The Cheese Thread

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It must have been too low a temperature. I put it on the heat to raise a few degrees and it curdled quickly. I had to stir to distribute the heat so the curds aren't nice and tight as one would like, but at least something happened.

It's currently draining in the cheese cloth, and I still got a good volume in the end. For a first attempt, I'm reasonably happy at the moment.
Alright, here's what I ended up with this morning. It's now in the maturation fridge at 10c.
yeah, i found sometimes i wouldnt get a decent set and had to bump it up a bit. maybe its a variation in rennet or thermometer..
Finally dusted off the cheese making gear and had an attempt at Cows Milk Feta, so far it looks and tastes great, made a whey brine from the leftover whey and they are brining as I type.


Had a go at the 30 minute Mozzarella recipe this morning, turned out ok, next time i'll add the Lipase for a bit more flavor. Very easy to make.

Balls formed and slice for a taste

On this mornings breakfast

lookin good andrew! i fell out of the cheeses for a little while after the last 3 batches ended up in the bin! poor temperature control is to blame, i may need a temp rite or something. also that fridge is also my brew fridge which doesnt help ;)
lookin good andrew! i fell out of the cheeses for a little while after the last 3 batches ended up in the bin! poor temperature control is to blame, i may need a temp rite or something. also that fridge is also my brew fridge which doesnt help ;)

Get yourself a little dorm fridge capretta perfect size for a maturing cave. These little babies are about to go in mine now.

I'm trying cheesemaking for the first time ever tonight.

Trying that panir recipe someone linked to here:
as it requires only full cream milk and a lemon.

Heating the milk while typing, will see how it turns out!

Hmm.. guess I used to little lemon juice to get the milk to curdle?

I bought 2 liters of unhomogenized full cream milk from Coles and a lemon.

Heated the milk while stirring all the time until it boiled and more or less foamed over :D

Then poured in the juice of a lemon tablespoon by tablespoon. Ended up putting in the juice I got from not-to-thoroughly squeezing a lemon, say 4 table spoons. Lowered the heat before adding lemon juice, and stirred slowly with a wooden spoon. After a minute nothing had happened, onto the heat a little while before taking it off and stirring again. Little pieces of "clay" starting folding and I kept stirring for a little while before leaving it on the benchtop for 20 mins.
Poured the results into a tea towel rinsed in water and squeezed out as much water as possible, but I clearly got less than I should have?

Rather than getting watery/green whey with pieces of cheese, I got milk with small pieces of cheese.
Maybe I should have added even more lemon juice, no idea..

Anyway, I squeezed and squeezed before finally ending up with a ball of cheese half the size of my fist. Probably didn't help that I lost a quarter of the cheese squeezing the towel resulting in a cheese-spray nicely decorating the kitchen window!

I seasoned half of the cheese with basil and garlic salt before frying it in some butter and olive oil and kept the last half as it was, adding just a little salt.

It tastes great!
Fresh, nice taste. Kind of like ricotta, maybe?

Enjoyed the fruits of my labour on the couch with some vintage cheddar, chives/garlic cream cheese. A piece of black rye bread and some roasted panini and some ghurkins, not to forget my very own Darker Golden Ale. mmmm... beer, bread and cheese.. :lol:


It was great fun making my own cheese, will definetly try it again!
Maybe next time I'll use citric acid or something to make sure I add enough acid to get the milk to curdle.

ive used vinegar before with good results, id say maybe your temp wasnt high enough? also you probably didnt use enough juice.. it is messy too! nothing you can do about that!
+1 - if you run out of lemon juice white vinegar will do the trick.

Still - you got to eat cheese you made yourself. Kinda cool isn't it?
Very cool, indeed!

Was very easy and if I got less cheese than I should have, I still got to chill with a beer and a couple of different cheeses where I had made one myself :lol:

They look great Chad, have you needled them and how old are they?

Haven't needled yet. The first batch should have been done this weekend, but I was away for most of it, so I will do it next weekend.
The other is about a week younger.
Pressing another Colby, used non Homogenized milk this time, amazing the difference from homogenized. Much tighter and firmer curds although I think I over did the Annatto a little. First time using this press as well so the results should be interesting.

Part way through the stir

Molding up

First press
Can you make pommie cheese like red leicester and double gloucester.

If so i might have a go. :icon_drool2:
sure can

Rikki Carrol's book Home Cheesemaking has a recipe for leicester. Very similar process to cheddar making
Andrew when do I get a cheese making lesson, the blues you showed me the other day left me salivating. :icon_drool2:

Would love to know more.

Imagine a cheese salami and beer night :beer:

Thats some fricken hardcore looking cheese press AndrewQLD! Where does one get an actuator (or what ever that this is) to make something like that?

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