The Perfect Sunday Afternoon

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What's your perfect Sunday afternoon??

Yesterday I was playing golf with 21 mates at a course that the licensing laws prohibit them selling beer to take on the course so you have to BYO :beerbang: So I put 2 x 9L kegs of LCPA clone in the big esky, filled with ice, a beer gun and my keg charger - 6 mini steins and away we went. We finished the first keg pretty quickly - by the 7th hole actually. The boys drinking it were so impressed that I was given a (backhanded) compliment. "I reckon you've just filled your keg with one of those Heineken kegs you buy from Dan Murphy's" I said it tastes nothing like Heineken, but happy they were impressed anyway. So all was going great until it was time to change kegs when one of my mates snapped the disconnect of the charger putting it on the second keg :angry: So all the CO2 flew out of the keg and we had no way of dispensing the beer from the second keg. I had to drink Tooheys New for the rest of the day. Started off as a perfect Sunday afternoon....
My perfect sunday arvo? Going out for my second surf of the day (it is the arvo, after all) in perfect overhead barrels, surf for 3 hours, some in, scarf down some food - any food, doesnt matter - then head back out for more waves until dark. Come in, have food (after a 6 or 8 hour surf day, I dont care what kind of food it is), have one glass of delicious, home-brewed beer, and fall asleep. Racking/bottling/brewing etc... can all wait until the swell dies off, no matter what day it is.
Mind you, a little female company in there wouldnt hurt either ;)
All the best

Damn Trent, you just took me back about 20 years. Damn it I'm jealous.
Mchenry, the solution to the lack of pouring is to open the hatch and start bailing. Not perfect, but so long as the contents of the keg are going to be consumed that day, it works.

Perfect Sunday afternoon would be to have all the chores done, then to sit out on the veranda with good company, good food on the bbq and on the table and good beer in the fridge. Listen to the cicadas scream in the bush. Then maybe go for a dip in the dam.
How many litres is that chest freezer?

Not sure what size the freezer is. Pitty it wasn't 20mm wider then I could have fitted another keg in there. Still 120L of beer in fridge and 20 in the fermenter should see me through xmas.
Perfect Sunday afternoon would be to have all the chores done, then to sit out on the veranda with good company, good food on the bbq and on the table and good beer in the fridge. Listen to the cicadas scream in the bush. Then maybe go for a dip in the dam.


And catch the bloody goanna pinching our eggs ATM

Batz, we ran hot tape around our chook pen. That keeps the goannas and foxes out. Run tape about 50cm off the ground and also around the top. Heard a fox take a belt one evening. It ran screaming up the paddock. Saw a feral cat take a belt too. It ended up between the fence and the tape.
I had to tile my house on Sunday arvo. It was not the perfect way to spend Sunday. I'll have to make up for lost drinking time on Wednesday and Thursday!
Batz, we ran hot tape around our chook pen. That keeps the goannas and foxes out. Run tape about 50cm off the ground and also around the top. Heard a fox take a belt one evening. It ran screaming up the paddock. Saw a feral cat take a belt too. It ended up between the fence and the tape.

OOhhh I so like your thinking POL, just love it... :D

But I still hate it when the parrots come and eat my green tomatoes, and the Roo's/Wallabies eat our melons... :angry:

And the its nice watching the Kookaburra's swooping and catching young Browns and Red Belly blacks B)

But the boys do love seeing our resident possum and leaving him apples ( even if hey fight in the roof )

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