The Efficient Waiter.

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Glen Huon, TAS
A couple where dining at a new restraunt in town and over the course of their meal they noticed one waiter in particular who was always on the ball, almost as if he was one step ahead of everyone all the time.
When it came for coffee and desert the man at the table dropped his teaspoon before he was able to use it, and out of nowhere this very efficient waiter apeared, producing a teaspoon from his top pocket and handed it to the man. The man was impressed and thanked the waiter as he proceeded to stir his coffee. "We have been noticing you all night" said the man, "You are quite amazing how you do that.". "Do what?" asked the waiter. "Well it's the way you are always one step ahead of things all the time - it's almost like you know when something is going to happen and you are there just at the right moment". The waiter laughed and said "Oh that, well that's nothing really, I don't really have supernatural powers that let me see into the future... it's just that I have learnt and trained myself to be very well prepared you see... the better prepared I am the more efficient I am at my job, and well I just love my job" "I see" said the man, "so what sort of things do you do to become so efficient and prepared?" he asked, now sipping his coffee. "Well said the waiter, take for instance your teaspoon - I just always carry a teapoon in my top pocket, and so when you dropped yours I was already prepared to give you another one almost immediately". "Ooh I see" said both the man and woman at the table in unison, but the waiter continued, "Another example of my efficiency is that I have a peice of string tied to my willy, and so when I need to go to the toilet I just unzip my fly and use string to point my willy in the right direction ... you see that way is more efficient as I don't need to wash my hands because I don't need to touch my willy.
The man and woman at the table where starting to become a bit uncomfortable with the way the conversation was going, but suprisingly enough the woman had a thought and asked "But if you use the string to pull it out, how do you get it back in without touching it?" "Oh, that's easy!" he said, "I always carry this teaspoon around with me in my top pocket..."

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