The "god I Need A Beer" Thread.

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hope u get better soon komodo, sounds crappy..

And back to topic,

God I need a beer.

Thesis due in 2 weeks, plus I am still actively doing my research, been at uni doing 14 hour days since I can't remember, I eat dinner at 12:45 am and in bed by 1am repeat indefinately.

And then in 2 weeks I have 3 days to study to sit a 3 hour exam directly worth $80,000 and deciding the next 3 years of my life. NO PRESSURE! :unsure:

Good luck studying & in the exam sera.
Make sure the fridge is stocked with your finest, for that "Yeah, I've finished my f'ing exam" beer!
I needed a beer last night.

The only thing I had in the fridge besides lots of yeast culture was 2 stubbies of framboise.
They went down too well, and so did the mildly cooled cerveza after it.
If you have self control sera, a glass or two if scotch over an evening speeds up my report writing. It doesn't mix well with sleep deprivation though! Best of luck.
Good luck studying & in the exam sera.
Make sure the fridge is stocked with your finest, for that "Yeah, I've finished my f'ing exam" beer!
Cheers mate.. Though i'll probably come home with some megaswill as I still don't have a brew rig.. So after the exam I will finish my setup, so it'll be a celebratory brew rig instead of a celebratory brew :p

If you have self control sera, a glass or two if scotch over an evening speeds up my report writing. It doesn't mix well with sleep deprivation though! Best of luck.
Yeah, that's how i got thru a lot of undergrad. Honestly, a lot of the more harder concepts could only be understood after a reasonable amount of beer - I think because it lowered your inhibitions which let you learn in more abstract ways.

But yeah, I'm not really avoiding alcohol, just cant really go down that route with the workload :) few weeks and i'll be back into the usual swing of things.

Talking about people's on topic posts is not off topic, guys.


Wanna fight about it? I know pilates. Don't start me or you're cruisin for a bruisin' mate.
Dude. I have a black belt in tae-bo. Welcome to a world of pain. Population: you.