A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who has paid so far! Almost there!
If you are not on the list and would like a kit, PM me - spaces open up from time to time.
If you need to pull out of the buy, please PM me and let me know so I can open up the spot for others.
(there is currently one spot open)
Good News:
PCBs - prototype run from the new fab house should be arriving in the next week or so. The new sample temp probes should arrive tomorrow! I received final samples of the box and they are good - just need to finalise heatsink before ordering the production run.
Bad News:
The heatsink manufacturer contacted me and said the mould for the extrusion profile broke (yeah... annoying). The cost of a new mould is high, so I am back to looking for a new supplier.
Parts Received so far: buttons, stainless screws, nuts, nylon standoffs, buzzers, thermal paste, SSRs, Arduino Megas, Custom cables, Custom LEDs, Power connectors.
The list below indicates what I have received.
Please don't edit this list as it contains payment information. If you have paid and it is not indicated on the list, wait a few days. I will try to update it regularly. Thanks Everyone!
1. Lael (x2) - paid
2. natdene - paid
3. Belter - paid
4. gap - paid
5. kingy - paid
6. barneey - paid
7. ArnieW - paid
8. The Judge - paid
9. bowhunterslodge x1 - paid
10. tateg - paid
11. LiquidCurrency - paid
12. rafinus - paid
13. crazyhorse - paid
14. marksy (x 2) - paid
15. JB - paid
16. Oggie
17. Masters Brewery - paid
18. Cervantes -paid
19. brewart - paid
20. sipahono -paid
21. BobCharlie - paid
22. jubilakka - paid
23. CoxR - paid
24. Capnk - paid
25. breakbeer - paid
26. Oneeye - paid
29. Screamadelica - paid
30. Neo04 - paid
31. claypot - paid
32. Jase - paid
33. slyt - communicated
34. lynchman x 2 - paid
35. Bigbern - paid
36. the boy from tas - paid
37. stux - paid
38. Shaunous - paid
39. jonasbegood - paid
40. vooharmy - paid
41. Tassiehopper - paid
42. buggybouy - paid
43. Misterwilson - paid
44. matteus - paid
45. parktho - paid
46. MrDave - paid
47. jabbos - paid
48. 9finger - paid
49. tommy160 - paid
50. bigmacthepunker - paid
51. nainsook - paid
52. BazzaB - paid
53. zwitter - paid
54. glen - paid
55. kiwisika - paid
56. sluggerdog - paid
57. smokomark - paid
58. SBOB - paid
59. Marc280 - paid
60. Dug - paid
62. Malty Cultural - paid
63. ferg - paid
64. camelbak28 - paid
65. 620rossco - paid
66. Nick R - paid
67. bowhunterslodge x2 - paid
68. Seemore - paid
69. Eucyblues - paid
70. Wort - paid
71. Mar5T - paid
72. Rambo - paid
73. lynchman x3 - paid
74. LarsjohanS - paid
75. fortmonty - paid
76. zappa - paid
77. Pugwash - paid
78. Catcher - communicated
79. Syd - paid
80. Mardoo - paid - (clear unknown price unpaid)
81. BlueMutt - paid
82. sik - paid
83. AndrewF - paid
84. northernbrewer - paid
85. dropbear85 - paid
86. niftinev - paid
87. bungelbear
88. Drunk Az - paid
89. freelander2002 (x2) - paid
91. Guysmiley54 - paid
92. Crozdog - paid
93. conjob - paid
94. Chris_O - paid
95. Brendrage - paid
96. Guidos - paid
97. madhomebrewer - paid
98. CoW77 - paid
99. MarketLane - paid
100. mojonojo (parts) - paid
Details about this kit if you want to know more:
Hi Everyone,
The costing came out to $245AUD per kit + $15 postage (AusPost express) once all the parts and exchange rates are accounted for.
If you haven't seen this post:
http://aussiehomebre...46#entry1251289 It has more details on pricing etc.
If you are outside Aus, the kit is almost exactly 1.5kg, which means that the calculation needs to be for 1.5-2kg to allow for packaging (appx 150/200gr I think). If you are international, the price is $245+Intl postage+$5 for packaging materials. Go to:
http://auspost.com.a...calculator.html and select Overseas (parcels) and check out weights. Generally better value can be had by combining weight - eg: 2 kits =3-3.5kg and usually makes shipping cost per kit half.
I've put together a quick (actually, it is 30mins...) video showing what is included and how it all goes together so if you are trying to figure out what is included and how difficult / easy it is, give it a watch. It is so beautifully simple to put together.
Take a look: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EdKQ31dLl28
If you are ready to pay - the information you need is here:
Based on the first survey I did, I'm looking at getting heating elements and stainless plates to make the build process easier. So there is a quick survey about that. The only question you have to complete is the one saying - Yes I will be responsible for the kit I build, not Lael (basically - you build it, you are responsible for it). Once you submit that, you'll get account details to put the money into, and I can start ordering parts! (I'll actually wait a little until we get enough people paid for this to go ahead). I'll add payment status to the above list once it starts coming in.
A BIG Thank You! to Austin and the Admin crew for giving me supporter status to allow me to handle all the messages coming through. Super appreciated!