The Perfect Sunday Afternoon

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My girlfriend just got her drivers license so we drove for 30 minutes to IKEA, bought nothing but had their famous hot dogs (pic not me, but one from google images)


Then drove to Kensington to pick up some stuff I had in storage in a mates garage, a Coopers homebrew kit was part of that so now I have another fermenter to get the supply pumping.


now back at home, relaxing with a cold beer. Cranking some funky house music and setting up my new computer :D
Living it ATM.
Wake up at 1pm after a big brew day (drink-a-thon) yesterday to find the missus had cleaned up the evidence.
Fall into pool with frosty mug full of summer saaz shandy, drink a TED left in the fridge - quickly drink many milds to remove 'flavour' from mouth. Eat ham sanga, drink a few trois pistoles, settle in to watch A-league with a few little critters. Bloody great not to have to go to work tomorrow. :)
Wake up at 1pm after a big brew day (drink-a-thon) yesterday to find the missus had cleaned up the evidence.
WAKE UP winkle. surely you must still be dreaming!

maybe not perfect but just kegged and english bitter which is good.
Well, I was up at 2am to get to work, spent the afternoon with the missus and daughter in Darling Harbour, got home to discover a message on my phone, work is offering Annual Leave tomorrow due to over staffing my shift...

Now to wait until 6pm to get the definite call back from them.....God I hope it's a yes, I need a sleep in...

EDIT: Just got the call, it is a yes....... think I might go open a beer now....
Not prefect but damn close,

Brewed a Belgium pale ale this morning, filtered a few kegs (6 full kegs in bar just ready for the xmas drink-athon), gave the brewhaus a total clean out and hosing. Gave the hops a good dose of seasol and potash, goldings just over 4m and no where left for it to go but focus on the side runners other hops charging along. Snacked out on some chrissy ham mmmmmm... Triumph had an oil change, chain tensioned, throttle adjusted, washed and lookin sweet. Daughters asleep, so guess there nothin left to do but pour me stein but which one to start on the left.

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:D Love this time of year
Woke at 8.30, got up found a cooked breakfast from the rellies, at 10 the rellies start to cook a risotta and frittata with salad for lunch from leftovers, swim in the pool from 11-1pm with a couple of Canadian's and Cerveza's under the belt.
Eat lunch with the rellie's topped off by a good cleanskin Merlot, another swim after an hour at 26* water and knock off a dark ale with my feet in the water.
Lamb and spuds on the bbq tonight already in the marinade will wrap in foil and start cooking at 6pm...
anything involving good company, beer and good weather.
Head down to the sand dunes with the knee pads and the binoculars.

If only. Damn this ankle bracelet.
The perfect sunday arvo - sleeping, i love sleeping, i'm pretty good at it too but i need more practice :D
I woke up after the Xmas pubrun and went down the street and ordered some pizzas with my brother, both of us insanely hung over. We crashed with a few mates and ate, then helped them pour the slab for their under-house workshop. Then we all went inside, watched Family Guy episodes and drank a few cokes.

After that was taken care of, I started making plans for a penny-farthing [and an upcoming brew, what else?] then practised a bit on my unicycle. It was announced that steak was for tea so I marinated it and prepped the barbie, should be a good evening all round...although I do have the arduous task of drinking a few Pale Ales so I can start a culture from them :D

Not totally perfect, but its a good afternoon in my books.
just sitting here eating crayfish for tea (caught by three of us today +3 for christmas breakfast), a couple of beers to go with them is quite nice.
Any Sunday without the kids is a good one ( actually any day without the kids is good )

But a perfect Sunday would start knowing we didnt have the kids for a full day, doing some " practice " without getting the door opened, then a nice brecky, then head out to Wooli for lunch and grab some fresh shucked oysters, a bottle of wine, and sit on the inlet and relaxing, maybe some more "practice"

Then back home to clean up the mess that our little darlings have made by dragging in half a sandpit... :rolleyes:
Watching the cricket on my new MacBook Pro (2.53GHz).

Damn shame about the result though...

:icon_offtopic: Got the fridge finished today, so kegs ahoy for me! Waiting on IPA still bubbling in fermenter... Kegged beer by xmas day.

Back on topic... Good beer, good weather, good friends.
I got home 7 in the morning after a work X-mas party.
After enduring Vagabond harbout cruise with limited choices of beer I proceeded to James Squire and tried all their beer and finnished the evening/ early morning with a 1/2 dozen schooners of Guiness :party:

Slept all day
got up at 4pm to
work all night :blink:
Not prefect but damn close,

Brewed a Belgium pale ale this morning, filtered a few kegs (6 full kegs in bar just ready for the xmas drink-athon), gave the brewhaus a total clean out and hosing. Gave the hops a good dose of seasol and potash, goldings just over 4m and no where left for it to go but focus on the side runners other hops charging along. Snacked out on some chrissy ham mmmmmm... Triumph had an oil change, chain tensioned, throttle adjusted, washed and lookin sweet. Daughters asleep, so guess there nothin left to do but pour me stein but which one to start on the left.

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:D Love this time of year

How many litres is that chest freezer?
What's your perfect Sunday afternoon??

My perfect sunday arvo? Going out for my second surf of the day (it is the arvo, after all) in perfect overhead barrels, surf for 3 hours, some in, scarf down some food - any food, doesnt matter - then head back out for more waves until dark. Come in, have food (after a 6 or 8 hour surf day, I dont care what kind of food it is), have one glass of delicious, home-brewed beer, and fall asleep. Racking/bottling/brewing etc... can all wait until the swell dies off, no matter what day it is.
Mind you, a little female company in there wouldnt hurt either ;)
All the best

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