Choosing not to eat meat - or any animal based protein for that sake - is like turning your back on 10,000 years of human evolution, which is clearly ******* idiotic.
Like that ****** celeb chef on the box at the moment telling us that ' Like me, 2 out of 3 Australians are trying to eat less meat'. People of his ilk would like to see all of us replace our lamb chop with a lump of plant semen (soy).
Clearly he's a ******* idiot also.
Do your homework and you come to realize what a load of horse **** this whole campaign against meats and saturated fat is. This is the result of corporate propaganda and flawed science being manipulated into conventional, accepted wisdom.
Vegetarianism and its variations may be the new black in some circles, but it's retarded, ignorant, and I'm sure on some Freudian level, attention seeking behaviour. (I can say that cos my sister is vegan..)
Oh yeah, plants have feelings to you know.
I agree with manticle, this has been a quite civil discussion, except for some. This post adds nothing to the discussion.
Do you have any idea of the science? How many journal articles have you read regarding the links between meat consumption and vascular disease, heart disease, stroke, colon cancer? Do you know how to access scientific literature? I'm assuming that you have some sort of institutional access to a database like pubmed to be making claims like that regarding scientific conspiracies funded by vegetarian societies aimed at preventing the consumption of meat.
People misquoting science pisses me off. There are very few, extremely few, papers out the that recommend the increased consumption of meat. And guess where the funding for those comes from? Meat industries.
So in our 10,000 years of evolution, for how long have we been intensively farming animals? For how long have pigs been raised in pens that prevent them from turning around? How long have chickens been bred to grow so fast and stuffed full of antibiotics under the guise of growth promoters that their bones can't keep up and they end up immobile?
You'll actually find that some people, vegetarians even, are remarkable well informed and have made conscious decisions not to support such practices.
I have no problem with people eating meat and I recognise that it is a traditional part of our diet. However,
modern practices leave a lot to be desired.
If you don't care about the source of your food and hava no empathy for those who lose their lives so that you can gorge yourself at a BBQ I pity you,
Now go away so that the rest of us can have a civil discussion,
PS, sorry to the rest of you for stooping to a response, but it annoyed me more than a little