The Corona Virus (COVID 19) Thread

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Frothy Boi

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Facts, opinions, thoughts, fears, concerns, memes or anything corona virus related, discuss here.

My only question so far is, why are people hoarding so much toilet paper?
If you're quarantined inside your house I can see the need for food but if you run out of dunny paper, surely you could just wash your arse in the shower.
Facts, opinions, thoughts, fears, concerns, memes or anything corona virus related, discuss here.

My only question so far is, why are people hoarding so much toilet paper?
If you're quarantined inside your house I can see the need for food but if you run out of dunny paper, surely you could just wash your arse in the shower.
From what I have read diarrhea is one of the symptoms of Covid19, so that's a lot of showers. Toilet paper comes from China and with 500 million being stood down from jobs toilet paper will run out pretty quickly.
I'd expect some loose stools, but not shitting thru the eye of a needle, full blown gastro grade squirts that you need a whole trolley of toilet paper to mop up.
From what I have read diarrhea is one of the symptoms of Covid19, so that's a lot of showers. Toilet paper comes from China and with 500 million being stood down from jobs toilet paper will run out pretty quickly.
If we run out, and that's a big if, I'll use the hand shower in the shower recess. I'm thinking of putting in a bidet seat and doing the toilet paper company out of my business. What about when the beer runs out? I'd be more scared then than now.
Not possible beer running out. One thing about all grain brewing plenty of stock. Have seen your fridge on forum 14 days quartine no probs.
Well, if things are that bad that you gotta sit on the dunny full time.....,may as well get a chilled keg of beer on gas next to you with a pluto gun attached and drink your nice cold beer, and read a good book while you wait for nature to take its course, and then you can use a squirt from the pluto gun to wash your freckle every now and then........ No dunny paper needed! :barf::fallingoffchair:
Am I missing something or does it all seem a bit over blown with lots of media hysteria?
You are only going to die if you are old and/ or have some existing health issue. The mortality rate is more than the flu but not dramatically so.

I look at this pretty often to see what's going on.

China's numbers have 'stopped rising' for a while so I wouldn't believe their total.
I'm not surprised their numbers have stopped rising. Look at the recovery numbers on the graph. Going up. Given the Chinese governments have pulled no stops to contain this once they realised the **** had hit the fan (welding people into apartment complexes, forcably removing families for treatment etc), and that the vast majority of the population are now not going out or are wearing face masks etc, it is no wonder their numbers have peaked. I'm not a fan of their government and accept it was dreadfully slow and pathetically inept in it's handling of the matter.

I had a rant about this topic on another forum and am kind of repeating myself, but as the saying goes the standard of behaviour you walk past is the standard of behaviour you accept. I would say though educate yourselves. Coronavirus has killed less people in the world in about three months than two days worth of road related accident deaths in the world. Far fewer people in the world have been diagnosed infected by the corona virus than were hospitalised due to the flu in 2018/2019 just in the USA (490,600 people). That's not all the people that had the flu. Thats just those hospitalised in ONE country. Deaths that season from flu in the USA were 34,200 people. Again, just ONE country and a western one to boot. The US flu season lasts about 5 months, so the majority of those stats occurred during that period. Even if we accept that 10 times the amount of people have the corona virus than the current diagnosed numbers (unlikely it is that high, but for the sake of the argument go with it), so just under a million people. That number too pails in comparison to the accepted estimation of the numbers of flu infections in the US last flu season (over 35 million, which is over 10% of the population).

Panic shopping for toilet paper etc and fear of others is base stupidity. Having a good thorough hygiene routines is always a good thing, especially aproaching winter (flu season), but no one normally panic buys toilet paper because winter is coming do they. THINK people.
The numbers stopped climbing for China when they announced they are once again changing the way they count cases.
Corona is not the pandemic we should all be dreading, the Spanish Dancer IS coming but this isn't her, so why the hysteria? Anything to do with the US/China war perhaps?
As for toilet paper I have these fitted in all our toilets anyone that has lived in S'E' Asia will smile knowingly.

That's just the US. Globally, flu kills more like 250,000 a year.
A little common sense would go a long way.
From what I have read diarrhea is one of the symptoms of Covid19, so that's a lot of showers. Toilet paper comes from China and with 500 million being stood down from jobs toilet paper will run out pretty quickly.
I have been lead to believe that Australia doesn't import toilet paper. It's all made here. Good opportunity to support local jobs, so crap away people!!
The issue currently isn't really the number of cases, it is the severity of the cases.
Another recent study, considered the largest on COVID-19 cases to date, researchers from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Protection, analyzed 44,672 confirmed cases in China between Dec. 31, 09 and Feb. 11, 2020. Of those cases, 80.9% (or 36,160 cases) were considered mild, 13.8% (6,168 cases) severe and 4.7% (2,087) critical. "Critical cases were those that exhibited respiratory failure, septic shock, and/or multiple organ dysfunction/failure,"

This means that if you were to catch it, there is a 1 in 5 or 1 in 6 chance that it will be severe/critical. That is much higher than the flu which is why people are concerned.
As it is more contagious than the flu (based on current numbers), the potential for harm is much higher.

That's just the US. Globally, flu kills more like 250,000 a year.
A little common sense would go a long way.

The mortality rate of seasonal flu is around 0.1%, Estimates for Covid 19 are at around 3%. Spanish Flu was estimated at 2-3%.
If Measures weren't being taken to limit the spread of Covid 19 then it would be a really big problem. That being said taking measures like good hygiene and washing your hands regularly will go a long way for your own personal protection. Panic buying of loo paper is just moronic tho.

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