Thinking Of Selling My Gear

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Best of luck with the change in lifestyle, BB. Long hard look in the mirror time, by the sound of things. Never easy. All the best.
I feel your pain.

If you need the money now sell the lot now. Thats the end of it.
If not.
Pack it all in box, tape it up and put it all away / store at a mates house in the box for later on, somewhere where you will not be tempted to brew for a while. You may come back to it, otherwise sell it later.

Hope things work out.

A does not always lead to B, that is, the love of brewing does not always lead to a love of drinking - depends on your personality.

I've brewed a ton and most people would consider me a non-drinker.

If you've got the tenacity and guts to keep your love of brewing but the choice of drinking, then do so - you will be in a much better position mentally.

One way to make brewing fun but not lead to drinking a lot is maybe offer your goods to a brewpub under charity - repay your power/consumables/grain, and the rest goes to a charity. The less you drink the more people you can help.

Its a pie in the sky idea but i am sure you can see what kind of thought process i'm suggesting

Either way good luck with your endeavors.
I'm not a big drinker but I love beer, I tend to have one after I've been for a run and that's about it. I splurged at a BBQ on Friday and had 4! :D

I brew because I like craft beer and enjoy the hobby and process (plus it helps with the cost) but I've found the best time for a beer is post exercise, be that something traditional like running or something more adventurous like surfing. It may be that you need the cash to fund your new interests and only you can decide regarding that but if you're only selling it to get rid of the temptation then consider setting yourself a reward scheme. E.g. "I won't drink anything until I've lost X Kgs and then I'll only have one every second day and then only if I've been surf skiing/swimming etc for that day.

May not work for you but I've found it works for me.

Good luck!
If your feeling the hobby is having a negative effect on your lifestyle, I applaud your decision to make a change. I still think it is possible to keep brewing and drinking less, but if you prefer cold turkey then so be it.

All the best for the future BB
Grave robber :lol:
I believe the words you are looking for are "opportunistic bastard".

I was obviously joking Banora Brewer about the offer above.

I can't justify a new one, HOWEVER if I could pick up a Braumeister for $1000 I would jump at it.
I suspect you'll get more though.
It's not the end of the world to sell your kit. Given the number of threads on here devoted to ghetto setups, it'd be relatively cheap and easy to get back into the game in 5 years if you wanted to. Grab a few brown pumps, a couple of buckets, SS tube and a kettle and you're away. Who knows, there may be matho braumeister version on the market in a few years!

In the meantime, concentrate on those things that you enjoy, and if kayaking is one of them and it gets you fit at the same time, then that's awesome. Good luck with it...
You should try it during exercise, works a treat. I lift weights in the garage while knocking back one or two! :p

I exercise one arm at a time, each weight is just under a kilogram, counting the glass.
Move on mate. If the urge to drink your own strikes again, there is the $19 pot and voile. Don't need much more to knock out a small batch to enjoy on occasion.
Although, living in Queensland and not drinking is a tough ask...
Hey BB,

You gotta do what's best for you mate, has been a bit similar here of late. Brewing has taken a backseat & I have been surfing heaps again & loving it. The only downside is, I have less time to brew with being away for extra hours at the beach & trying to keep a good work life balance.

Not gonna part with any of my gear though, I own it all, it can sit there for however long I want & will be there whenever I feel like knocking out a brew.

If you can afford to get the ski & keep your gear, then happy days I reckon.

Give me a yell if ya need to chat about it mate.
I found that I'd started to associate drinking with relaxation. So after work every day I'd relax with a bunch of beers. The harder I worked, the more I drank. It never got out of hand but I was unhealthy and it started to effect other parts of my life so I made a change and cut back heaps - 1 beer a night with 2 alcohol free nights a week. Gym most days.

Sounds like you're making some necessary decisions and I wish you all the best. You're health is most important, after all.

I found that I'd started to associate drinking with relaxation. So after work every day I'd relax with a bunch of beers. The harder I worked, the more I drank. It never got out of hand but I was unhealthy and it started to effect other parts of my life so I made a change and cut back heaps - 1 beer a night with 2 alcohol free nights a week. Gym most days.

Sounds like you're making some necessary decisions and I wish you all the best. You're health is most important, after all.

You hit the nail on the head!!!!
With a baby on the way my brewing time willl surely decrease so, as a community service I will offer myself to drink peoples beer so that they may drink less and lead a healthy happy life but continue to brew.
Conditions: Must be decent beer and must be sent to me.
lol deebo. You will find time to brew even with a little one. Its good infact as they get you up at 5 am and your back in bed with them at 10 am :p. My little one can spend 4 hours easy in the back yard digging up the dead pot plants and 90% the time you dont have to be in there, so it can be done. Of coarse if they wanna make trouble its when your 1 deg of strike temp or trying to fly sparge by hand lol.

I want to get fitter have done for years lost 8 kg about 8 months ago but havnt been on a scale since and started drinking the same as I did lol I am still trying to eat healthier but need to cut back and get active a little more. Lest then I wont have to brew as often.

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