Just went through the topic from start to finish!
Ken, what an absolutely awesome bar! You have inspired me to build my own... Just need to save up for a house deposit and I'll be one step closer. :blink:
I with AndrewL on this one, thats an awesome bar and the best reason I have ever seen to stay in one spot and fork out for a house. A brew room I was looking at on here last night inspired the same feelings.....Which bank should I rob....I mean apply for a mortgage from.... is the only question...
Finally installed the spilt system air conditioner in the fermentation/cellar room.
Dialed up 18C and it is in auto and keeps the room at 18 +- 2c all year.
I have been thinking about doing just that, using a low end inverter air cond to keep the brewery cool/warm during the appropriate times of year. They seem to be getting more efficient and cheaper by the month!
I actually saw something on pay TV (weather channel?) that had a graph showing that they are actually the most efficient form of heating a room! Said nothing about cooling though :angry:
GMK.....How big is the area you are heating/cooling and how powerful is the split system?
it is a 1.5hp unit - this cost 50.00 more than the 1.25hp unit.
it is a Fugitsu and it cost 1099.00 plus installation with Fujitsu giving me 250.00 cash back.
The fermentation room is 3m x 1.5m.
The bar is 3m x 4.5m.
So - with the cellar door open - it heats/cools an area 3m x 6m = 18m2
Works really well and extremely quiet.