The Wheatsheaf

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Saison DuMoo launches across 3 states; Goat Boy Dave pays us a Birthday visit (& brings a keg of Thorny Goat with him); The Wheaty goes Feral; new release EPIC kegs get a trundle; we secure a keg of Mike's Organic 2IPA; Doctorsrs Orders prescribes a pallet of Synapse Black Saison Kegs; Local brewers Brewboys & Steam Exchange return & Wheaty 'Ass & Class' 6 Packs go 'Black & Tan'
Coming up on tap in May:
Saison DuMoo, Moo Pilsner; Mountain Goat Thorny Goat, Skipping Girl, Hightail Ale, Fancy Pants, Cucumber Sandwich & IPA; Feral Brewing Hop Hog IPA, Barrel Hop Hog, Fanta Pants IRA, Karma Citra Black IPA, 983, The Runt & new releases Rye IPA and Gose; Doctors Orders Brewing Synapse Black Saison; EPIC One Trick Pony & Mash Up; Mikes Organic Double IPA; Tuatara APA; Mikkeller USAlive! & a pallet of goodness from Bridge Rd arrives late May/early June including Harvest Ale, Bling IPA and Celtic Red
Mona Saison DuMoo does a "four-way dance" and The Wheaty is gonna carve up that dance floor. Or at least tap a keg and (responsibly) drain it faster than our interstate comrades...On Wednesday the 4th of May at 5pm (local time) the following venues will simultaneously crack the cap on the first commercially available Mona Beer, "Saison DuMoo": The Wheatsheaf Hotel (South Australia), Beer Deluxe (Victoria),New Sydney Hotel (Tasmania)& Mona Wine Bar (Tasmania).
Brewed by the Moo Brew team in the Mona brewery, Saison DuMoo (5.5% ABV) is a unique Tasmanian interpretation of the Belgian Farmhouse style; medium bodied and pale orange in appearance, with a complex flavor profile developed by the yeast esters balanced with spicy earthiness and a dry, tart and peppery finish.
Consider this a call to arms all Moo & Wheaty people; We need YOU to milk DuMoo!
Wed 4th May from 5pm
The Wheaty's 'Drink a Local' features Brewboys Maiden Ale v Steam Exchange Southerly Buster Dark Ale on Wed 4th May (6-8pm) come meet the brewers and encourage a spot of friendly rivalry in the process!
Mountain Goat co-founder & Chief Brewer Dave Bonighton is popping in to help celebrate The Wheaty's 8th Birthday. He'll be hosting a 'Meet the Brewer' session on Wed 25th May (where we'll get our first taste of Thorny Goat off tap) and helping us sink a keg of Mikkeller USAlive! on the night of the 26th (our Birthday). Booking details to follow...
Darren Robinson's Doctors Orders Brewing fills our kind of prescription for small batch character brews - and we've got some kegs of his latest creation, Synapse. Synapse is a Black Saison which is yet another emerging twist on a traditional style. Think a dark Belgian/French Saison at more than full strength (5.9%). Lovely spice, hints of chocolate with a traditional Saison aroma and a refreshingly dry finish. Tap date to follow.
For the first time, The Wheaty is going Feral! Feral Brewing Company is a Swan Valley based micro brewery cranking out what we reckon are some of the best balanced and most challenging Frontier Beers in the country. And we're getting 9 of them in keg, including a Rye, Black, Red , Barrel & US style IPA and a little known ancient German style spiced with salt Gose. Tap date to follow.
The Wheaty's selection of handpicked, feature 'Ass & Class' 6 Packs have gone Black & Tan for the month of May available from Monday 2nd: 'Kick Ass' 6 Pack $75 in our humble opinion these beers ROCK!, 'Weird Ass' 6 Pack $65 consider it a challenge! &'Cheap Ass' 6 Pack $ 35 it's all relative

edit - formatting
heard rumours that they are getting a keg of the epic hop zombie...

will definitely be there for that.
Damn some of these look good chaps:

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The Wheaty goes Feral: Feral Brewing Company on tap for the first time!
Feral Brewing Company, situated in the Swan Valley (WA), is arguably one of the most adventurous new breed Australian microbreweries turning out small batch, high quality 'undomesticated yet sophisticated' brews. Feral embrace big character in their beers and don't shy away from barrels, bitterness, brett, sour, smoke, hops or ABV. A brewery that cranks out five different IPAs is truly after our own heart!
We'll be pouring on tap:
B.F.H. (Barrel Fermented Hog) American IPA, 5.8% ABV 48 IBU OG 1059
Feral's flagship IPA that has a primary fermentation in new French oak barriques before being
returned to stainless steel for final processing and carbonation. Think of all the great pine
needle and grapefruit you associate with Hop Hog with an added vanilla aroma and softened
FANTAPANTS Imperial Red IPA, 7.4% ABV 53 IBU OG 1072
Fantapants is offensively bitter (like most redheads sic!) but begins slightly sweet, with an aroma of passionfruit and pineapple. The finish is full-bodied with a hint of biscuit malt.
FERAL WHITE Witbier, 4.6% ABV 11 IBU OG 1043
Produced in the true Belgian style with 50 percent barley and 50 percent wheat and an
imported Belgian yeast strain. It is cloudy and unfiltered with coriander and orange peel added during the boil to contribute a spicy citrus flavour.
HOP HOG American IPA, 5.8% ABV 48 IBU OG 1059 on the Wheaty Handpump
Hop hog is an American-style India Pale Ale with strong pine needle and citrus aroma followed by an
aggressive bitterness and a dry finish (also available in 330ml bottles).
THE RUNT APA, 4.7% ABV 42 IBU OG 1049
For those who can't hack the true Hop HOG experience "The Runt" is a more delicate, dry and lightly
hopped alternative. Take a teaspoon of cement and harden up, princess!
GOLDEN ACE Belgian Golden Ale, 5.6 % ABV 38 IBU OG 1059
A dry, crisp refreshing Belgian type golden ale with a distinctive bitter lemon aromatic flavour and aroma. Golden Ace features the new Japanese Hop variety Sorachi Ace and is fermented with an estery Belgian yeast strain.
SMOKED PORTER Porter, 4.7% ABV 22 IBU OG 1044
Feral smoked porter has a very gentle bitterness and combines the classic coffee and chocolate character of the Porter style with a subtle smoked hickory flavour derived from the use of peated distiller's malt.
Rye IPA (new) so new we can't tell you anything about it yet, other than the fact we've got a keg which we'll (probably) tap next week...
Gose A Feral interpretation of an ancient German style that's salty and slightly sour and seldom made in Australia...
Barrel Fermented Hop Hog & Fanta Pants IRA on tap from 5pm Wed 11th May (other kegs to follow) on for as long as they last!
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The Yeastie Boys release their beasties from across the ditch; 8 Wired Tall Poppy & Tuatara APA make a welcome return to our taps; Mountain Goat Fancy Pants gets the Handpump treatment; Bridge Rd send a pallet of kegs our way; the great Sierra Nevada makes its full colour debut in legitimately imported bottles; Local brewers Lobethal Bierhaus & Barossa Brewing Co go head to head; we shuffle our Ass & Class 6 pack line-up and the sweet pain that is The Velvet Sledgehammer slides into town to show us whos boss
Coming up on tap in June:
Yeastie Boys Pot Kettle Black, Hud-a-Wa Strong & Rex Attitude; Tuatara APA; 8 Wired Tall Poppy IRA; Mountain Goat Fancy Pants (Handpump); Bridge Rd Harvest Ale, Bling IPA, Robust Porter & # 500 Smokey Breakfast Lager; Lobethal Bierhaus Chocolate Oatmeal Stout; Barossa Brewing Co Greenock Dark Ale; Moo Dark & Moo Imperial Stout, aka The Velvet Sledgehammer
Tap dates to follow.
Coming up in bottle:
Renaissance Brewing Elemental Porter & Stonecutter Scotch Ale; Invercargill Brewery Pitch Black & Saison; Murrays Wild Thing Imperial Stout, Angry Man, Icon 2IPA, Punch & Judys & Heart of Darkness; Yeastie Boys Pot Kettle Black, Hud-a-Wa Strong & Rex Attitude; Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, Porter, Stout & Torpedo IPA; Bridge Rd Bling IPA
The Wheatys Drink a Local features Lobethal Bierhaus Chocolate Oatmeal Stout v Barossa Brewing Co Dark Ale on Wed 1st June (6-8pm) come meet the brewers and encourage a spot of friendly rivalry in the process!
The Wheatys selection of handpicked, feature Ass & Class 6 Packs have had a shakeup for the month of June available from Wednesday 1st: Kick Ass 6 Pack $75 in our humble opinion these beers ROCK!, Weird Ass 6 Pack $65 consider it a challenge! &Cheap Ass 6 Pack $ 35 its all relative
RT RT Beer Nerd Alert # 2: For keg by keg updates, follow The Wheaty on Twitter - @TheWheaty - well endeavour to Tweet tap changes as they occur and give you the heads up on special releases (you can sign up via our website ).
must say the Yeastie Boys - Pot Kettle Black was a real treat on Saturday night...

not to say the Steam Exchange Buster through the Hoppenator with vanilla and coffee beans wasn't awesome too! dessert in a glass.

why didn't i appreciate great beer as much when i lived in walking/riding distance? now i need a designated driver... must say that's not too hard to organise, the Wheaty was where my wife and i had our first date... she's usually willing to take me there :)
Oooooh sounds awesome not far from hindmarsh stadium a short cab ride to the Adelaide United match. :D
Easy walking distance to hindmarsh mate. Even for someone as lazy as me.
latest email:

Some of Japan's finest grace The Wheaty's taps; Doctors Orders prescribes a pallet of 'Pulse' Belgian Oatmeal IPA Kegs; Mountain Goat IPA makes a welcome (and hopefully permanent!) return; Local brewers Steam Exchange & Brewboys go head to head with new brews; we continue to give Moo's Velvet Sledge a hammering; Renaissance Chocolate Oatmeal Stout gets the Handpump treatment and Wheaty Whisk(e)y examines Peat Monsters of which Yeastie Boys Rex Attitude is arguably the scariest
Coming up on tap in July:
Hitachino Espresso Stout, Ginger Ale & Japanese Classic IPA; Steam Exchange Haigh's Milk Chocolate Stout; Brewboys Galactic Pale Ale; Doctors Orders Brewing 'Pulse' Belgian Oatmeal IPA; Mountain Goat IPA, Oak Aged Rapunzel & Oaky Porter; Moo Pilsner, Dark Ale & Imperial 'Velvet Sledgehammer' Stout; Viven Imperial IPA & Porter; Renaissance Chocolate Oatmeal Stout; Yeastie Boys Rex Attitude
Coming up in bottle:
8 Wired Sren's Saison & Batch #18 BA Stout; Renaissance Chocolate Oatmeal Stout; Moo Vintage Stout
Hitachino Nest on tap from 5pm Fri 1st July Espresso Stout (7.5% ABV) tapped first, with Japanese Classic IPA (7.5% ABV) & Ginger Ale to follow
The Wheaty's 'Drink a Local' features Steam Exchange Haigh's Milk Chocolate Stout v Brewboys Galactic Pale Ale on Wed 6th July (6-8pm) come meet the brewers and encourage a spot of friendly rivalry in the process!
Steam Exchange Haigh's Milk Chocolate Stout (5.55% ABV): "We have cloned the world's most widely known sweet stout Mackeson's Milk Stout of England. Once fermentation is almost complete we disgorge it to our kegs where we add Haigh's chocolate for a final traditional cask conditioning. This stout is relatively light and smooth and creamy, with hints of evaporated milk and mocha chocolate, with a slight toffee-roast finish. As always, it's all natural and actually hand-crafted right here in South Australia, and not from an interstate contract brewery with local-sounding brand imaging. Analog, not digital. Not compromised by accountants and greedy shareholders. Not made-over by marketing stylists and spin doctors. It has no use for the latest fashions, trendy haircuts or twittering; nor bling or stretched Hummers. Image is no substitute for flavour. Enjoy!" Brewer Gareth Andrews
Brewboys Galactic Pale Ale (6.5% ABV): "Well you asked for a beer with some hops! Here's a Pale with enough hops to choke a Cyclon! Bang Bang. Firstly the Galactic Pale gets its name by the heavy handed use of Australian Galaxy hops both in the hop back as 2 late additions and secondly by extended dry hopping in the fermenter. This utilisation gives the beast its massive classic aroma, pineapple and all that fruity character (blah blah), this is quickly overcome by the heavy handed use of bittering and flavouring hops added to the kettle every 10 minutes during the boil; Pacific Gem, Cascades & Slovenian Goldings. Galactic has some 70 + IBUs, but no mistake it has been carefully constructed with the use of 9 different malts in the grist to help give the beer its exceptional balance and complexity. Some of the specialty malts include Weyermann Munich, Sim Marris otter, Global vienna, Sim Imperial, to mention a few. It has been described as an offensive beer, but I think it hits the mark as a big 6.5% Pale...The use of over 4 kg of All Australian Galaxy Hops in 800lt ensures that it's a beast!" Brewer Simon Sellick
Darren Robinson's Doctors Orders Brewing fills our kind of prescription for small batch character brews - and we've got some kegs of his latest creation, Pulse "Winter, cold Winter. Oatmeal for breakfast, IPA for afternoon tea? How about a Belgian Oatmeal IPA. The colour and bitterness of an American IPA, the aromatics from a Belgian yeast, and the smooth mid palette from oatmeal. This is your Winter prescription from Doctors Orders; 6.5% and ~54 IBU of Belgian Oatmeal IPA goodness." - Doc
Wheaty Whisk(e)y Tasting: Peat Monsters and the myth of Region (revisited) - Monday 25th July 6-730pm. Details to follow
The Wheaty's selection of handpicked, feature 'Ass & Class' 6 Packs have had a shakeup for the month of July available from Monday 4th: 'Kick Ass' 6 Pack $75 in our humble opinion these beers ROCK!, 'Weird Ass' 6 Pack $65 consider it a challenge! &'Cheap Ass' 6 Pack $ 35 it's all relative
RT RT RT Beer Nerd Alert # 3: For keg by keg updates, follow The Wheaty on Twitter - @TheWheaty - we'll endeavour to Tweet tap changes as they occur and give you the heads up on special releases (you can sign up via our website ).
Mikkeller 1000 IBU IPA at the bottom of this email:

Stone & Wood Meet the Brewer and Stone Beer Launch @ The Wheaty
Stone & Wood Co-founders Brad Rogers and Jamie Cook (both formerly of Matilda Bay) are coming to The Wheaty to launch the 2011 edition of their Stone Beer and have very kindly signed up to run a Meet the Brewer Tasting while theyre here; a rare opportunity to meet Stone & Woods makers as they talk beer, brewing, stones and stardom and anything else Stone (or not so Stone) related.
Tasting (off tap): Pacific Ale, Stone Beer & Stone Beer through The (Brad Rogers) programmed Glasshopper...
Wed 17th August 6 - 7pm
$10 per head
Bookings essential purchase tickets over the bar or on 8443 4546
Stone & Wood Pacific Ale (4.4% ABV): Inspired by our home on the edge of the Pacific Ocean and brewed using all Australian barley, wheat and Galaxy hops, Pacific Ale is cloudy and golden with a big fruity aroma and a refreshing finish.

Stone Beer (5.3% ABV) is a tribute to the brewers of the Middle Ages who added wood fired stones to the kettle to rouse the boil and intensify the malt characters of the beer.

Long before the wizardry of steam was invented, brewers used stone and wood to brew their daily beer. They built a fire to heat large stones until they were hot enough to be added to their wooden vats to create a boiling brew. Apart from the obvious heating effects, the brewing stones also caramelised the brew to create subtle but rich toffee like flavours.

We have a perfectly good boiler, but it is those intense malt flavours from caramelising the wort that we have gone to great lengths to create. To add further complexity we then added the sticky cooled stones to the fermenter to let the yeast have a real treat feeding on the wort candy during fermentation. Our limited release Stone Beer has a deep red hue and a rich caramel malt character balanced with firm hop bitterness.
Ps: Hop Heads Mikkeller 1000 IBU IPA tapped 5pm Friday 12th Aug - 1 keg only, on for as long as it lastsDont drive the car!
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Little Creatures Big Dipper Double IPA on tap at The Wheaty
The latest in what Creatures plan to be a series of limited release, single batch beers in bottle and keg, The Big Dipper DIPA (7.8% ABV) is a massive, hop fuelled Double IPA.
As the Creatures put it;
We just can't help it. We're addicted to fresh hops. So, it's no surprise that for our next Single Batch release we couldn't wait to make a double IPA....The Big Dipper. When 215kg of fresh hops arrived at the brewery it took us all a little while to collect ourselves. Columbus, Cascade, Chinook, Stella, Centennial, Citra and Simcoe...mmmm.... We were like a bunch of kids in a hop flavoured candy store! (which on second thoughts and for anyone who's been sipping on wort lately probably wouldn't be all that delicious but let's not let the truth get in the way of a good story.) We've thrown a heap of these hops at this beer throughout the brewing process to create a big, double IPA full of flavour. Of course it didn't take long till we started calling it the Big DIPA and when we realised there were seven stars in the constellation and seven hop varieties going into this bad boy the name just stuck.
As for the technical stuff it's about the biggest charge of hops ever seen in the Creatures brewhouse and has ended up with an IBU of 55, a EBC of 24 and a massive alcohol percentage of 7.8%. One for the true hopheads for sure.
Little Creatures Big Dipper Double IPA on tap from 5pm Friday 28th October
Only a handful of kegs on for as long as they last!!
568ml Pint Bottles available now

Also; Rogue bottles have just arrived including Mocha Porter, American Amber, Dead Guy, Capt Sigs Deadliest Ale, Chocolate Stout, Shakespeare Stout, Hazelnut Brown, Dead Guy (glow in the dark!) Growlers & American Amber Growlers, Creamery 75th Anniversary Ale, XS Morimoto Imperial Pilsner, XS Imperial Red & XS Imperial YSB

I was in Adelaide briefly for work last Thursday and went to the Wheatsheaf in the evening.

What a ******* great pub. $1 pool table, relaxed vibe inside and so many delicious beers on tap. Had a few of the Wheatsheaf's own brews and they were excellent. Anyone know if they bottle and if those bottles are available for purchase outside the pub? Online would be ideal.

No food but they have regular food trucks parked outside (on a roster as far as I can work out). I was a bit alarmed at the presence of the 'Bohemian barbecue' truck (screamed hipster at me and I'm very sick of piles of smoky meat and thick bread with no balance) but the chicken jerk and potato bread I had was delicious and priced OK.

You Adelaideans have done well there.

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