlie Boorman as a few hundred motorcyclists turned up to join the ride into Sydney which made National News shock horror.
Is it just because 1) they don't have the technology and 2) they don't have the power?

Rhetorical questions.

Let me tell you about the California Highway Patrol. I was once doing 95 MILES per hour through the Grapevine in the heaviest fog I've ever seen in my life and all they did was gimme a flash of the beacons to slow me down. They are useless. Most likely the basis for Super Troopers.

Your suggestion that people won't come here because some dickhead got fined for breaking the law is ridiculous.

As for your defence of the show - air travel is a marvel of the modern world and the idea that avoiding it is in and of itself the basis of entertainment is pretty stupid. Anyone who'd have their world view informed by such dross can stay TFO.

Why were you doing 95 miles per hour in the heaviest fog you`ve ever seen in your life, if you don`t mind me asking? :eek:

They were definatly out in force today.. :huh:
Every where i went there were radars.
They were also camping at the toll gates, almost everyone going through got booked for not slowing down completely going from the 80 to the 60 zone...
Including me... :(
First ticket in 12 years...


Nobody has mentioned that it's the school holidays up here ATM. There's always an increased show of force during school holidays. Bad luck Brucy. :(

Won't affect tourist numbers at all but you may be surprised to know that in many other countries a minor traffic infringement including minor speeding is dealt with by a verbal warning and not a huge fine. It is called good public relations policy.

Seems to be contrary to the image of Australia that the tourism bodies promote.

Verbal warnings do very little to curb the behaviour. You leave thinking: "Damn, that was close, at least I got away with it."

I wouldn't be sad if one less INNOCENT road death (if you injure/kill only yourself while purposefully speeding I care little) at the expense of our "public relations".

Having a well-defined, just law (in the form of speed limits here), proper consequences for disobeying laws which highly discourage re-offence and un-corrupt enforcers leads to a safer society. I love the laid-back Aussie "she'll be right" approach for most things, but in highly hazardous situations (anything to do with cars for example) this sort of attitude is downright stupid.
Nah, TB. I'm not a traffic a cop but I do believe they have a very important job - and a very difficult one in a country full of boganic drunks. We all know the law and it shits me to tears when people complain about getting done for speeding, etc. You don't agree with the law? Then don't drive, it is that simple.

I was just stirring about the show. I don't really mind either way. Glad you enjoy it.

Stag, it was a rental car - what was I supposed to do?! Truth be told I was doing it because I know that the Highway Patrol there have no teeth and I'd get away with it. The road was almost completely deserted and it is probably the best bit of road anywhere near LA. I fully admit this was stupid behaviour but I did it knowing the risks were only to myself.

Uh, and my wife in the passenger seat...
Verbal warnings do very little to curb the behaviour. You leave thinking: "Damn, that was close, at least I got away with it."

That is actually a typical Australian attitude to all aspects of road law hence the strict enforcement policy. Not sure everybody in the world shares that view

If you drive down European Motorways at anytime you will then wonder at the anal obsession with speed enforcement for a few kms over the limit on relatively lightly trafficked roads as promoted here.
And probably nothing to do with the fact that one fixed speed camera in Melbourne town generates more than $1M a year in easy revenue wasting no manpower.

If they were that concerned about road safety then why is there not a yearly road worthy examination on all vehicles used on the road like the British MOT certificate.?
While an annual roadworthy exam would be great, I do wonder what the spread of "accident" causes are... I would speculate a majority are due to factors such as speeding, drinking, inattention and breaking of road rules rather than unworthiness - i.e. these root causes are targeted with ad campaigns, increased enforcement, etc.

Though I guess unworthiness would also cover cars with illegal upgrades - which could relate to dangerous use of vehicles.
Stag, it was a rental car - what was I supposed to do?!

I fully admit this was stupid behaviour but I did it knowing the risks were only to myself.

Uh, and my wife in the passenger seat...

LOL, I went to Tassie last year and hired a brand new Lancer that was, at time, barreling through the wonderfully barren countryside down the guts of the state from Launceston the Hobart at well over 200km/p/h solidly. Fortunatly (for me) my wife was asleep at the time. All I saw out there for at least two hours was one 4wd and a dead wombat. So the only danger was to ourselves. And who cared about cops, this road/track was deserted.

Probably not a good idea to involve me in the kid's carpool for Saturday soccer. :unsure:

At least I got away with it !
And probably nothing to do with the fact that one fixed speed camera in Melbourne town generates more than $1M a year in easy revenue wasting no manpower.

This is probably the attitude I hate the most. If all it is is "sneaky" revenue raising it is very easy for us to cut off their cash flow, isn't it? Stop whining (everyone). It's not like speed limits are a secret and they are tricking us into doing it. If you get caught you cop it on the chin because you're an idiot and you deserve it (talking as someone who has lost his licence due to a single speeding infringement in the past, btw). If I were caught in a(n as yet un-named) country where the cops supposedly just rustle your hair and call you a cheeky scamp for speeding I would be prepared to have the book thrown at me there too.
at well over 200km/p/h solidly - and a dead wombat

I did similar in a Hire Car from Darwin to Kathrine! Set the Cruise Control for 180 and thought it was great! (except you see the fuel needle moving down slowly)

I saw the 10Ks from turn-off sign, no probs, then the 5Ks to turn-off sign, no probs, 500M to turn-off sign, cool, start slowing - missed by about 100M. My point is, it scares when I think about what would have eventuated had there been a heard of Wombats blocking the road just around a bend?

I've seen hundreds of them killed around railway tracks and they are never-ever cut in half, just bloated!
I hate this "it's all just revenue raising"-crap. It's easy to stop them getting a single cent - stop speeding and stop your whining while you're at it.

A big +1 on this.

Just lowered the speed limits again towards roundabouts to 60Kph. WTF.

Now you are likely to get nicked as your rego goes out of date before you get home.

The speed limits seem to reflect the poor standard of driving of the average local population. ( Professional drivers not included. ) Up here the locals cannot even stay on a flat level straight road in the damp above 60KPH.

Funny how drivers when chased by the police turn into suicide bombers and always crash into the nearest solid object or tree killing themselves and all passengers too.

Shows how piss poor the standards of driving are here even the dumb yanks on World's Crazyiest police chases do better. :D

In Adelaide people struggle to stay in their lanes while crossing an intersection, despite the dashed lines showing them exactly where they are. Atrocious.

You forgot to mention the "Wanker Lights" at the front are permanently switched ON, distracting law abiding motorists coming from the other direction! :angry:
I've never seen a cop car turn around and chase those idiots!

I believe the use of fog lights in non-foggy conditions is either illegal or the legislation is still going through. I remember hearing about it a few months ago and saying "about time"

That is actually a typical Australian attitude to all aspects of road law hence the strict enforcement policy. Not sure everybody in the world shares that view

If you drive down European Motorways at anytime you will then wonder at the anal obsession with speed enforcement for a few kms over the limit on relatively lightly trafficked roads as promoted here.
And probably nothing to do with the fact that one fixed speed camera in Melbourne town generates more than $1M a year in easy revenue wasting no manpower.

If they were that concerned about road safety then why is there not a yearly road worthy examination on all vehicles used on the road like the British MOT certificate.?

I believe that the standards for cars is different from state to state. My friend had to reregister his car in SA because Canberra said it wasn't roadworthy enough to be registered there.