If it's anything like the original Brauduino that I have the accuracy will be around -/+ .25 degreesMardoo said:Sweet! What did you say the accuracy was? Sounded like a couple degrees but I'm thinking it must be more accurate than that.
lol - yeah, I knew that was going to be picked up when I watched the video again. So the accuracy on the DS18b20's are around .25 degrees up to 85C. Over 85C they don't give any guarantees (I swapped around the comment when I made it - above 85 it can be up to a few degrees difference), though I've found them to be accurate within a degree or so on all the controllers I have... honestly... at 100... 101C vs 100C boil... meh.Mardoo said:Sweet! What did you say the accuracy was? Sounded like a couple degrees but I'm thinking it must be more accurate than that.
hey breakbeer - no forgiveness required at all. Christmas is a busy season for everyone! Great to have you on board!breakbeer said:If it's anything like the original Brauduino that I have the accuracy will be around -/+ .25 degrees
I finally managed to make the payment just now, I know I said it would be a couple of weeks ago, but truth is I over spent during the festive season. Mainly on beer, so I'm sure you can forgive/understand
I would imagine so. I'll still officially recommend a fanStux said:So, I wonder if the heatsink will be able to handle a single 15A without a fan then. afterall you were dissipating the Heat of 20A
Great to hear Pirate! I'm the same way. I've got a few spare controllers laying around now lol.Pirate323i said:Looks fantastic Lael!
(Very jealous! Unfortunately(!?!) my older kit of yours is doing too good a job!!!)![]()
I don't think so. CPU heatsinks are routinely up around that temp. Or... Were around P4 days. If you are uncomfortable with it you can stick a silicon o ring between the heatsink and the fan. Tapped holes are M4. You also need to remember the heatsink will be a LOT cooler with active cooling (given the same load). With a higher amperage I would guess an actively cooled heatsink will still be cooler than 65. I haven't tested this.breakbeer said:Hi Lael,
Reckon there'll be any issue attaching a plastic fan to a heatsink that reaches 65 degrees?
Also, what size are the pre drilled holes?
I'd recommend a couple of these:Brendandrage said:Ok I'm a ******* when it comes to electrics, and while I will build a new brau clone to suit the new controller in the mean time I want to add 2 elements to my existing 80 litre pot. My question is what size elements should I use so I can use them with the controller and where can I get them?
What size is your pot and what size is your mash pipe?Brendandrage said:Ok I'm a ******* when it comes to electrics, and while I will build a new brau clone to suit the new controller in the mean time I want to add 2 elements to my existing 80 litre pot. My question is what size elements should I use so I can use them with the controller and where can I get them?