The New Under Class Of Brewer - Ager's

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I think this thread of yours Chappo is seriously lacking a good pair of bazongas....
I think this thread of yours Chappo is seriously lacking a good pair of bazongas....

Lots of sore vaginas though.
I think this thread of yours Chappo is seriously lacking a good pair of bazongas....

:huh: There's a 66.666666666% chance I'm a little worried
Me too Steve. I'll step out and buy me a pair. :lol:

Actually SWMBO had me neutered a few years ago... maybe I need hormone replacement therapy?

Perhaps you just need some self esteem coaching?

Let's see, who's the one who started a whiny little bitch thread about the lack of respect the AGers were getting lately and then flew into a hissyfit ranting about how giving they are in their brewing?

I gave my honest answer to your question in your original post.

Don't ask questions if you can't handle the answer, whether that answer is right or wrong. And please search your current mood for reasons as to why this is ripping your knickers - because mate, it's really no big issue at all.

I have a feeling after your first beer you'll feel better. It'd be a bit sad if this caused you to leave AHB - and let's cease the "in the pub you'd be wetting your pants" stuff - it's seriously lame. If I met anyone in the pub who got this ****** over nothing I'd not be in the pub with them.

And no I don't have the ***** with the Experienced Brewers - I'm just answering your questions as to why some of the new guys are disrespectful towards the core group here. The core group have often got their heads up their arses ... this thread illustrates this wonderfully.
... and let's cease the "in the pub you'd be wetting your pants" stuff - it's seriously lame. If I met anyone in the pub who got this ****** over nothing I'd not be in the pub with them.

As I suspected a complete lack of balls to back up that tongue of yours. The only lame one here has self esteem issues.
God has every one on AHB got synchronised periods ? :lol: Come Monday I will give you guys some thing to post about..........? :eek:
Come Monday I will give you guys some thing to post about..........? :eek:

Chinese hop bulk buy Nev? Renouncing the march pump? Opening the WA franchise of Craftbrewer? You've got me wondering...
and now, after 5 pages of dissent, I`d like to say something so gather around.....


stagga. :lol:
the core group here.
There's a core group? Who's in it, what are their names? Drunk Arab may be? Guest Lurker? Anyone who's been on the forum for aver 5 years. No probably not ...
God has every one on AHB got synchronised periods ? :lol: Come Monday I will give you guys some thing to post about..........? :eek:

Did you develop a 3V BIAB system with integrated triple overhead March pumps, new hybrid RIMS/HERMS technology (known as RIMHER) for the price of a can opener, Nev?
I read the title and thought wow people are Aging their beers(Ager's)...I got a few that are 4-5 years old.....

Where there 'Brewers Code' listing...time for a re-read peeps(Whoops, someone will tell me to use the search function!!)

So here it is...ripped from the brewing networks forum.....


It boils down to "be honorable."

Promote good beer and brewing.

Respect fellow brewers.

Respect fellow beer drinkers even if they don't drink the same beer in the same way as you.

Give honest but polite feedback to other homebrewers, but be more gentle on the wide-eyed noob's first batch.

Give the recipe. They aren't going to make the same beer anyway.

Always strive for the "next step," whatever that is to you. All Grain, getting out of the kitchen, BJCP, kegging, whatever

Be helpful without condescention. Remember at some point you didn't know that answer either.

Remember that there is more than one way to do most brewing tasks, and most of them work just fine even if it's not your favorite way.

Most homebrewers I've met already adhere to this lofty standard. The craft beer community in general seems to be a very pleasant, courteous, helpful, and honorable bunch. Lets keep it that way.

remember to be cool and have a brew....Oh, yeah, also, share your brew (kinda' like spreading the word)
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