The Other Michael Jackson...

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Those close to Michael Jackson are refusing to blame it on the boogie.
That looks like something out of a Darwin paper.
Wow... more breaking news! Apparently he didn't die from a heart attack... he was at a childrens' hospital and had a stroke.
he was a talented but weird bloke. I guess we'll never know if he actually did the things he was alledged to do or not.
I heard Ross died.

Can we have a wake give-away??? :p

I wait for the jokes to really kick in. He's one of those people that most people are happy to mock, even in death.
Did you hear Michael Jackson died? It's OK though, they're going to melt him down and make a Nintendo, so that the kids can still play with him.

I heard that in his will he requested to be reincarnated as a rocking-horse.
i cant spell period. Im awful at it. and well its a forum wtf do i care bout puncuation, spelling and grammer.
MJ's not really dead, he's just on holidays in Florida

.........Off to Tampa with the kids.
Apparently they don't know what to do with his body. Plastics don't go out til next Tuesday.

so the impersonator was where that funny taste in my beers was coming from!